Thursday, July 1, 2010

Political challenge

Here is a political challenge.
Name an issue where you have changed your mind in the last five years, where you have gone from one side to the other because you have become convinced of "truth" in the matter. What made you change your mind?
Second challenge: If you are a conservative, name one issue where the liberals might be right, and why . Or, if you are a liberal, name an issue where the conservatives might be right and why.

Any takers?
If some of you will answer that, I will give my answers tomorrow.


  1. I switched parties in '05. The modern republicans are destroying what was once a great party.

  2. Just because the GOP isnt what it used to be doesnt mean the dems are any better

  3. Fritz McWhiskerbiscuitJuly 1, 2010 at 1:26 PM

    Okay, I'll play. Just for some background, I changed my voting status from Republican to independent when Bush was in his second term because he wasn't doing things the way I thought they should be done. But Now I would take 10 Bushs over Obama Reid and Pelosi any day. And I plan to change back to Republican to vote this year.

    I have changed my mind on the legalization of marijuana. I feel it should be legalized and taxed so we can use some of that money to fund programs that are hurting. And no, I have never tried marijuana, and still wouldn't even if it were legal.

    The liberals are right when it comes to taking god out of schools. Teach your kids what you want them to know at home and in Sunday school, and don't push your ideas off on others who might be of different religions or none at all.

  4. 1:16 very true.
    Fritz, yes thats what i had in mind. Lets see if anyone else will play.
    Ill have a couple tomorrow.
    I am doing a writing project today and am using this as a distraction.

  5. Been a Repub the whole voting time. Doesn't mean that i agree with or disagree with either side all the time. I started out the way because the people who were around me (parents) voted that way so i did the same.

    legalization of marijuana. I feel it should be legalized and taxed as well. We are clogging up the court systems with personal use cases. I think there should be a min. amount that a person can have and be legal. Making it a medical thing is just asking for people and doctors to bend the rules, so make it the same for everybody. Those that want to will those that don't wont. and that way you can't tell your job that the doctor prescribed it. No break for that if you need medical mj then chances are your not working anyway.

    Teach your kids what you want them to know at home and in Sunday school, I'll go for that but, stop making it a rules that a student can't bring a bible to school, or that they can't have a christian group at school, I am not saying that they have to say a prayer as a class to start the day off but they should be able to if they want to assemble. But i want the pledge said everyday, in school, and the words under God left in. Lastly English first

  6. Sorry,
    But, I don't agree with your stand on Marry J.
    Don't care to work with all those "relaxed" individuals or be out on the street with them any more than with the drunks!

    At this point in time I am probably disenchanted with both parties! (But I oppose Socialism.)
    I think Bush went too far with invading the privacy and rights of individuals as the result of his "War on Terror"!

    So instead we are down to liberals and conservatives! Who can probably be of either party PUBS or DEMS.

    The liberals always go to far with good their good intentions - often it ends with disincentives that reward unwanted behaviors!
    Social programs seem to be the best expample along with entitlements! because YOU OWE ME!

    The conservatives tend to be more in favor
    of you should work or earn what you get in life! Be responsible for your actions and the goal should be to make those opportunities available for all!

    But the problem Today is the basic guidelines for Society have been stretched. The rules we once relied on for a safe and secure Society are'nt so safe or secure!

    Neither party seems to have the answer and with each generation the structure that once held our Society firm gets further weakened!

    You won't find the answer in either party!


  7. Too bad you limit to 5 yrs. However, I grew up with parents and anyone I knew just about being Democrat. I vote Republican usually, though I'm an independent. Actually I think the system as we've allowed it to become is rotten. We need term limits. But, I agree with the basic platform of the Republicans, so I vote usually with them. I'm Christian, so, my conscience will not allow me to vote for a person who tells me they intend to allow, promote, & push the killing of unborn children. (don't give me that rape, incest cr@p either, since only about 1% of abortions are this way) This is a dealbreaker with me. God will judge, but, where I put my vote makes a difference. Marijuana does 2 things to you. (1)makes you dumb (2)makes you lazy Every able body should work. The only peeps that get a free ride are the handicapped & elderly. Look at CA, they got welfare folk using strip club & casino ATM's. Welfare cripples people. I wonder....what did people do 200 years ago without free $$ being handed out monthly? I'm glad I'm an American where we can discuss this without fear of being arrested...or worse.

  8. better check your American rights they are dissapearing faster then a cowgirl and rope a dogie

  9. I have convictions NOT opinions.

  10. thats your opinion.

  11. Grew up in a very conservative republican family.
    Was a teenage republican, college republican, served on the republican town comittee. Voted straight line republican, and did so up untill te last election.

    I held all the "opinions" of the party platform.

    Voted for Obama in the last election, don't regret it, but have become disillusioned, and jaded.

    Have changed my opinion on homosexuality; and right to marriage, abortion, leegalization of marijuana...

    More than anything, three years in seminary have changed the lens through which i view these issues...

  12. "...I'm Christian, so, my conscience will not allow me to vote for a person who tells me they intend to allow, promote, & push the killing of unborn children. (don't give me that rape, incest cr@p either, since only about 1% of abortions are this way) This is a dealbreaker with me. God will judge...,"

    I also am a Christian, and while I don't condone abortion. I believe it must be an avaliable option. More energy, (or at least as much,) needs to be put into ensuring that all children are wanted, loved and cared for, before another child is born to a poor, unwed mother, or a couple addicted to crack or meth, who neither want or have the ability to care for an infant. I have worked in social services all my life, and the abuse against our young that I have witnessed would curl your toes...
    Yes, abortion is evil, but sometimes weare forced to choose between the lwsser of two. And yes, God will judge. I pray that he will judge mercifully....

  13. Yes, abortion is evil, but sometimes we are forced to choose between the lesser of the two.

    I always wondered - why there is often a rush to rescue Children from other countries!

    To adpot and raise them!

    But it is often harder if not impossible to do the same thing here in America?

    God, will judge each and every heart!

    But he can only work through those that love HIM!

  14. "...three years in seminary have changed the lens through which i view these issues..." SHEESH!! What seminary you go to???

  15. "Yes, abortion is evil, but sometimes weare forced to choose between the lwsser of two..." I disagree...lemme see. not negating your difficult job of social work, but to kill the most defenseless of us simply because they will face a difficult life is not sound logic. I for one grew up in one of those homes you mention. I am thankful that my mother and those around didn't feel like you do.

    It is a legtimate question: Why is it that people go the world over to adopt and yet millions are deemed "unwanted" right here in U.S.A.? And then sliced up & thrown in the incenerator. It's a crime against humanity. When I go in that voting booth, that is the strongest statement that 1 person can make. NO. There's always a choice. If you go the road less traveled, I think you just might meet God on that road and maybe, just maybe He might help...

  16. @anonymous 4:13pm - As I said, I believe abortion is evil. It should be the absolute last resort, but I believe it must be an option.
    Thank God you turned out okay, but again, I will tell you with absolute certainity, many do not. Many are never rescued from the poverty and abuse they experience, and learn nothing but how to be abusers, and the cycle continues.

    Which is the greater sin? To abort an unwanted child, or to be a society that allows so many of it's children to grow up in poverty and abuse, both physical/sexual and emotional.

    Do you have any idea what it does to a kid when they know that they were unwanted, and are unloved?

  17. @ 4:13 "If you go the road less traveled, I think you just might meet God on that road and maybe, just maybe He might help..."

    Or, you may suffer years of abuse, physical and emotional hunger, extreme poverty, live in a trailer witout heat, water or electricity, and face a life of addiction to drugs and alcohol, while you abuse your own children.

    It's all well and good to hope Jesus will "help," but for many millions of children around the world, that is not the case....

  18. @ 12:17 "God, will judge each and every heart!

    But he can only work through those that love HIM!"

    First of all, God is neither male or female.
    Second, I refuse to place such limits on God.
    My God is much bigger than that, and much less ego-centric.

    God is God, and I believe God can save whomever God wants.

    Christ died for me while I was yet a sinner.

    The father ran to his prodigal son, embraced him and kissed him, and offered his forgiveness before it was even asked for. That is how I believe God loves all of God's children.

    God tells us to love one another, to turn the other cheek, to forgive 70 x 7 times.

    There are no qualifications, no strings attached.
    God does not say "Forgive those who love you." God does not say forgive those who have atoned for their sins against you." God say "Love your enemies..."

    Why would God require form us something that God was not willing or able to do "himself."

    Does it make any sense that God looked down at humanity and said, "They just don't get it. They are fighting, and killing each other, and treating each other terribly. I'll send my son to live among them and show them how to live a Godly life of grace, mercy, forgiveness, love."

    Does it make sense that when we rejected that message, and that living example, and brutally murdered God's son, that God looked down and said, "Oh, you murdered my son, now all is right. Now you can have eternal life."
    Or does it make more sense to believe that God said, "You murdered my son, but I forgive you, I still love you, there is still another chance, and another chance, and another....

    Wouldn't that be the ultimate example of grace, mercy, forgiveness?

    I believe Jesus came to abolish the old temple system. To say that God does not require sacrifice to get right with "him." Thats to easy. it takes away our responsibility. Sin, kill a dove, all is forgiven. sin, kill Jesus, all is forgiven....

    I believe thats why he overtured the tables in the temple. To say, "offer yourselves as living sacrifices. Rend your hearts, love one another, live justly. If you don't, dont expect that a simple sacrifice will get you right with God....

  19. "Do you have any idea what it does to a kid when they know that they were unwanted, and are unloved?"


  20. Ok, ask a kid like that this question: would you rather have your current level of suffering, or would you rather have been aborted?
    Or ... would you rather live a life of suffering or just die in the womb?

    There was the argument that slaves were better off as slaves ,.. and its true, many blacks starved to death after they were freed, lived in much worse poverty cause they could not get a job and so forth slaves at least they got fed. so .. would you accept the argument that slaves were better off being slaves because they might starve as freemen?

  21. As a child who was adopted at birth, went through adoptive parents divorcing at a young age, step brother and sisters who were mean more often than they were nice, stepparents divorcing, finding out I was adopted as a teenager, having my father die when I was in my 20's, having my wife die when I was in my 30's, I can say that I am very very glad that my biiological mother did not abort me. Even though I wasn't adopted by a rich movie star like Angelina Jolie, I am happy today instead of dead.

  22. @ 12:17 "God, will judge each and every heart!

    But he can only work through those that love HIM!"

    First of all, God is neither male or female.
    Second, I refuse to place such limits on God.
    My God is much bigger than that, and much less ego-centric.


    I have to wonder - if God's judgement will be harsher on those who knew better than on those who didn't!

    The ones he expected to be the examples!

    The ones through which he could have done his WORK!

  23. @1:14pm -"I have to wonder - if God's judgement will be harsher on those who knew better than on those who didn't!"

    - On those who knew better than what?

    "The ones he expected to be the examples!

    The ones through which he could have done his WORK!"

    - Which work are we talking about?
    The work of lulling people into a false sence of security because they have recited a "sinners prayer," or "professed the name of Jesus" with their lips, all the while living as though Jesus never existed, or never taught us to be gracious and merciful. To love one another, and to forgive one another.

    Are we supposed to ignore the fact that Jesus had table fellowship with liars, cheats, tax collectors, adulterers and prostitutes?

    Or, are we called to a life of humility, to a life of justice, and mercy. A life where we love unconditionally, without strings attached?

    Just asking...

  24. Matt: 15: 1-14
    Then some of the Pharisee and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!
    Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, 'Honor your father and Mother' and Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death. But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, Whatever help you might otherwise have recieved from me is a gift devoted to God, he is not to honor his father with it. Thus you nulify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

    "These people honor me with their lips,
    but their hearts are far from me.
    They worship me in vain;
    their teachings are but rules taught by

    Jesus called the crowd to him and said.
    Listen and understand. What goes into a mans mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean."
    Then the diciples came to him and asked. "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?
    He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into the pit."

  25. @3:22pm - Amen.

  26. Hey JJ, thought you were going to chime in on this question?

  27. Ok, ill start a new string with my answer
