Thursday, July 15, 2010


Ok, this one is for you folks who call me a liberal. Im going on a conservative rant here. :)

Today a federal court is hearing arguments on whether Arizona can enforce the law it passed. Here is the link Now, you know I am all for immigration, and all for having as many Mexicans as we can get :) . Im not even really against open borders. But, so many illegals here is a problem and since the feds wont do anything .. the states have to ..
Some other states are joining up with Arizona in defending the law. Here is the link

 I am against the states having their rights denied, the immigration mess we do have, and this means that the liberals often use. There needs to be some common sense applied here.

As open to immigration as  i am, I still cannot see what the problem is with the Arizona law. Im sure we have all been pulled over from time to time. Cops ask things like, where are you from, do you own this car, do you have any drugs etc., ... so what would be the problem with asking are you in this country legally?
The law only says they are to ASK, .. why is that a problem? To follow this to its logical conclusion, why should a police officer be allowed to ask if you have a drivers license? Why should a police officer be allowed to ask you anything?

Ok, some guy who does not look hispanic and has a drivers license is not going to get asked most likely, but that isn't what racism is about.

I also object to the Democrat - liberal - ploy of always trying to get a judge to rule in their favor. You look hard enough, you can find a judge that will say the wordage you want ... and if some favors are passed under the table ... wellllll

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Did you see the story about the Utah group that is passing out a list of illegal immigrants names and such. There is something wrong there though, because the list includes social security numbers. If you are illegal you cannot get a social security number ....

Anyways, be interesting to see how it pans out...


  1. I would have less of a problem with the law if all persons who were stopped were asked to prove their citizenship. The way it stands now, many law abiding, legal, Hispanic Americans are going to be harassed.

  2. How is asking harassment?

  3. differ here. They don't have to be asked. I mean illegal immigrants don't usually have Driver's licenses. I'm asked for that anytime I contact law enforcement. (or I should say when they contact me) This is much hoopla about nothing. I mean Mr. Holder promised a suit before he even read it. (this is documented fact) Secy. Napolitano hasn't read it (or she hadn't when asked on camera) All the AZ law does is mirror what the Fed law already says. This is a joke, and the joke's on us. eh?
    Think. Did you know that Tuscon is the 2nd in kidnappings in the world? How would you like it if you can't let your kid catch the bus alone? Can't let your wife go out alone at night? No more walks in the park or neighborhood. Killings & murders daily all around. How would you feel? The AZ people are just trying to do the best they can to protect themselves, since Uncle Sam can't seem to do it.

  4. This just in: 74% of Americans support the AZ law. But this is not from Fox news. It's from one of the liberal news sites. CBS

  5. I'm begining to believe that the Obama administration, who until know has tried hard to distance itself from race, will now attempt to make race an issue, and use it as an excuse for the failures of the administration. See Michelle's remarks to the NAACP, the NAACP claims against the Tea Party, and the suit in Arizona.

    Obama will now claim through his surrogates that he can not govern effectively because of the deep seated racism that still exists in this country.

  6. he NAACP claims against the Tea Party,
    Did you see where the tea party called the naacp racist. The tea party is rapidly losing any crediblity it might have had.

  7. 9 States now back AZ law.

  8. Just because the NAACP claims it does not make it fact.

  9. @12:49
    Just because the NAACP claims it does not make it fact.

    It cannot be denied that there are racist elements in the Tea Party, but I am certain there are racists in the NAACP as well. Sad truth is, we still have a long way to go from being a color blind society. I just don't want people on either side using racism as an excuse, or for political gain.

  10. "Did you see where the tea party called the naacp racist. The tea party is rapidly losing any crediblity it might have had."

    The NAACP IS racist. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Not advancement of all Americans, not the advancement of Latinos, or Native Americans, or white people. Only "colored" people.

    1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

    Now imagine the NAAWP: National Association for the Advancement of White People. You would sure think that was racist, wouldn't you. How about WET White Entertainment Television, or the miss White America pageant, or the United Caucasian Colleg fund?

    Any group that seperates people by race is racist. Period.

    And the whole TEA party racism claims of spitting and yelling the N word have been proved false. That was liberal lies meant to discredit the tea party. There were dozens of cameras there and all the footage has been reviewed and it shows they lied.

  11. This Republican Tea Party candidate from Oregon sells book comparing Africans to "retarded children" andadvocates dumping radioactive waste into the sea. Your move, Angle.

    If you don't want to link, here's an excerpt - ""By Sheer Pluck", by George Alfred Henty, is set in Africa and features a sympathetic character patronizing Africans as "just like children" and declaring, "the intelligence of an average negro is about equal to that of a European child of ten years old... Left alone to their own devices they retrograde into a state little above their native savagery."

    No, there's no racism in the Bagger movement.

  12. hat was liberal lies meant to discredit the tea party. There were dozens
    I saw the video of them calling people racist, and ive seen videos of them doing it.
    Whether the naacp is also racist is irrelevant.
    tea baggers need to reign in their racist radicals if they want any credibility at all.

  13. Hey 12:22
    Here's a short list of other things that were supported by many Americans at the time -
    -internment camps for Japanese
    -extrajudicial renditions and all the other foreign policy shenanigans the U.S. has been engaging in for the past nine years
    -separate but "equal" schooling
    -most everyone polled after 12/7/41 had no problem locking up west coast Americans who looked oriental
    -anti miscagenation laws
    -slavery was all kinds of popular for a while
    -zoot suits

    Just because something is popular doesn't make it right.

  14. "I saw the video of them calling people racist, and ive seen videos of them doing it."

    videos of people being called racist? What?

    Do you mean video of people being called the N word? At a Tea Party? I would love to see it. Please link to it. Oh that's right, you can't, because it was proved to be a lie. Yes, there are videos of people infiltrating the Tea Party rallies and acting like racist fools, but guess what, many of those people are liberals trying to discredit the Tea Party. They will stoop to any tactics.

    Here is proof:

    those racist signs were given out by a liberal group to discredit the Tea Party.

    Here is proof of the spitting and n word lie.:

    It was national news a few months ago that liberals were trying to recruit people to infiltrate the tea party and give them a bad name. Is there no limit to how low people will sink to keep Obama in office and keep the redistributed money and socialism flowing? And you people who just read the mainstream media or watch Rachel Maddow and believe everything you hear are doing yourself and your country a disservice. Research things a little. Learn the truth before you spout off liberal talking points as if you know the whole story.

  15. That there is video of people hurling racist slurs, and insults, or photographs of people carrying racist signs cannot be denied, whatever you might like to believe. I have seen and heard it with my own eyes...



    There are fringes on any side.

  18. "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."

  19. The fact that liberals would stoop so low as to infiltrate tea party rallies with racist signs makes me sick to my stomach. I guess your dirty tricks come naturally in the demorat party. Obama has certainly used enough of them.

  20. Ah, the liberal infiltrator dialog. Hey - direct from Breitbart, I see. Got any unbiased stories from Beck or Coulter?

    I think, given the hate, the demonization, it is a valid concern. There are loons on all fringes, so sabotaging loons aren't hard to imagine. Then we'll get a conservative, pretending to be a liberal who is pretending to be a conservative, sabotage a rally hoping to be 'exposed'--which will only then enourage a liberal pretending to be a conservative, pretending to be a liberal who is pretending to be a conservative...::head explodes::

  21. Maybe you had your head up your .. in the sand for the last couple of months and missed the whole crashtheteaparty campaign. Here, let me help:

    From the (very liberal) Associated Press

    ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.
    Jason Levin, creator of, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15—tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes.

    Tea party members said the backlash comes from ignorance.

    "They can't actually debate our message and that's their problem," said Bob MacGuffie, a Connecticut organizer for Right Principles, a tea party group that also has members in New York and New Jersey.

    The tea party movement generally unites on the fiscally conservative principles of small government, lower taxes and less spending. Beyond that the ideology of the people involved tends to vary dramatically.

    Levin says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the tea party from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them.

    "Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not," Levin said. "Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."

    The site manifesto says they want to dismantle the Tea Party by nonviolent means. "We have already sat quietly in their meetings, and observed their rallies," the site said.

    Another tea party organizer said the attempt to destroy the movement was evidence its message is resonating.

    "We've been ignored, we've been ridiculed. Well, now they're coming after us," said Judy Pepenella, a co-coordinator for the New York State Tea Party. "Gandhi's quote is one we understand: 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.'"

    Got any unbiased stories from Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow?

  22. Planning to do something is different from doing it. It was also found the crashtheparty group was as liberal as Alvin Greene.

  23. OH, so now the crashtheteaparty group were all really tea party people pretending they were liberals pretending they were Tea Party activists so they could give themselves a bad name ? Wow. That was quite the consipary huh. And of course you have PROOF of that, right?! I bet the liberals in Washington would love to know that. They probably don't have the vast resources that the liberals in Ark City Kansas have at their disposal to dig up these things. If they did they'd surely have been out shouting it from the rooftops on every liberal media outlet. So surely you can find me an Olberman or Maddow video talking about that, right?! Maybe an interview with the guy? I'll be here waiting.

  24. Then there's this -

    Obviously he's a "librul plant," right?

  25. Just for your information, anyone can go to a Tea Party event. They don't check credentials at the door, and they don't have people looking at everyone's signs to make sure they are politically correct. And the article you linked to said that the racist leaders were encouraging their members to go to Tea Party rallies and try to recruit people. How do you stop something like that? It happens at liberal rallies as well. Look at the above video from when Bush was in office. You are obviously a liberal, and so are they, so would you claim those people?? No more than I or any good intentioned tea partty supporter would claim the bigots who show up to cause trouble at Tea Party rallies. You can't stop people from attending no matter what they have in their hearts and minds, but on many occassions people with racist signs have been asked to leave, and even ran out, by the good people of the tea party movement.

    You liberals keep acting like the tea party is some kind of club that gives out memberships or something. What you fail to understand is that it's just a name lumped on the people who are fed up with government intrusion, wasteful spending and high taxes, and are willing to show up and peacefully protest about it. It's called exercising your constitutional rights to free speech. Hillary thinks it's great! Just watch the above video or read the above quote. It makes no difference what color of skin our president has.

    And you spelled "liberal" wrong you dumas. :p

  26. I am actually a moderate GOP, sick of what has happened to my party by so called "people who are fed up with government intrusion, wasteful spending and high taxes, and are willing to show up and peacefully protest about it." I remember when Newt was considered wayyyy out to the right. Now he would be very middle of the road. Any Republican who is a true, long-time Republican should be about fed-up with all this crap. Just because someone thinks the baggers are way out of line, doesn't make that person a potsmoking hippie "librul" who "obviously" doesn't understand what the "movement" is all about. Ashat :d

  27. There is a lunatic fringe in any group, no matter what the group is.
    To me, the Tea Party would have a lot more credibility if it would admit the obvious fact that every group, tea party included, has its share of lunatics. Further they should at least say they disagree with the nutcases.
    Claiming they are liberal plants, or conservatives planted as liberals planted as consevatives in deep cover liberals ... is as ridiculous as it sounds. I dont know why they are using that strategy, unless thats a liberal trick too.

    Where is the evidence that the tea party has denounced racism ?

  28. Where is the evidence NAACP has denounced it? This "race card" thing is nothing new. No one wants to be labeled "racist". So, what do you do when you disagree with someone? or you have no credible way to refute them? AHA....You call them racist! Tea Party people are no more racist than the guy who works at Wal-Mart or Lowes. They are just tired of the tax & spend agenda Washington is putting out. I have a novel idea....How about cutting spending?

  29. What services are you wanting to cut with cutting spending. cutting spending sounds good, but what are we going to have to do without... Cops maybe.
    But... People claiming to be tea party members have been seen saying racist things publicly and as though they were speaking for the party. So, if the party does not agree with the people doing that ... shouldn't they at least say so. ?

    I remember some senator -- dont remember which one -- but david dukes, a big kkk guy, liked him and supported him. When the senator was asked about it at a live news conference, he said he did not like the dukes guy and did not want his vote or his support ... Now that made a statement.

  30. I believe that for the vast majority of the TP Movement, it is about reigning in government, cutting spending, lowering taxes, states rights...
    Most are probably no more or less racist as the next guy, but... as my grandmother always said, "You're known by the company you keep."

  31. "What services are you wanting to cut with cutting spending." hmmm lemme think...I guess we could start with Nancy Pelosi's 727 jet. How bout the waste generated by Medicare fraud? How bout the Billions given in welfare & food stamp fraud. How bout the billions going to fund the wars in Iraq & Afghan? Oh, don't get me started..we can find stuff to cut that wouldn't hurt a legal soul. That's the liberal mindset..we dare not cut anything, so the obvious answer is...we got to raise taxes.

  32. "To me, the Tea Party would have a lot more credibility if it would admit the obvious fact that every group, tea party included, has its share of lunatics. Further they should at least say they disagree with the nutcases."

    They have, and they continue to do so. They also speak out to the people at conventions who are acting like asses and tell them to leave or stop with the racist crap.

    JJ said "But... People claiming to be tea party members have been seen saying racist things publicly and as though they were speaking for the party."

    Really? Prove that if you will. As I said, whenever they start that crap tea party members usually tell them to can it. Some have even been ran out of tea party events.

    "I am actually a moderate GOP.."

    Yeah RIGHT! That must be why you keep referring to the Tea Party supporters with a nasty sexual conotation. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

  33. @5:20 THANK YOU. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. They (Tea Party detractors) play the race card to draw attention from the real issues. i.e., we are being taxed to death in this country, we have a bunch of radical leftists in power who want to shove the socialist agenda upon us...need I go on. Race has NOTHING to do with it.

  34. @5:20
    No, as my mother passed away very recently. Baggers are ruining the party, I will refer to them in as disparaging fashion as I see fit.
    Some GOPs agree with my stance. "Prove it." OK.

  35. Then there's this -
    Nevadans are starting to realize that sending a "useless" Senate Majority Leader back for a 5th term beats the Tea Party approved alternative

    I have gotta think that time is Angle's worst enemy. The more her wackiness is exposed, the more likely independents will skulk back to Harry Reid. This is the case with most of the teabagger candidates.
    Sharon Angle is down in the polls.
    Rand Paul is losing ground to the Democratic nominee.

    ...and a good number of the teabagger candidates are losing their nominations, and killing the energy that the GOP was hoping to tap in November. The odds are still that the Republicans are going to have a net gain this year, but their odds of getting control of one or both houses looks slim at this point.

    The GOPs say they can't wait til November, I am more excited about December and beyond.

  36. @7:20 Well...let's see. Nevada. Las Vegas or as some call it sin city. they don't know which way is up. that whole state is gonna burn with hellfire. just a bunch of sinners, ingrates, etc., etc. Goodness, who in their right mind would vote for H. Reid? Proof.

  37. I can keep my silence no longer. I am a proud tea party member and I'd like to see one of you little whiny pinko commie bitches call me a teabagger to my face. And to the stupid hag that says she will call them whatever she wants, I hope your mother is looking down on what a horrible person you are. I bet she would be ashamed of you. You commie parasites have no idea what the tea party is. All you know is you want to mooch off of those of us who have made our way in life through blood sweat and tears. Something for nothing wins democrats lots of votes from bottom feeding scumbags like yourself.

  38. Well, it looks like jj found a way to get some hits for his advertising revenue by pitting people against one another. Very Christian of you jj. Worshiping at the altar of the almighty dollar I see.

  39. I would bet an almighty dollar that you also criticized me for not being interesting enough a few days ago.
    and Jim. Nice to see that teabagger spirit. you are showing us all what youre really all about.

  40. well jj it's just frustrating. i wouldn't be quite as coarse as Jim, but i am just as frustrated. let me say this ONE MORE TIME for those who haven't been on here lately...the tea party is made up of people just like me. law-abiding, hard-working everyday Americans. Americans who are fed up with being taxed to death to support someone else's gimme, gimme agenda. someone else's radical leftist, agenda that MOST of America in no way agrees with. it's just not fair. taxes are a way of life, BUT, let's let those $$ be spent in a way that we at least in PART agree with. I mean consider they jammed the healthcare debacle thru when most of Americans were saying let's at least know what's in it. "We'll have to pass it to see what's in it" -Nancy Pelosi. Now, in Penn, they've just given $160 mill to an insurance pool that will fund abortions. (where's the Pres. Executive Order?) yes, we are upset, and me and Jim aren't the only ones. Plus, we vote. The lower tier that Pres O. was able to garner last election because they thought they were getting free money will be nowhere to be found this election. i'm sick to death of being called racist because i want the government to be fair to all. and the reason they cry racist is because they know we're right, so they seek to change the subject. you can only tax people so much, jj.

  41. nd the reason they cry racist is because they know we're right,
    The thing is, I had to shame you - or whoever it was - into denouncing racism. Why would it have been so hard to say... "there may be some radicals in our group, but i really dont agree with their racist type talk. that isnt what we are about"
    If you, or the tea party leadership, had done that, it never would have been an issue.
    You shouldnt defend - or deny the existence of - the lunatic fringe especially if you dont agree with them.

  42. There are NUTS on both sides. And the arguments to cover it up is just STUPID. (FOR EITHER SIDE) RACISM STILL EXISTS! THE FIGHT IS ON, and the news media does not help.

  43. @10:54
    Thanks, Jim. You've given me a VERY clear view of what the tea party represents!


  45. @8:38am "The lower tier that Pres O. was able to garner last election because they thought they were getting free money will be nowhere to be found this election." Do you not see how this could be construed as racist? It is dismissive and condescending to say the least, but I sense it is also code for "lazy, black welfare cheat." This is the myth we all are fed, and many of us buy into. The truth is however, millions, if not billions more are spent on corporate welfare to wealthy white conservatives, than will ever be spent on the lazy shiftless "lower tier."

  46. Good point. More on corporate welfare than social welfare.. and realize too, the largest soceoeconomic group getting welfare is white single women ...
    good post

  47. "Do you not see how this could be construed as racist? It is dismissive and condescending to say the least, but I sense it is also code for "lazy, black welfare cheat."


  48. JJ the blogger you accused of complaining to you the other day is innocent... I must say I'm impressed... my first time back since then, there really is something special about a good political debate...

    Jim the whole calling someone a bitch on the blog will only bring down the name of us fiscal conservatives... Swearing is done on this blog but its normally to prove a point not attack someone or a group...

  49. I admit it. I lost my temper. being called dirty names does that after awhile. It was either that or seeks out the first liberal i could find and punch them in the face. There's only so much lies and character assasination a man can take before something has to give. They would not argue the facts, just kept spouting tea bagger this and tea bagger that. I get sick of it. We need to come up with a lewd sexual name for liberals. How about we call them all DEMOCRATS. It don't get much more sexually lewd than that.

  50. Jim even in your apology you failed to show any tact... These aggressive statements that are coming forth are only fueling the fire. for the "tea bagger" hatred... it is possible to bring forth valid truthful points amid the garbage that is being constantly thrown our way... if you can't handle that then maybe you can find somother way of helping out the tea partys cause...

  51. All I have seen from teabaggers on here is anger and hatred, and threats about how they want to take over. Im not sure they even want to wait for an election.
    If the tea party is anything like the anger ive seen on here, i want nothing to do with them.

  52. JJ, you are a liberal. You believe in open borders. Believe me when I say that Tea Party people want nothing to do with YOU!
