Thursday, June 24, 2010

About politics

 When Bush was in power, the democrats constantly were on the offensive. Every freakin day it was how awful he was, how we were losing our freedoms, bla bla bla ... They lost all credibility with me because they were just always attacking. it gets to where its just too much and you get tired of hearing it,.. most of it wasnt true anyway.

So now , the other side is in power. Republicans are constantly on the offensive. Every freakin day it was how awful he was, how we were losing our freedoms, bla bla bla ... They lost all credibility with me because they were just always attacking. it gets to where its just too much and you get tired of hearing it,.. most of it wasnt true anyway.

THIS is the biggest threat to america that we have ... political bickering. when will some new parties arise and show actual leadership? actual answers? ...  about all either side can say is .. well at least we are not as bad as those guys..  There  really isnt any difference in the two sides, Its just a con game to try to get you to choose sides. Its just a smokescreen to keep you from seeing how bankrupt they are..


  1. If you haven't seen the Football Stadium!
    You should go look!
    Yeah, it was built with the hard earned taxpayers money!
    But, it will be there for years and Generations to come for them to use and enjoy and its not a waste!
    So, the question that has to be asked?
    What kind of Society are we building today for tommarrow?
    Sometimes it takes abandoning the old and worn out Policies and Programs to build new hopes and dreams!
    Those new ideas and the solutions to many of Todays problems will come as the result of letting go of the old!


    That doesn't mean destroying Capatilism and embracing Socialism! Like some people want to do today!

    It means letting go of the things that don't work and replacing them with new ones! Maybe a bunch of little ones in Place of the Big ones that got too BIG!

    Maybe it means returning power to the States instead of centralizing it in Washington!

  2. "Its just a smokescreen to keep you from seeing how bankrupt they are.." On this point, I think all agree. (or most, except the dyed in the wool dems or repubs) BUT, I fear that the ones in power begin to make rules & laws that WE have to live by. (even if they are bankrupt, it doesn't make the laws they pass any less potent)

    CASE IN POINT: These clowns are about to pass "financial reform" that will affect us far longer than the folk that pass it will be alive.

    PLUS: The Brilliant Senator Dodd says: "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works..." Bankrupt is right. Unfortunately we are being governed by the bankrupt, and they are bankrupting me.
    I wish there were a better country to move the rate D.C. is going there may be better places in the days to come.

  3. Well its one thing to re-distribute profits or wealth!
    But distributing or redistributing debt - is redistributing FAILURE!

  4. the whole dem and repub. thing has been played to death, what we have are many who are morally bankrupt representing us in congress. There have been communists in our government since the fifty's, and, for those who are willing to research it, we have a group of communists running our government under obama. If you don't want to study what our REAL HISTORY IS, then just keep on with the bickering as usual. and time will prove that our country has slipped into the hands of those who wish do our freedoms harm!!!

  5. "THIS is the biggest threat to america that we have ... political bickering. "

    Then, as if on cue, came 7:06, 7:35, 8:19, and 2:28. It almost makes me hope for the unlikely in 2012 so I don't have to listen to the rwnj anymore.

  6. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.
    Daniel Hannan

  7. The good news is that, according to the Obama administration, the rich will pay for everything. The bad news is that, according to the Obama administration, you're rich.
    P. J. O'Rourke

  8. The really bad news that skirts all these opinions is that our nation functions off of debt. If we were to somehow eliminate national debt, it would decimate our economy.

    I magine an economy where no one makes money off of money. We would be net zero and economically solvent but commercially stagnant. We need national debt to generat wealth. Grab an old HS Economics text book and read through it.

    We are hollering about the foundation of our nation's economy for 200+ yrs. Stop regurgitating what you read in the magazines and hear on the news. They are bankning on the fact that you would rather them explain it to you than to read and learn on your own.

    Even quoting people is a manner of embracing that person's philosophy as your own doctrine.

    The moral abyss that has gripped our nation more accurately lies in the fact that we place more confidence in the "KNOWN" morally corrupt institutions than we do in the Word of God.

    Our nation has never had more contempt for Christianity than it has now. Politicians, void of fear or reverence for the living God, have now essentially taken up residence in church pulpits to speak things they KNOW are not true, to slander names of good people for political gain and to pledge economic frugalities that have no intention of upholding.

    We believe them and scoff in suspicion of the clergy who attempt to care for yoru souls. We have made the pulpit expedient to those who promise immediate comfort in this life and have vacated it for those who would dare to argue that you ought be more ooncerned about what might happen after this life is over.

    Maybe, every blogger ought to go through this exercise before they get on here complaining. Get a daily news paper - any one will do - read through the obituaries for the day (just for that day alone) and then offer your criticisms and opinions from the relevance they have to those whose names you just read.

    It's the fact that we think comfort and expediency is a right to all of us that keeps us jumping from one political promise (and promiser) to another. One day, we too will be listed on the obit page.

    What will Bush, Clinton Obama or Reagan have done to impact that? More importantly, what will you have done relative to that moment?

    Psalm 20:7
    Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

  9. Psalm 20:7
    Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

    You can't be a Christian Nation and be in bondage through debt to other non-christian Nations! (Just like in the days of Moses those in bondage adopted the other beliefs of their captors!)

    You can't adopt the World View and keep your eye on God's view of the world!

    You can't have or worship the IDOL of money above the God of the Bible!


    You can't remove the Ten Commandments and all things that are Godly through separation of Church and State from the Government! Then call yourself a Christian Nation! (Where man's laws are more important than God's laws!)

    Who then will be left to call on the name of the LORD!

  10. I call on the name OBAMA. He is my savior. He is taking this country to the utopia that we could only dream about before. Where the rich will no longer be able to walk all over the poor. We will all be equal under the governments power. Glory be to OBAMA.

  11. Yall are making my point beautifully.

  12. Although the quote has been simplified a bit, it does essentially reflect a statement made by Margaret Thatcher during an interview with joutnalist Llew Gardner for Thanes Television's This Week program on Feb. 5, 1976.

    Thatcher said:

    Q. There are those nasty critics, of couse, who suggest that you don't want to bring down the Labour Party at the moment. Life is too difficult in the country, and that...leave them to sort the mess out and then come in with the attack later... say next year.

    A. I would much prefer to bring them down as soon as possible. I think they've made the biggest financial mess that any government's ever made in this country for a very long time and Socailist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people's money. It is characteristic of them. They then start to nationalize everthing, and people just do not like more and more nationalisation, and they're now trying to control everything by other means. They are progressively reducing the choice available to ordinary people!

  13. Do your theological homework. Christians are Chirstians depsite their surroundings and circumstances. Chrsitianity is not and has never been a political party.

    politicians killed the Messiah because his message transcende their imposed order. It was not socialism under the Roman Empire BTW.

    I might be inclined to consider as valid you position if Chrsitians were in control of the government and were enacting policies that were not honorable to the Most High God.

    You were wrong. The Isrealites had things imposed on them. It was their holding out for hope and faith in God that moved Him to effect the Exodus. The backslider may take on the ways of the world but the believer remembers that we are in but not of this world.

    So maybe you are only sharing YOUR proness to take on the ways of the world in which you live. Perhaps that is why you infer your Christianity but use the veil of anonymity to hurl unkind insults toward anyone who won't acquiesce to your insistent views. You are part of a mean world so you feel it is ok to be mean - can't hold onto to your Christian faith despite the influences to be otherwise minded. But speak only for yourself, please.

    18Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

  14. I pretty much agree with the last post.
    An interesting thing is this ... in the early days of Christianity, when Paul was writing his letters that make up most of the new Testament, Christians were being burned at the stake, crucified, robbed of all their possessions by roman soldiers, and what does Paul say ...
    he says, submit to those in authority, pray for the leaders, love those who persecute you.

    Does that fit conservative ideology today?
    Does it fit modern day Christianity?
    something to think about?

  15. Christians were being burned at the stake, crucified, robbed of all their possessions by roman soldiers, and what does Paul say ...
    he says, submit to those in authority, pray for the leaders, love those who persecute you.

    Well they are being be-headed in Africa, beaten, imprisoned an killed elesewhere in the world Today.
    Just not in America!


    Does that fit modern day Christianity?

  16. The problem with mixing religion and politics, is that religion gets stained in the process.
    Conservativism and liberalism are not biblical concepts by any means. Neither would be supported biblically as a world view.
    For that matter, capitalism and socialism are not biblical ideas either.

    The problem is, people realize how to use words and ideas. Before you know it, the people start pushing political ideology as though it were biblical, and people buy into that without studying it.
    Its like the book 1984.

    As I have said. The biggest threat facing america is political bickering. The biggest threat to christianity is mixing it with politics.

    Maybe I will do some writing comparing both parties to what the bible actually says.

  17. JJ,

    The religious persecution of Christianity in America is all about the politics!

    Government removing/replacing or becoming God!

  18. Maybe I will do some writing comparing both parties to what the bible actually says. .....Good luck with that. Neither one has anything to do with the Bible. The Blues and the Reds...the real dyed in the wool ones don't care about right, wrong or sin. They only care about the party line. even pushing their own conscience aside.

  19. Here's an example of politics right down to the local level:

    I know of a young couple who have chlidren - one of their daughters goes to Public School!

    The teachers want to put her on Ritalin to make her mind better in School!

    Her father is not going along with their plan!

    I haven't kept up with the situation so I cannot say how it turned out!

    I would guess that if it didn't get resolved to the satisfaction of the teachers? They might have to look for another alternative like a Christian School or Home schooling!

  20. 7:45 well said. I think any thing I did on that would reflect what you said.

  21. JJ, the biggest threat to this country isn't political bickering... Its the millions of Americans who are tired of political bickering and have been ignoring anything that comes out of washington... We the people have to stay strong and stay informed... for we are supposed to be the most powerful check and balance on the government.

  22. good point 3:27. I am one of the ones who are sick of it and have no faith in D.C. to make decisions in my best interest. BUT, just when you get apathy and don't vote, you wind up with what you got up there now. A vile left-wing group who somehow have convinced themselves that government knows best. "spread the wealth around" is very telling if you think about it. Trouble is...this stuff has already been tried. More than a few times. It NEVER has worked. Now, in our waning days of power, because of apathy, we've let the fox guard the henhouse. I don't think the Republicans have the best answers either. But, at least they SAY they want you to keep your money. (So they say) I've had enough. Beam me up Scotty. :)

  23. weak minds seldom find anwsers through bableing
    Obama is a joke now lets all quit laughing and get to work

  24. ????
    Wtf r u talking about? Weak minds ONLY find answers thru "babeling."

  25. What is up with the buckling sidewalk between the Southern Baptist Church and the funeral home?

  26. Is that my good friend Doc Holliday complaining about the sidewalk? Any thoughts on Tiarht v Moran?


    this shows why i'm fed up with politics. Shameless. Congressman is saying we should pass the DISCLOSE act so that Republicans won't get elected. 52 seconds. He wants to use the law to stop the other party. Amazing

  28. @7:45 - Actually, the Bible says a lot about both parties in as much as it deecries excesssive consumerism and exploitation, and doing whatever you need to do for personal gain, everyone else be damned. Neither party is lacking in this area...

  29. Read the book of Amos. Seems to have a lot to say about both parties...

    Amos 2:6 This is what the LORD says: "For three sins of Israel, even for four, I will not turn back [my wrath]. They sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Amos 5:11 Therefore because you impose heavy rent on the poor And exact a tribute of grain from them, Though you have built houses of well-hewn stone, Yet you will not live in them; You have planted pleasant vineyards, yet you will not drink their wine.
    Amos 5:12 For I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great, You who distress the righteous and accept bribes And turn aside the poor in the gate.
    Amos 8:6 So as to buy the helpless for money And the needy for a pair of sandals, And that we may sell the refuse of the wheat?"
