Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Interesting take on the racism thing

Here is an interesting column on the racism thing. I still think the conservative website and FOX need to eat some crow over this. Hopefully she will get a few million out of them for defamation, slander, emotional distress and a couple other things. They did blatantly do this to this woman, intentionally without regard to her life or safety. Its criminal to me, plain and simple.
But, this writer here takes all that in, and blames the obama administration people for having such a knee jerk reaction. Here is the link. Point taken, but still, the people who broadcast the edited, rigged, video should be held accountable.


  1. Brietbart certainly bares some responsibility for destroying this womans life, and career, and as such, damages should be paid. In all fairness to FOX, I do not believe they even ran the story until after she was forced to resign. They certainly ran with it early, but; and I can't believe I'm saying this, I think it was FOX, and Glenn Beck who came to this womans defense, and probably shamed the administration to apologize....

  2. By the time FOX news was calling for her resignation on the Oreilly Factor that night, the White House had already thrown her under the bus. That means the White House had seen the video on Brietbarts' blog and came to the decision to fire her without getting all the facts and doing their due diligence. Brietbart should apologize it he edited the tape to only show the racist part, but if that was all he was given, anyone else would have thought the same thing. And if you go on watching the whole vid, the woman does say some racist things, just nothing as bad as not helping someone because of their race.

  3. That article you linked to uses the term "Reverse Racism". What a joke. A racist is a racist, no matter their skin color. To call it Reverse Racism makes the implication that only whites are racist.

  4. I always thought it was the media's job to report the news, not create it!

  5. Me thinks the pot is starting to Boil!

    TURN UP THE HEAT and it boils over.

    What a mess!

  6. "I still think the conservative website and FOX need to eat some crow over this." Go figure. I just wish you felt that much disdain for the other so-called "news" outlets. @12:21 sums it well. Just because FOX may not be your news of choice, is no reason to say such as this. Why do you automatically want to hold FOX accountable? This country is toast. Here we are pitting one against another. Black, White, Brown. Seems to me that they did play only part of the tape, but, also seems the "folks" in the audience are lapping it up. NAACP does not stand for "National Assoc. for the Advancement of All People". They plan on helping a specific group. Notwithstanding, there was a time in our nation when we needed such organizations to even the playing field. Today they are reduced to nothing more than a liberal, Democratic mouthpiece. Man, right now, I am not real proud of America.

  7. I think the real point behind alot of the reaction to this type of Video?
    Is if you want to use emotion to energize people - point out or hold up differences - as a way to gain their support or minimize other groups!
    That Tree bends in all directions!
    White, Black, Brown, and Yellow!

    Which ever way the WIND blows the hardest!

    The thing about America is it was and still IS the GREAT MELTING POT of the World!

    You can either find ways to blend them together or just turn up the heat don't stir and let it BURN!



  8. "I still think the conservative website and FOX need to eat some crow over this. Hopefully she will get a few million out of them for defamation, slander, emotional distress and a couple other things. They did blatantly do this to this woman, intentionally without regard to her life or safety. Its criminal to me, plain and simple."


    So JJ, you think she should sue FOX News because they ran the story without checking the facts?

    Here is your post from Tuesday:

    "Racism goes both ways

    "Just to show it goes both ways. A usda worker resigns after she says she did not do all she could to help a person of a different color because people her own color needed help.
    Here is the link "

    You did the exact same thing FOX NEWS did, albeit to a (slightly) smaller audience.

    Hypocrite much?

  9. No, i was led astray like everyone else. I am not the one who INTENTIONALLY misled the public by showing only part of the tape. I also said i was wrong when i found out. There is no comparison at all..
    Its amazing to me that no one cares that the conservative website and FOX did a criminal act .. you are a great example of defending your ideology even in the face of truth that is against it.
    Just hope she gets a good lawyer and takes em to the cleaners..


  11. 8:39 has a valid point James. You did run with the story the same as Fox news did. So if they did something illegal, which I do not believe they did, then so did you. You shouldn't be so quick to say someone has broken the law if you did the same thing they did. Explain how you running with the story is any different than Fox running with it.

  12. Uh oh, it's about time for this whole thread to magically disappear.

  13. Fox was led astray like everyone else. I'm sure FOX wanted it to be true, but they are not who got this women fired. She was fired before FOX ever ran with this story. Brietbart bares full responsibility.

  14. I can't see how JJ thinks FOX was in the wrong and he was in the right when he did the exact same thing they did.

  15. before it's all over they will blame Bush for it.

  16. James you amaze me sometimes.

  17. Just hope she gets a good lawyer and takes em to the cleaners..

    Yeah, and why not just make her settlement more than she would have ever earned in her lifetime as a worker!

    But those lawyers will get 60% so make it really, Really, REALLY expensive!

    You can have freedom of speech and opinion just be willing to pay a hefty price for that Right!


    Please don't mislead the Sheeple as they can't think for themselves! If you do YOU'LL PAY!

  18. Obama call Sherrod to apologize...

  19. He's had plenty of practice at that.

  20. JJ, your just as guilty as the White House,Fox News, & Brietbart on this one. It's the exact same thing.

  21. This Administration has done more to divide this country than the KKK ever could have. They are the ones who stoked the "racism" mess against the tea party to begin with. Because they had no ammo to rebut or refute facts and public opinion they tried the old tried & true "racism" button. Can you say: "BACKFIRED"

    And while I'm at it, James, you are just as guilty. Just because you don't like them, you come out against FOX when you did the same thing. "...conservative website and FOX need to eat some crow over this." Goodness, at least read & research a bit before firing off a fiery, baseless rant. You may not like them. Know what? That's ok. Really. But, lots of people do. .............

    Then people wonder why A.C. & the U.S. is so divided. Give it a rest. Is all you intend to do with this blog is create a mess of racism here in Ark City? We got enough problems without that.

  22. Amazing!!! How many stupid people tehre are in and around AC. You blame everything on the President - I believe because you resent his race.

    You clearly do not have clue the things for which the President is and is not responsible. He is not responsible for your failure to save or manage your money wisely.

    In fact, policy made right in your own community and next, in your county have more to do with livberating you of your wealth than anything a President (ANY PRESIDENT) has ever done.

    It is the governement's fault that they presume the people to have enough intelligence to learn what policy change really means to them and their personal wealth. How could citizens be that smart?

    Federal governement keps trying to bail US citizens out of their self-created messes. The banks didn't conspire with teh government. The banks exploited greedy people who lived off the superficial notion (fed them by realtors) that inflated property values meant more personal wealth.

    A house is only worth what it's worth to you. You can value it at $1million dollars. But if you no longer want to live in it and no one else wants to buy it, what is it really worth? But you pay local taxes on the presumed worth because you want to say you live in a million dollar home.

    The realtors punk you. The bankers punk you. The local units of government punk you. When it collapses you want to blame the president. Any president. But we just do that because the President is far enough removed from you that you can also say there's nothing you can do about it.

    You play the victim when you really just got punked. And by the way, what is the race card? I keep seeing it but I do not know what that means. It seems like some phrase to discount or discredit the impact of racism in society but what exactly is "the race card"?

  23. "Amazing!!! How many stupid people tehre are in and around AC. You blame everything on the President - I believe because you resent his race."

    If you said anything of worth after that it fell on deaf ears after that ignorant remark.

    It's all Bush's fault!


    It's all because Obama is black!

    Can't you come up with anything better than that? You've had almost TWO YEARS NOW! Get some new material.

  24. @4:08
    I'm surprised anyone would try the "you resent his race".

  25. Uh oh, It's been more than 24 hrs since the last post. I think it's about all over but.... before it's over I would like to blame Bush. Several anonymous posters have called for this indictment of blame. Rather than see them be wrong (really they are just ashamed and incredibly defensive of former POTUS Bush) I leap in here to say this is all Bush' fault.

    Not even sure what the blog topic is anymore but if it's bad or there's a problem, it's Bush' fault.

    There you go. You predicted it was coming. You should be proud of your prognostication.

    (Subliminal thought leaking out here: I really cannot believe anyone is still talking about Bush. How long can incompetence remain a topic of conversation or discussion. Bush is irrelevant now as he was from 2000-08 to anyone except his energy buddies. And as a stock owner in one of those big oily companies, I thank him for his exploitive agenda. I still kind of iwsh he was there to ram $4/gallon gasoline down the American throats while the bigs were posting 15% to 20% return on shareholder investment. I miss those days. Money was flowing like ice cream on a hot sidewalk in mid July. A man could buy a house for $100K in January and sell it for $225K in October. And the credit. Oh my gosh the way credit was just tossed around like stale cookies in a foster home. I miss Bush. He was a good sugar daddy! Every once in a while his heavy, Cheney, would administer the old coat hanger whipping if someone got out of line. But mostly, Bush just kept America turning tricks and shanking Johns to everyone's delight.)

    Now the bills are due and W is no where around to save us!

  26. Interesting Post!

    I suppose you want to blame California on Bush as well as some of the other Spread the Wealth run up the deficit States!

    Then that "WILD WEST" spending actually started during the Clinton Administration!
    You know the "GUY" that said we have to keep them in their HOMES! Yet I never saw him once offer to pay off their mortgages with money from his "Clinton Foundation".

    I think there was plenty of blame to go around from all sides - They just never thought it would end the way it did! They never DO!

    But along the way there were plenty of warnings lights, bells and sirens! But the noise of the party was too loud!

    There were warnings that those derivatives would take down the whole economy clear back in the 90's.

    There were the warnings about using peoples houses as ATM's. When they were refinancing their loans and taking the difference between the original loan value and the increased inflated/appreciated value! (Gee, wonder how they got upside down!)

    There were warnings about the aging population and the burden that would come when the Baby Boom Generation hit full tilt in Retirement!
    (They just continued to stuff the account with IOU's and Treasury Notes!)

    There are WARNINGS TODAY about the UNFUNDED PUBLIC PENSION PLANS - about the Insured Muni Bonds - about the cost of Freddie and Fannie -
    about the fact that the new Finance reform did nothing to really correct TOO BIG TO FAIL!
    (btw: When was the last time you ever heard of a Anti-Trust lawsuit - Oh yea MircoSoft - how did that turn out?)

    So, go ahead Blame Bush!
    The Pillars a cracking - Just stand back and let them Fall!

    Hail to the United Socialist of America!

    (We will make Greece look like a bunch of amatuers!)

  27. (We will make Greece look like a bunch of amatuers!)

    Btw: If you didn't really understand that?

    That WEALTH you want to redistribute SO BAD is being transfered through debt to other Countries around the WORLD!

  28. So, you think Bush's bills coming due is what has us in this hole? You may be half right about That, although I think Clinton deserves at least half the blame.

    My question to you would be: What happens when Obama's bills come due? Obama has spent more in less than two years than Bush spent in 8. And the notes are being held by countries like China. What happens when they want to get paid and we haven't got it?

    Kinda scary to think about huh? Kinda makes you wish the idiots in Washington would stop spending and start cutting back, huh?! Obama has this grand socialist agenda that he is going to try his best to pass, and I don't really think he cares about the consequences. He certainly doesn't care about getting re-elected. That much is obvious. I remember hearing oce that if a man is willing to give up his life to take the life of someone else, there is a very good chance that he will get it done. Obama seems willing to give his political life in order to "fundamentally change" this country. I am just afraid of what it will be like when he's done.

  29. "THE US government secretly advised Scottish ministers it would be "far preferable" to free the Lockerbie bomber than jail him in Libya."

  30. No one who has been watching this Administration is surprised. What a shame. I guess the families of the victims are forgotten in the mix... wonder if any of them were consulted?

  31. The right wing take on it ( after the rest of us knew what really happened, of course)

  32. America's chickens are coming home to roost.
