Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Netherlands Trains

Id like to say I am glad to be home, but ... I really would have liked to have stayed longer. Our trip to the Netherlands was great though, really interesting as always.
It was a bit chilly, and some days were even cold. I didn't like that too much, but it was ok. The one day we went to the beaches it was very cold and windy.

I love the public transportation system, with the buses, trains, trams and all the rest. Even when it doesn't work as it should, it is still pretty cool. We hit a "perfect storm" our second day there with the public transportation system.

First of all, it was the opening day of the World Cup. The cup is being played in South Africa, but you would have thought it was in the Netherlands by the way people were acting. Imagine the World Series and Super Bowl combined and on steroids, and that is a small taste. This is a huge event in the rest of the world.

The whole country was covered with Orange - the national teams colors - posters everywhere, decorations everywhere. And just about everyone had the day off it seems.

We picked a fine day to take a train trip. We got a day pass for the trains and decided to go to a town 100 miles away, and stop at small towns on the way back. We did not know that this town had a major World Cup event scheduled. The stadium - which holds 50,000 for soccer - had set up huge screen TV's and had invited the whole country to come watch, and to attend concerts and associated parties throughout the day. The whole country didn't show up, but it seemed like it. There were thousands of people lined up at the stadium. Our train was crowded, and trains full of people were dropping them off every 20 minutes or so.

We went on about our tourist activities once we negotiated through the mobs headed for the stadium. We took a bus out to a "living museum" where history was on display. I must admit I was underwhelmed. The historical actors were all off - no doubt watching the world cup - so the living history wasnt doing much living.

We took a bus out there, and it was a 45 minute ride. We failed to ask the ticket seller how long the bus ride was or how far the place was. The bus stopped about every block and made many twists and turns. After we got there we met someone who explained to us that the road went straight from there to the city center and was just less than a mile away. So we didn't bother with the bus trip back, and walked 15 minutes back to the train station.

You learn as you go.

People were great though. Most people speak English and are happy to give directions and or advice, and help you figure out the maps and public transportation system.

Then it got worse. The buses were running at least 2 hours late. But The Netherlands had won its World Cup game and everyone was happy and out celebrating in the streets. Many were intoxicated, but they were still a decent crowd.
Someone had jumped in front of the train earlier in the day and that had stopped the trains for a few hours. We were never certain if it was a suicide, or whether it was one event or several events.

So we waited about two hours for the train - and by that time there were thousands of other people also waiting for the train. When they did get rolling we missed a couple chances to get on. The first one had changed platforms and we realized it too late. The second time we were unable to get through the crowd that was forcing itself onto the trains. Finally, we got on the third train, and had to stand in the aisle.

So we got home very late and very tired. The trains didnt go as they should have, but I thought it was a fun experience anyway. Like our son - Eric - says, the trains are designed to work, and when they don't they really don't.

Other days the trains worked just fine and were always on time. We found out that sometimes they come a few minutes early.

They don't always check for tickets. I guess its a money saving measure, but, they only check for tickets at random. You never know when they will check. You buy your ticket and get on and ride. No one checks when you get on. It would be really easy to get on the wrong train.

Also getting from platform to platform is not always easy. You have to go downstairs and back up another set of stairs to get to a different platform.

You could get on and ride without a ticket, but you never know when they will be checking. If you get caught without a ticket it is a heavy fine, so most Netherlands people don't take the risk.

So thats the deal with trains. The downside is you have to go when the trains go, and you have to make other arrangements to go other places.

Lots of walking. A lot of people walk and ride bicycles there. Not very many fat people.

More tomorrow.


  1. Did you get a signed release from all those people in that picture?

  2. Senators Challenge Pres. Obama on Rumors of Executive Order Amnesty
    Monday, June 21, 2010, 4:58 PM EDT - posted on NumbersUSA

    DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano
    Several Senators have learned of a possible plan by the Obama Administration that would provide a mass Amnesty for the nation's 11-18 million illegal aliens. Led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), eight Senators addressed a letter to the President asking for answers to questions about a plan that would allow DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to provide an amnesty if they can't secure enough votes for a bill in the Senate.
    The letter that was sent to Pres. Obama earlier today asks the President for clarification on the use of deferred action or parole for illegal aliens. The executive actions are typically used in special cases and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but if 60 votes can't be secured in the Senate to pass a mass Amnesty, the Administration may use the discretionary actions as an alternative.

    Here is the text of the letter signed by Sens. Grassley, Hatch (R-Utah), Vitter (R-La.), Bunning (R-Ky.), Chambliss (R-Ga.), Isakson (R-Ga.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), and Cochran (R

    Dear President Obama:

    We understand that there’s a push for your Administration to develop a plan to unilaterally extend either deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens in the United States. We understand that the Administration may include aliens who have willfully overstayed their visas or filed for benefits knowing that they will not be eligible for a status for years to come. We understand that deferred action and parole are discretionary actions reserved for individual cases that present unusual, emergent or humanitarian circumstances. Deferred action and parole were not intended to be used to confer a status or offer protection to large groups of illegal aliens, even if the agency claims that they look at each case on a “case-by-case” basis.

    While we agree our immigration laws need to be fixed, we are deeply concerned about the potential expansion of deferred action or parole for a large illegal alien population. While deferred action and parole are Executive Branch authorities, they should not be used to circumvent Congress’ constitutional authority to legislate immigration policy, particularly as it relates to the illegal population in the United States.

    The Administration would be wise to abandon any plans for deferred action or parole for the illegal population. Such a move would further erode the American public’s confidence in the federal government and its commitment to securing the borders and enforcing the laws already on the books.

    We would appreciate receiving a commitment that the Administration has no plans to use either authority to change the current position of a large group of illegal aliens already in the United States, and ask that you respond to us about this matter as soon as possible.

    The time has come to do your part as an american join Numbers USA and send your faxs for free to the president and your congressmen

  3. Way to stay on topic, moron.

  4. i think he was reporting some significant news,, something this web site seldom produces, this report even scooped most national news channels and all local outlets

    most morons never read the news but often have negitive things to say to others

  5. There was no indication that such a plan exists, only that republicans would object to it if there were such a plan. Im not sure what "parole" means. That isnt the same thing as amnesty. Story didn't make much sense to me.

  6. If you don't think this is important, then... Sure it kind of hijacked the subject, but then so the 1st (numero uno) post out of the starting blocks on here. "...only that republicans would object..." WHTF!! you mean ONLY Republicans would object... talk about moron. Sure, probably is a trial balloon, just trying to test the waters. Which is the way of D.C. in difficult matters to see just how much the public will stomach. On this one, IF they did, I fear there would be mass chaos... I trust it is just that... a trial balloon. Make no mistake, if they could, they would do it in a heartbeat. Since they will never have the votes to do it the right way.

  7. Cmon, they made it very clear their intent and are just looking for a way to push their agenda (any way possible) - don't bat an eye or sneeze while that group is in the White House!

    Oh and while were at it - those unfunded Public pension plans must be dealt with -
    Why don't we just have a Universal Government Retirment Plan?
    Make it exactly the same for everyone?

    Great idea Barry - NOT!

  8. I wish republicans would realize, they sound just like the democrats did when bush was in office.
    like i used to tell the liberals.
    your guy lost the last election, get over it.

  9. I wish republicans would realize, they sound just like the democrats did when bush was in office.

    Well JJ,

    You made a good Point!
    We have gotten so far away from Individual responsibility/accountability and creating/determining our own destiny!
    That we look to Government to make all the decisions and/or provide for us as individuals!


    Government help us to achieve based on our own abilities and efforts!
    Government as a safety net in the event we can't!

    It doesn't matter who controls the White House democrats or republicans! There are more people today who see BIG GOVERMENT as a solution!


    IMHO, It is really SAD!

  10. I was very angry at Bush for his attempts to push amnesty off on American people. The simple fact is that Americans do not want all the illegals to be given amnesty. They want them deported!

    If Obama finds some BS way of bypassing nowmal channels and working amnesty through the back door like the healthcare legislation, I fear a violent revolt will take place in this country. Hell, I might even support a revolt if that happens.

    Can you say "Civil War" boys and girls? It's scary to think about how close we are right now to full blown revolution.

  11. I had forgotten that Bush wanted it too. So, why are the publicans complaining about Obama having the idea when it was really Bush;s idea?
    Just more politics as usual.
    Dont know about the revolution. I dont think ill support it. Mexico is looking better and better.

  12. jj, move to Mexico and then you can be like all the rest there. Have the Illegals send you money along with their family, made here in America. If Mexico is so great why are they all leaving?

  13. Just a wild thought. What if we had open borders. Then they could move here, pay income taxes on their income, possibly even buy houses and pay real estate taxes.
    Would be easier to keep up with who is who as well.

    so sue me, i like mexico. Its a beautiful place. the northern border of mexico is no more the true mexico than the southwestern us border.

  14. proof that you liberals live in a dream world.

  15. jj in case you haven't realized, we have open borders now. In fact we have U.S. soil closed to Americans because of the Mexican drug cartel. Get a life, and close our borders to the Illegals. If they want to come here the right way is one thing, but to come here by marching across our border is another.

  16. This latest row is not just that President Obama wants "comprehensive immigration reform". He's made no secret of that. OK, I respect that. President Bush did too. I respected that. (disagreed, but respected) I think the angst is that some think that President Obama might use an executive order to do it. Thereby circumventing any legislative action. Thereby circumventing the will of the people. That's all. I personally like Spanish people. Hard working, respectful, family oriented. (Now not everybody in any culture is like that...I'm speaking in general terms) BUT, that being said, we have laws. We pride ourselves on being a nation of laws. You must do it the right way. Crossing the river in the middle of the night is wrong. We didn't let people in Ellis Island just because someone thought they should. IDK, it's not like we're about to deport a few million people. This is what happens when you put off hard decisions for 30 years. It's a pickle.

  17. "I had forgotten that Bush wanted it too. So, why are the publicans complaining about Obama having the idea when it was really Bush;s idea?"

    Because not everyone bases their feelings on whether a republican or democrat came up with the idea. If it's a bad idea, it's a bad idea. And Amnesty is a very very bad idea!

    Just pass amnesty and watch how many flock across the border illegally to wait for the next time we decide to pass amnesty. It will not be a deterrent.

    And the above poster is absolutely right... if Obama circumvents the legal process and passes "immigration reform" like he did with Healthcare, that will be when the proverbial sh!t hits the fan. This country will tear itself apart.

  18. Can you say "Civil War" boys and girls? It's scary to think about how close we are right now to full blown revolution

    Sometimes you just happen on to overhear or get included in conversations-

    I happened onto some people on their break.
    They were not too far from retirement age and were expressing concerns involving a younger co-worker!
    One said I don't make much money and don't get much if anything back on my tax return!
    But she has kids and got back $8000.00!!!
    Now she is going to get a BOOB job!

    So, no wonder the Church Pews are empty in a world of misplaced priorities and values!

    Where right is wrong and wrong is right!

  19. @8:34 a.m. That happens more than you know. I think it's called "earned income credit". 2 co-workers of mine. One got back $8,000, one child and husband works part-time. (He's had 4 jobs and just can't seem to stay on any) Another with 2 kids by different dads, out of wedlock, and she got back $14,000. Not to mention all the other "freebies" they get. Their kids got better medical care than I do. While I wound up paying all my taxes and still had to write another check at years end. It's enough to make a sane person say: "What's goin on here?" Don't get me wrong, I am NOT against helping people. But, at times I do think: "Where's my help?" Why don't I get $10,000. back from my income tax.

  20. "when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."

    -President Obama

    "Boobs are good.. but, BIG BOOBS ARE AWESOME!"


  21. Two things
    One: Would you rather have the single mom who is working be on welfare instead because she could not afford child care without the credit or whatever its called?
    Two: A lot of what you get back - or not - depends on how you have your deductions set up at work. You can adjust that in many ways. Back when I had a job :) I used to have them take out the minimum amount and so I got nothing back and often had to pay a little. But that was better than giving the government an interest free loan, which is what you do when you set it up to get a big refund. Look into your deductions and have a strategy :)

  22. @1:44
    I think a lot of us lol @ SG. Just not with him.

  23. @3:57 speak for yourself. I don't lol @SG
