Thursday, July 1, 2010

from the right and left

Here are a couple stories from both sides ..

Kathleen Parker says Obama is a girlie-president

Former congressman says republicans can win control of the house - and senate maybe - but they wont know what to do when they get there.


  1. Let me see if I have this straight: in the last few days members of the GOP have savagely screwed the unemployed, protected the bankstas, trashed Thurgood Marshall, implied rape and incest is part of God's plan, defended BP, threatened to either end social security or screw over 20 million plus people who have paid into the system for at least 20 years by making them wait until age 70 to see their benefits, and screwed homeless veterans with children. That about it, or is there more?

  2. Any facts to back any of that BS up, or are you just regurgitating what Rachel Maddow told you last night?

  3. did you read either of the articles.
    one is more right leaning, the other more left.
    what i am aiming at is getting people to look at "the other side"

  4. @11:51 (and 11:52 - same person)
    screwed the unemployed -
    protected bankstas -
    trashed Marshall -
    rape/incest -
    defended BP -
    social security -
    see post article above
    homeless vets kids -

    Left wing slanted rags, you say? Perhaps, but facts are facts. And the facts are all there. I'd be p!ssed to, if I were a GOP.

    Oh, I don't watch Maddow. And am I to assume by moderation you mean censorship?

  5. No, by moderation I meant that I posted something and it didn't show up even after refreshing, so I wondered it JJ had turned the moderation on again. It was a test to see if it showed up. It didn't for an hour or so. I will read your links when i have time, but if they are obvious liberal rants I won't make it through them. My BS detector has fresh batteries and is raring to go. And no, I'm not p!ssed to be in the GOP because I'm a registered independent, but I am p!ssed at where Obama is taking this country, and I know the majority of Americans are too. And we will be voting Republican in November.


  6. Not asking you to buy the slant (I'm not so naive as to believe there is no bias), just note the facts. Votes and quotes are facts which can be checked.

    Of course they come from lib sources, you know as well as I that FOX et. al. won't go there.

  7. There are so many claims that so and so voted for this or that, or voted against this or that, that can be easily explained away by there being something else in the bill that they were voting for or against. You see that alot during campaigns. One candidate can say that onother voted to raise taxes, but it was only because a small tax increase was slipped into another bill that was important.

  8. "...threatened to either end social security or screw over 20 million plus people who have paid into the system for at least 20 years by making them wait until age 70 to see their benefits,..." I don't care what party you hail, noone thinks that S.S. will stay solvent. It can't in it's present form. The "boomers" are aging rapidly. They far outnumber the one's left working. There will be 40 of them to 10 workers. No way that will work. Do the math. Who knows..we may just have to go back to depending on neighbors, community, etc. and actually know who lives next door. Actually visit a church, synagogue or Salvation Army now and then.
