Friday, June 11, 2010

Some bible studies: Entering God's Rest

Here is a link to some bible studies about entering Gods rest, The Sabbath rest,.
These are published on another site. I would appreciate your going there. You can discuss the articles here or leave a comment there.

I too will be taking a bit of a sabbath myself. Ill be gone again, about a week.


  1. Hey James, it looks like your "Little Mexico" idea is getting closer all the time. Now Americans have been told not to go into the bottom part of Arizona at the national park because we have basically given it to Mexican drug smugglers. You good people on here won't believe this is happening in America:

  2. The section of the Buenos Aires Wildlife Reserve that is closed is south (the "bottom part"?!?lol) of Garcia Road. Approximately 3 miles. It was closed and has remained closed since October, 2006. Funny, how the outrage is just coming out now. This is just another politcal ploy by the right.

  3. This is just another politcal ploy by the right.
    June 16, 2010 11:06 PM

    No, its probably more like a reaction to a more hostile environment as the result of an inactive Federal Government on both sides of the political asile and an new economic reality!
    Both who are broken and going Broke!
    Too bad there is NO leadership on either side of that Border!

  4. A ploy by the right? Just because something is just coming to light does not make it a "ploy" that people are angry about it. I, for one, just found out that part of America is now off limits to Americans, simply because the federal government would rather give it to the Mexican drug and human smugglers rather than grow a pair and push these scumbags back across the border. In my mind, I don't care which President is behind the gutlesness, it would (and does) make me mad. I hated the way Bush handled illegal immigration, and I hate the way Obama handles it now. But to put signs (in English only) telling Americans that part of America's National Park, paid for by our tax dollars, is now off limits because the Mexican drug smugglers now own it is DISGUSTING. And for you to try to turn this into a right vs left issue and spin it so it's some "ploy by the right" is equally disgusting. We are being invaded daily by drug smugglers and illegal aliens, but you seem to be okay with it because Obama is YOUR President. That kind of blind following of anyone is dangerous and stupid.

  5. Obama is the one who stopped the building of the fence. Even if has been closed since 2006, Obama stopped the solution since taking office. Send troops to take back our land from these thugs!

  6. Of course, shoring up the border would rid the United States of thugs. Do your research and identify what has been one of the fastest growing employment sectors in the nation. See how many new prisons expanded prisons have been built since the 1980s.

    Even though President Obama was just a teenager, I presume he played some role in breaching border control for the US. Sometimes these posts are so dense.

  7. Obama has certainly inherited many of the problems that are current today in our Country and Society! Maybe even the World!
    But, He can't seem to realize that the answers to those problems cannot be found in solutions that haven't worked here or elsewhere!
    The answer to the Mexico situation lies in Mexico not the U.S.!
    To think otherwise is simply to prolong the current situation of a corrupt Government and a suffering/desperate/manipulated people!
    For the U.S. to attract those people through the false hope and/or promises as done through
    its programs or entitlments?
    Only increses the current problem or trend of the U.S. not meeting its obligations to own citizens!

    Mexico needs to be held accountable - and Obama with his current agenda and administration probably aren't the players to GET R DONE!

    There is no reason that Mexico couldn't be a modern Nation! Safe for its Citizens and a viable working partner with the U.S.
    Both Coutries could benefit from its transformation!

    Sorry Hillary,
    Arizona has every right to determine their destiny as a State!
    If their law is "Fair" and designed to protect their State/citizens both materially and economically?

    Isn't that what laws are supposed to do?

    Maybe even protect them from Politicians and their own agendas!

  8. Arizona and Jan Brewer should be commended for taking the steps that our government REFUSES to take to close our border. We cannot maintain a system of laws when our government continues to let illegals pour across our borders. While it's true that if Mexico were a better place to live, they would not need to come here, that does not mean we have to allow them to come. Build a fence. Build a wall. Hire more Border patrol. Hell, we've already seen that money means nothing to the Obama administration, why not throw some at the border? Afraid of losing the latino vote?

  9. Bravo SG... The truth comes out. Most politicians are afraid of losing that minority vote.

  10. But he doesn't want to turn it into a political thing...especially when it reflects poorly on his side.

  11. Obama will try to pass Amnesty.. Oh excuse me, I meant to say "Immigration Reform", before November, because he knows he won't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting it done after that. I don't think he has the votes to get it done before that either, but we saw the way he was able to bride and threaten and manipulate to get the votes to pass Obamacare, so I wouldn't put anything past them at this point. What a scary time it is to be an American!

  12. Be brave, son. It'll be OK.

  13. Be brave, son. It'll be OK.

    Let's Play a Little Game of Q&A

    Q. Do we need to stimulate housing?

    A. No we have a glut of housing. We have massive shadow inventory on top of that.

    Q. Does housing typically lead every expansion out of recession?

    A. Yes, it does. So we do not need to add to the housing glut.

    Q. Do we need more commercial real estate?

    A. No, and we do not need any more Pizza huts, Home Depots, Lowes, Restaurants, strip malls, nail salons or any other such projects banks normally lend to.

    Q. Do we need more public workers at the city, state, or municipal level?

    A. No, we surely do not. Public pension plans and public union salaries have bankrupted cities, counties, and states. We need to get rid of public workers and reduce benefit levels to match private sector.

    Q. Do we need more roads programs?

    A. Didn't we just try that? It did not work either, did it? All it produced was a flurry of activity that died as soon as the handouts stopped. Just as with housing, there is a limit to how much demand can be brought forward.

    Q. Did we get our money's worth for those programs?

    A. Absolutely not. Money was thrown around without regard to cost, instead focusing on how quickly it could be spent. Much of the money was wasted.

    Q. Are we going to "Drill Baby Drill"?

    A. Hardly

    Q. Does making schools and government buildings more energy efficient make any sense?

    A. Of course not. The expected payback on those programs is negative.

    Challenge to Krugman and Calculated Risk

    If you want jobs, name a jobs program that makes fiscal sense.

    I suggest it cannot be done. Yes, demand can be brought forward, but only for so long. Housing starts indicate housing is headed back to the gutter. Thus those housing tax credits were a waste of money.

    The problem is debt, at every level (personal, corporate, government). Worse yet, that problem comes at a time when boomers have not saved enough for retirement and pensions promises are coming to the forefront.

    Rising taxes to pay for those public pensions is not the answer. Moreover, students fresh out of college with no job and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt are delaying family formation, and family formation is one of the keys to economic expansion.

    Those clamoring for "jobs, jobs, jobs" never bother to explain what happens when the stimulus runs out. It ran out in the 1930's as well. Krugman mistakenly blames that small amount of tightening for sinking the US back into deflation.

    The reality is stimulus money always runs out and priming the pump is nonsense. Japan has proven that in spades. What brought the US out of deflation was WWII.

    This may sound like the "broken window fallacy" and it is in aggregate. However, the US was the one country that did not have its productive capacity destroyed in the war, and that coupled with the start of the baby boom, led the world recovery.

    WWII was one hell of a price to pay. Let's all hope it does not take war to solve the issue this time.

    In the meantime, the problem is debt and as Japan has shown, and Greece after that, with more countries like Spain waiting on deck, it is impossible to spend one's way out of a debt problem.

    Fix the Structural Problems

    Instead of "jobs programs" per se, we need to fix the structural problems: Unsustainable pension promises and government wages, debt at every level, corporate tax policies that encourage jobs to move overseas (deferral of taxes on profits held overseas and excessive corporate taxes in the US), and the entire tax and spend structure at every level, especially the public level.

    If we address the structural problems, jobs will eventually take care of themselves.

    Read more:

  14. Both are fools but the old fart finally woke up from his slumber while Krugy will go to his grave clutching onto Keynesian dream.

  15. In 2006, the Bush Administration closed off a five-square-mile stretch of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge to the public to allow the Border Patrol to improve security. Owing to mission creep of sorts, this section stayed closed. And how does Fox interpret this? That President Obama is giving vast stretches of land back to Mexico.

    Biased journalism is one thing. Propaganda, even, is one thing. This transcends those categories into something else altogether: blatant, intentional, pants-on-fire falsehoods designed to deliberately mislead an audience that is already primed to believe them.

  16. The story is not JUST that the park is closed, but that the Sheriff of that county is LITERALLY BEGGING for help from the government to take that area back from the drug smugglers. If you had watched the video you would see that the Sheriff said Obama had stopped the security improvements (IE the fence being built), and now they cannot maintain control of that area. IMO, no matter who closed it and what has or has not been done up to this point is irrelevant. What needs to be done today is to take back that area of land that has been turned over to the drug runners and build a fence to stop them from coming across. But you will not see that happen because Obama is pandering to the hispanic vote, just as Bush did. How many Arizona citizens have to be killed by these scumbags before something is done about it? Used to be if a person from another country crossed a nation's border and murdered and innocent citizen of another country, that would be an act of war. Today it is totally ignored so we can have politics as usual on capitol hill.

  17. What is politics as usual, is that FOX and other republicans tried to slant it the way they did.

  18. FORTUNE -- Unless you spend all your time looking at GDP figures, the $58 trillion global economy is almost too big to fathom. In a famous 1995 article in Prospect magazine, the British writer Nico Colchester attempted to make this immense figure more manageable by imagining the world economy as 26 Italys. Italy, he thought, was a convenient unit of account (back then its economy was worth roughly $1 trillion). Besides, all of us sort of know what Italy looks like and makes. As an economy you can picture it.

    The world has moved on, the global economy has grown, and these days Colchester's analogy feels a little Eurocentric. Let's update his idea and give it an American twist: Think of the world economy, very roughly, as 32 Californias. (California today is about $1.8 trillion strong.) The U.S. accounts for eight of them; the European Union plus Switzerland and Norway, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand make up another 10½. Prosperous Asia -- that's Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore -- gives you another 3½ Golden States.

    That already gets us to 22, meaning the rest of the world -- the BRICs, the whole Islamic world, including its oil-rich states, most of Southeast Asia, all of Latin America, and Africa -- is the equivalent of 10 Californias, with China accounting for about a third of that output.

    Now let's divide the world another way: The population in the first group of wealthy countries is about 1.1 billion, or 16% of the world's total. The rest of the world is home to 84% of the planet.

    This enormous disparity between the distribution of the world's population and its economic wealth has led to two distinct arguments. First there is the case that global inequality is both wrong and dangerous. It's wrong because we diminish our humanity if we in the rich world allow billions to live stunted and miserable lives when they don't need to; it's dangerous because poverty and disease don't stay confined. When the movement of people, pathogens, and weapons is easier than it has ever been, the resentments, diseases, and grievances of the poor risk making everyone's life miserable.

    The second argument is concerned less with morals and security and more with markets. The pragmatist looks at the world and sees 4 billion producers and consumers whose appetites and ingenuity have not been fully tapped -- sees, in other words, huge opportunities for economic growth and corporate earnings.

    Though these two theses are often advanced by folks who like debating each other -- antipoverty activists and corporate titans, for example -- there's a growing appreciation that they are not in conflict. As University of Michigan Business School professor C.K. Prahalad argued in his enormously influential book The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, first published in 2004, "If we stop thinking of the poor as victims or as a burden and start recognizing them as resilient and creative entrepreneurs and value-conscious consumers, a whole new world of opportunity can open up." The opportunity that Prahalad had in mind, it bears stressing, was not just one for corporations; explicitly, he posited that a partnership between businesses and poor people was a better way of helping the poor than conventional poverty-relief policies.

    From an article on CNN/Money/Fourtune today!

  19. sad fact: most of the people complaining about Obama are the ones who voted for him. lots of us could see what he was. (or wasn't, since he was a virtually unknown and what was known was kept under lock & key by a complicit media) till yet, not one of his college writings or grades are public. who paid for his education? QUESTION:(screaming!) who is President Barack Obama. Does anyone know? QUESTION: Who is the wizard behind the curtain directing it all? yup, lots of people got duped. some people shouldn't even be allowed to vote. "If you make less than $200,000.00 your taxes will not go up one dime." -Barack Obama

  20. The sad fact is probably that Obama and his administration and most of his supporters are anti-business and PRO BIG Government!
    The real shame of their agenda is that BIG GOVERNMENT can't deliver and will only result in the loss of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and the opportunity to achieve based ones own ability and efforts! Not just what the Government allows!
    Maybe you can SAY similar to a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY where decisions are made for you and the Government protects its supporters FIRST!

    Mabe you can say Socialism and then Communism!

    Capitalism = Freedom

  21. Someone had an hour to kill.

    "sad fact:most of the people complaining about Obama are the ones who voted for him"
    If that's a fact, please include a citation.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Someone had an hour to kill.

    Yeah, and I just finished reading the June 28,
    2010 edition of Time magazine!

    The Headline article is The Broken States of America! (More Taxes fewer services)

    In that article it outlines the States and their budget shortfalls! Only 3 states have a surplus!

    Kansas isn't too bad in comparison - until you figure the total population is under 3 million!

    The estimated collective gap between all the U.S. states income and obligations next year is only a measley $55 Billion Dollars!

    Start the Printing Presses NOW!

    P.S. Don't forget those unfunded pensions and the additional expense for medicaid brought to you by way of Obama-care!

    Someone needs to WAKE-UP!

  23. Someone had an hour to kill. hmmm let me think.. you want a citation? Well, since you obviously have been under a rock for the last 18 mos. Where are the 70% approvals? Answer: GONE, since some of the sheeple now realize that they've been had. No matter, they're all too busy watching Idol or Lost to care. You must be a government employee, a journalist, or sucking on the government teat to say...

    Oh, well my hour is done. Talk to me when your taxes are so high that you have no cash left or when "illegal" no longer means "illegal", or when the laws have become so vile that freedom is only a memory that old people have. Mark my words, what these people are doing to U.S.A. may never be able to be undone. We survived stupid presidents before (i.e., Jimmy Carter. Carter wasn't evil IMO, just dumb) but the people in power now, this is different. They hold not to the values of the people. People got duped, plain and simple. When President Obama walks into a room now, he is easily the least qualified person in the room. Never started anything, never raised a family, never met a payroll, never faced any real tough, tough times. Things which make a man. All he can do is talk really, really good. God help us.

  24. "P.S. Don't forget those unfunded pensions and the additional expense for medicaid brought to you by way of Obama-care!"

    This is a tsunami headed for KS. It will be akin to the iceberg that the Titanic hit. Policies enacted by politicians who will be long dead (or in the rest home) will be left for us to endure.

  25. I think the thing that is missing in todays situation is the reality that expansions are followed by contractions! It has always been that way and will continue into the future regardless who is in charge of the Government!
    During periods of contraction the excesses have to be worked off or resolved/corrected!
    It makes no sense to try and force a continued expansion! (Create more excesses where there is already limited demand)
    What makes sense is making better use of what resources you already have - even reinvesting in what already exists! However, there are key opportunities to make significant improvments!

    Ex. This area has a unique situation in that it has two towns with a Airport/Industrial complex half way in between connected by a four lane highway!
    In the eighties that complex employed 8500 workers!
    It already exists!
    In the Midwest things are relatively cheaper than on either coast or in the immediate South and Southwest!
    Why don't we promote the fact that we can be a cheaper and competitive alternative - plus the fact that it already exists - logistically we are centrally located!
    Its time we moved FORWARD!

    There is money searching the world over for some type of real return on investment!

    Why not invest it here!

    We should be cheaper!

    Cheaper land
    Cheaper utilities
    Cheaper wages

    Then don't forget the ones who are here!

    If you look at Winfield's Industrail Park - there is only a few businesses there that weren't local! That park is almost full!

    S&Y Ind.
    BTR Robotics
    Wire Plus
    Webster Engineering
    Cates Supply
    Galaxy Tool
    Coca Cola
    Clocks Medical
    Fluid Kenetics

    Mead Westvaco (Calmar)

  26. @10:28
    "All he can do is talk really, really good."
    LMAO It should be 'well.'

    I could find nothing on pollster that shows "most of the people complaining about Obama are the ones who voted for him."

  27. I hate to jump in the middle of someone else's argument, but maybe the poster you are trying to ridicule meant that IN THEIR EXPERIENCE most of the Obama voters THEY KNOW are now complaining about him.

    Besides, have you seen Obama's poll numbers lately?

    Since he won the election by 52.9% of the vote, and the latest polls show that 62% of people think America is on the "wrong track", and 48% disapprove of Obama's handling of the presidency, I'd say that means that some people who voted for Obama now regret doing so.

    Maybe it has something to do with all the promises he made while campaigning, and has since broken? Maybe it has something to do with him being the most radical president in the history of this country? Maybe it has something to do with the underhanded way he pushed healthcare through using bribes and payoffs and promises, all the while ignoring the will of the people? Maybe it has something to do with him trying to bring a lawsuit against Arizona for stepping up and doing what he is supposed to be doing.. controlling illegal immigration?

    Any one of those is good enough for me. Put them all together and you have the worst president in the history of this country.

    But yeah, I know.. IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT, right?

  28. Thx, SG. I didn't respond because he's an idiot. Maybe a better term: "useful idiot".

  29. I may be an idiot, perhaps because I don't talk "really really good." hahahahahahahahahahahaha
    Yeah, I'M the idiot.

    Hey SG - duh, they're called stats. Ya gotta look into em. Let me help you - Obama got 53% of the vote. Do you think all Americans voted? Probably not (I can't cite the stat so I won't make one up). Good chance that of the 62%, that 2/3 were pubs, and 1/3 were for Hilly. Equally good chance it was the other way around. Equally good chance they were all Obama supporters. Who was polled? Did they vote? Was it a pro-Obama vote, or like mine an anti-McCain vote?
    Pollsters bank on sheeple being short-sighted and narrow-minded. Us "useful idiots" are a bit more discerning.
