Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Landrush Museum doesn't make final cut

Winners in the 8 wonders of Kansas History were announced yesterday by the Kansas Sampler Foundation. The Landrush Museum in Arkansas City made the list of 24 finalists, but did not make the final eight. Winners were decided by online voting.

Winners were:
1930s Dust Bowl to Gas Exploration, Historic Adobe Museum , Ulysses
Boot Hill Museum/Historic Dodge City
Council Grove, Santa Fe Trail National Historic Landmark
Fort Scott National Historic Site, Fort Scott
Historic Fort Leavenworth , Leavenworth
Historic Fort Riley , Junction City
Kansas Museum of History , Topeka
Kanza Tribe & Lewis and Clark's Independence Creek, Atchison

Museum director Heather Ferguson said in an email
I am very proud to have been in the top 24 out of over 170 museums and historical sites in Kansas that were entered into the contest.  I think that everyone in Arkansas City should be honored to have made the list and that should show us all that Arkansas City has an important story to tell and we should utilize it.
See the full story on the website:
See more about the wonders program at


  1. "I think that everyone in Arkansas City should be honored to have made the list and that should show us all that Arkansas City has an important story to tell and we should utilize it."


  2. Earlier today, the House of Representatives shredded the First Amendment by voting 219-206 to pass H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act.

    the bill next is headed to the senate where it will face agoniseing pressure to defeat it, this is just more back room deals that the Obama admin is making and prepareing to take the voice of the american people away

    I strongly urge you to take a look at this bill go here and watch the news on this bill

  3. For many bloggers to exercise their free speech rights, they would have to jump through the same onerous new hoops as many businesses, nonprofit groups, and even such threats to democracy as your local chamber of commerce. If this sounds like an absurd overreach by one party in power, I invite you to take a look at their government takeover of health care, taxpayer-funded bailouts, and general hostility to private sector economic growth

  4. All fascist and totalitarian regimes fear free speech and do all they can to suppress it. In Venezuela the dictator Chavez, who is admired by the fascistic democrat party, has silenced his critics and imposed the strong arm of socialist totalitarianism to maintain his police state. In Zimbabwe we saw another leftwing hero, Robert Mugabe, whose rhetoric is almost indistinguishable from Hussein’s, usurp power in the name of “hope&change”, “wealth redistribution” and “equality.” Like Hussein, Mugabe blamed white farmers/capitalists for the plight of the people and like Hussein with the auto/financial/healthcare industry he “nationalized” these farms and gave them to his cronies. The results were devastating, much like here in the US. Private property was pillaged in Zimbabwe by a few leftwing criminals and their once bread-basket nation in Africa was reduced to starvation and despair.

    I recently heard some European commenting on their financial meltdown. This person said that Europe is a racist mob of socialist heathens and that only paying them off with bailouts is going to keep them from giving birth to another hitler; basically trying to extort the civilized world. Let the european animals go begging for handouts from the Islamic hordes sweeping their nation; if Europe does devolve into another war it will give reason for the islamists to sweep the decrepit and fearful western europeans into Islamic compliance. European men would look good in a burqa.

    Socialism is burning to the ground worldwide and many Europeans are recognizing this fact. The party is coming to an end; the childrens credit card has been canceled and fiscal accountability looms as the socialist ingrates sob and lash out at the undeniable: there is no free lunch.

    Yet here in America we have deranged leftwing and rino politicians blathering incessantly about how we need to steal more taxpayer dollars before it all comes crumbling down. We need to let it all come tumbling down and rebuild from the ashes of these failed liberal policies. The lesson would have been learned by millions: liberals are monumentally irresponsible and lack any substantive intellect to address critical issues of the day. All they want is power; power where not even the trains would run on time.

  5. Seems like this came up a few years ago. (or a similar version) Last time it created a furor and was soundly defeated. Let's see what happens this time. This affects all...Liberal and Conservative. Hard to imagine anyone in favor of it. Anyone who values free speech anyway.

  6. I believe from day one that names have been taken and THE LIST compiled. This is why sometimes I posted anon. But harrassment from the "Why haven't you registered" crowd caused me to go against my gut instinct which was that some people are not what they claim to be and are more interested in information gathering.

  7. so you want to be a revolutionist???

    When they came to censor the bloggers, I said nothing because I was not a blogger. When they came to censor the internet news sites, I said nothing because I was not an internet news site. When they came to censor fox news, I said nothing because I do not watch fox news... When they came to censor me, there was no one left to say anything.

    the last sentance is what Liberal democrats will be saying when jack boot thugs come to your front door and slit your thoat for talking about the constitution in public

  8. @9:23 History...hmmmm Too bad they don't teach history anymore. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  9. I think Obama is well versed in History and the constitution, he taught constitution Law at Harvard. He is well aware of what he is doing and knows how to bypass the American people that put him in office.

    Its funny i talk to hard core Obama supporters and everything that comes out of thier mouth is (Bush is the one who started it) I say hog wash

    Obama is the end of America as we knew it and now we must prepare for the melt down of the American economy like we have never seen, you have no idea how bad it is going to get.

    When the economy finaly blows over the edge trucking and commercial transportation will end
    > there will be no food in your city
    > there will be me at your door to take your food
    > there will be no fuel no garden seeds from Burpe
    > there will be no one picking up your trash every week
    > there will be no one running your water plant or sewer plant
    > the police i am sure will be protecting their homes and familys
    > we will be under marshal law
    > your 401K is history for real
    > will you be a revolutionist or will you wait and see if thigs turn out the way you want before you join?
    you need to start makeing these decisions now because you will only have one chance to rebuild america before the chinese come in and claim the spoils

  10. @9:40 p.m. Don't look at me...I didn't vote for him.

  11. November will be a turning point in Obama's Presidency. The snake will lose his fangs, and come November 2012 he will lose the White House.

    And Jimmy Carter will have someone to play golf with.
