Saturday, June 5, 2010


What about PrairieFest
more bands tomorrow.


  1. Went to Prairie Fest yesterday. I was kind of sad, because it looked like this year had great potential. Paris Park is a great location. Entertainment was great. Seems like the number of artists was down, and I REALLY didn't like having to leave the park to visit the food vendors. They were parked on the hot black top, far removed from the action, like they were not a part of the festivities. Also, from what I understand, food vendors were limited with regard to what they could sell, so that they wouldn't compete with the official "Prairie Fest" food court. Next year, bring the food vendors into the park, and allow them to sell whatever they want. More choices and competition would increase choices and possibly lower prices. If Prairie Fest wants to raise money off of food, raise the price of a vendor permit, and stay out of the food business...

  2. Much better than last year!!!

    I did make me wonder as I saw they spent money on some funny things - like wrist bands when it was free to get in, and color printing on the program book they gave out. Maybe these things were donated somehow but seemed like odd uses of money. All the music acts were local or had been hear before from what I could tell which was a let down.

  3. Thanks to all the good people who worked to put this together.

  4. It feels like a social event for a select few and the rest of us are outsiders. The front page pic on brand x speaks volumes to this.

  5. What is prairie fest? I have lived in AC for three decades and have never heard of it. Obviously it isn't all that interesting, or I would have been there.

  6. Prairie Fest is for an elite bunch. The public the patsies they expect to support it. I learned that they were giving out wrist bands as a way of counting attends. Sad when they gave one to my 3 year old, not sure that is a good reflection of attendance when you are only doing that to enflate your numbers.

    I think that this group of 'Surfin' leaders are very proud of themselves and not very involved with the temp of the community they are suppose to serve and asking support from.
    Lastly: There were only 25 plus booths of artists, way down from the days when there where 100 plus, like everything else over the years they priced the vendors out by pretending to be higher and mightier than they were and the vendors showed them by not coming back
    I hope that people will not judge all events in town by this one.

  7. An observation I've made - I don't take Brand X, but I see their front page at my local convenience store - this thing got more coverage than anything in recent memory. So why does Brand X have its nose so far up prairie fest backside? Does somebody work for both places or what?

  8. Well the Bluegrass Festival took years to build to its present day following! As did the Last Run and Arkalala (sp)!
    Spring weather is usually more unpredictable and we are in a down economy!
    But the thing that makes most traditions last!
    Is an undying faithful group of people who don't GIVE UP!
    Keep on trying!

  9. It was well noted that this was the 46th year for this event how long do you think it will be before it is built up?

  10. It may have been slow but they were trying something and something is better than doing nothing! Now if you can't say something nice at least don't be so negative with your comments.

  11. @9:45 and 11:47---Tickets to the kick off party were available for anyone to purchase. So my question is what makes that group elite if anyone could purchase a ticket and go?

    Kudos to all the people that worked hard to provide an event for Ark City! Your hard work is appreciated by my family!

  12. Prairie fest is hardly elite. My family and I go every year when we can.

  13. Maybe it would be better if they had the carnival come to town.

    How could it be a "-fest" without the "house of mirrors" and the "zipper"?

  14. I have heard that elitist type comment before. I dont know where it comes from. I know the people running don't have that attitude.

  15. I think the elite comments come from people who, for whatever reason, are afraid to go out and mingle with others. I have been to prairie fest many times, and never felt like I wasn't wanted. Just the opposite in fact.

  16. Unfortunately people who are lacking self-esteem or somehow other wounded in their mind or spirit seem to sometimes see those things where they are not. The people putting on the Prairie Fest are not just trying to put something on for an "elite" group. They welcome any and all. I feel sure that if you walked up and didn't have $$ for admission or food that someone would step up and get it for you, FREE. I don't go to PF, (doesn't fit my schedule) but, I would. And I'm thankful that someone takes of their time to try & make AC a fun place to live. Thanks! It's too bad that some people see pain when there is none to be had. God help these poor souls to let go of their pain and stop trying to assign it to others who are simply trying to do a community service.

  17. good post.
    that may also be why some people see negative in anything that happens, and its always part of the conspiracy by those in power.

  18. Personally, I had a great time. The venue of Paris Park actually seemed better than Wilson Park if for no other reason than there was more shady areas and a lot more parking available. The different musicians (that I heard) that performed did a great job and with the shady setting for the stage, combined with the wind, made for a very pleasant time. The variety of artists, though not as many as previously, were still very interesting and were all very friendly. Although I couldn't afford their prices, I DID appreciate their art. To all who worked so hard to make the Prairie Fest a success, Thanks!

  19. "Although I couldn't afford their prices"

    One key to the elitist end. Any schmuck with airfare can go to the French Riviera, but they will not get everything out of it as some people there, and they will be looked down upon by those who have a summer place there.

    Yeah, tickets to the pre-party are free, but unless you're in the clique, the most warmth you'll get is a half-hearted smile.

    Those who would turn this into a personal attack (7:22, 8:12) are making blanket statements about a group of people with which they do not associate (surprise). I go, and mingle, and am adept enough to know what a clique is and when i am not in it. Doesn't affect my self esteem, as I don't need a group dynamic to be secure in who I am.

  20. This is off topic but I am not sure what venue I can vent. Tonight, and every night I see many juveniles riding bikes all over the city with absolutly no supervision, some all the way from 8 years to 15 and up. They come at all times of the day AND night. I see them out when the weather is bad, lightning,rain ect.....As a grandparent and a lover of all children, I stopped five of them to remind them the weather was getting bad and they should probably head home. It was dark, totally dark,( no lights or reflectors on their bikes) I explained to them the weather was supposed to be getting bad. I asked them if their parents had called them to tell them about the weather. All I got from them is..... "she don't care". I explained to them that lightning could be very deadly, and they should hurry home. As I drove off they sat in the street, talking in a circle.
    I have come to realize that each generation gets further and further from family life as most of us knew it. Mind you, not all families are like this but too many to count are. Juvenile boys out all hours of the night, on bikes with no lights dodging in and out of traffic. Yet if you hit one of them, YOU are the one that will live with the knowlege you hurt a child. When are parents going to take charge and start parenting? Out of sight out of mind is how many parents try to parent. I know there has to be some kind of ordinance or law about riding a bike in the dark on the city streets.....if not there should be. When listening to the scanner at night I hear all the time on the scanner where juveniles are causing problems with bikes and skateboards at business, churches, and schools and private properties. Isn't that why the city spent so much money on the skate and bike park? To give them some place to ride? Instead, they continue to violate citizens property's. Please don't say I am "picking" on the children. While I do think some of these kids are good kids, they NEED parenting!!! PARENTS!!!! WHERE ARE YOU????????

  21. How could you have stopped them if they were sitting in the street?
