Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday, Arkansas City, City Commission

Ok, I missed the Arkansas City commission meeting yesterday. It was a pretty short agenda, but im sure there were some interesting things discussed.
I was chastised by one reader for missing it. Actually I kinda appreciated that, seeing that someone was actually expecting me to be there.

I am pretty sure I will be there Tuesday night. On the agenda for Tuesday is rearranging the schedules for the National Night Out festivities, that always conflict with the first meeting in August.
They should also soon be setting a date for a public hearing on the budget. The current budget proposal keeps everything at the current levels and no tax increases.

Another item is adjusting the ordinance on the number of animals you can keep on your property. Its a minimum per area kind of thing.

Also a contract concerning the Kansas Avenue overpass will be discussed.


  1. "Another item is adjusting the ordinance on the number of animals you can keep on your property. Its a minimum per area kind of thing."--One does wonder how many rules can one group of people pass. Trouble is...the folk who pass the rules that are in place forever are soon voted out, and we're stuck with their "pet peeve". That's why people move. Rules are everywhere, I understand that. Just...let's think before we knee-jerk and pass ANOTHER ordinance. Goodness, I can't remember the last 20 they passed. I think most are forgotten about.

  2. Actually this is just tweaking something already on the books. If you look back, they really dont pass that many new ordinances. Usually its just tweaking them as time passes and new situations arise. (and as the city attorney comes up with things to do.)

  3. What is the proposal for animals? Right now it is 3, but I have seen people with dozens of chickens in their yard and nothing is done about it.

  4. Ever thought about turning in the chickens if you have a problem with it? Might be that nobody official has noticed it.

    That's that "selective enforcement". Where they can only enforce what they are aware of.

    I was also thinking about Mr. Sybrant's complaint in the paper. Apparently he was not aware the area was zoned agricultural. And he wasn't aware of the structural problems until he went inside, then complained about the city not knowing about it. I guess the city is going to have to start inspecting everyone's home, whether they are allowed in or not. They could come anytime, demand entry, and inspect. Or we could leave it the way it is. I wonder which Mr. Sybrant would prefer?
