Saturday, October 2, 2010

9-11 conspiracy theorists

Here is an AP story about how many in the muslim world believe the U.S. was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and how even  some Americans believe the theories. Bush done it ! sort of thing.
Here is the link

The thing that is interesting to me is just the whole idea of conspiracy theory.
People believe what they want to believe. Several theories involved in the shooting of JFK. There are theories - and websites - showing how the moon landings never happened.
Here is an quote from the story about 9-11

"All this, of course, would require hundreds if not thousands of people to be in on the plot. It speaks volumes for the determination to believe something," said David Aaronovitch, the British author of "Voodoo Histories: the role of Conspiracy Theory in Modern History."

"Conspiracy theories exist in the realm of myth, where imaginations run wild, fears trump facts, and evidence is ignored. As a superpower, the United States is often cast as a villain in these dramas," the site says. (the U.S. Govt site)
Conspiracy theories run wild in AC too. Why do people want to believe these theories.
It does get in the way of rational discussion about issues, as the article points out.


  1. What??????????

    Are you saying that News1 didn't get buried under the New Hospital parking lot or an oil lease West of town! ;)

  2. The endzone at Bulldog Stadium perhaps ?

  3. From CNN.Money Today:

    NEW YORK ( -- Would you like a 6% raise in your next paycheck? Some economists want to give you one -- in the form of a payroll tax holiday -- to stimulate the struggling economy.

    The payroll tax is the amount paid by both employers and employees to fund Social Security. Each pay 6.2% of a worker's salary, up to the first $106,800 of income.

    Because of that limit, the tax is one of the most regressive in place today, hitting the working poor and middle class much harder than the wealthy.

    The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated earlier this year that eliminating payroll taxes was roughly two to four times more effective in spurring economic activity than a reduction in income taxes, the policy option that's getting most of the attention in Congress.

    "This is a better tax cut than a general income tax cut," said Roberton Williams, senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center. He said getting more money to workers who earn less increases the chance that it will be spent rather than saved, a concept popular among Democrats.

    And a payroll tax holiday would be much faster than sending out rebate checks.


    Sorry, I know you might want to delete this but, this something that people can benefit from immediately - I know it inceases the deficit but it is immediate help for those who need it both businesses and indivdiuals!

    I wonder if they can push it through!

  4. the curse of the bambino

  5. Sunday morning and a time for reflection:

    I think the thing that seems to be missing in Today's society is that "Our Society" has changed (even locally) in many ways but not the things that support it - like Government - pretty much remain the SAME or haven't kept UP!

    That's not to say that all things are BAD!

    But, when you look at things like the Tax Systems? They were based on a Manufacturing/Producing mode!

    The healthcare system was/is based primarily on the Employer and group plans! (I don't think its necessary to have Obamacare - if the necessary changes were made to allow indivdiuals to buy their own affordable insurance on the Open Market! (By allowing for more competition!)

    I think it becomes more evident with TIME that our whole tax system is ANTIQUE! It doesn't adequately reflect our "changed Society"! Yet there is no WILL (at any level of Government) to address that PROBLEM!

    We have extended (leveraged) too many public programs or entitlements beyond the generations they are intened to serve! Placing burdens on future generations that have no "Say" or will be required to pay those expenses!

    We are exporting wealth and talent (training our competitors and sending them back to their home countries - that even occurs on the local level where the educated youth are forced to seek opportunities outside the area/State. Then replacing them with various forms of poverty (including retirement/aging)!

    We haven't prepared for an aging Society - that WE have known all a long was coming and is NOW HERE!

    We have been content to let the Infrastructure of our country deteriorate (Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Power/Water Supplies, Sewers, etc.)
    That lack of investment is now coming DUE!

    We all too often want to try and retrace those same paths, plans or actions that worked when we were a different Society! (We want to build more houses or delopements/TIFs when there is a already glut of housing in the country - (though not necessarily in this Area) Then abandon the old parts/developed areas!)

    We continue to look for a new "Economic Bubble" to save US but no where it seems is there anyone to Change or Repair/Fix the CURRENT PROBLEMS that haunt TODAY'S SOCIETY!

    There are no leaders where there is NO VISION
    or where their VISION is TUNNEL VISION!

    The REAL CONSPIRACY is that someone will come along and SAVE US!

    The Reality is WE have to SAVE OURSELVES!

  6. To 10:08
    I agree. The 8 yrs of Dubya were the worst possible thing at the worst possible time. I'm with you in supporting Obama's programs to help get us back on our feet.

  7. Maybe?

    (But I don't think it was Clinton, Dubya who were all to blame nor is it Obama!) Congress, The States and even local Government can contribute as well as take away from any postive development/support or recovery!

    Or maybe it's

    "In Saving ourselves we can actually save others!"

    But you are sure welcome to vote for whomever you please! I know I will!


    You can keep on waiting for those in Washington D.C. or the State of Kansas to Save YOU!

  8. well, taxes aren't about paying bills anymore, they're as much a means of social and political control as they are about paying our bills. And that's why we won't do something like the idea mentioned in the article...more money for the dirty peasants just isn't in the interests of either political party.

    you know what else we should do (be we wont)? Any immediate family members of a serviceman killed in any of our wars should be exempt from state/federal/local taxes for a period of 10 years. Mother/father/spouse/kids. they should be completely and totally tax free for a decade. it wouldn't begin to make up for their loss, but it'd be a nice start.

  9. Paying higher taxes and making do with fewer goods used to be one's patriotic duty during times of war.

    Now, it's apparently Socialist Marxist Communist Elitist.

  10. So just for kicks lets compare notes on how Government Should work IMHO: We'll start locally!

    Then you can tell me how you think it should work!

    I happened to talk with a local State Representative who for this post will go unnamed! (Boy was he glad to get away from me!)

    So here was my suggestion to him: But remember he has no juristiction over local politics!

    I told him the County ought to buy the Tango Building at Strother Field and make it a central location for all their operations!

    Then sell off all the satellite shops to the private Sector for businesses! (Put them on the tax rolls!)

    Well he said that he goes around the County and listens to what people say - they don't think it is necessary for every township to have its own Road Grader etc. (Now I'm sure there will be those who will scream at the top of their lungs that is not SO!) But how many $$$$$$ is spent on that duplication of one service!

    Now IMHO that $140,000 for that sweet deal at Goff Industrial Park could and should probably be applied to a new City Operations Center in AC. Not to promote/subsidize private sector advancement/competition!

    The old shops could be sold off to the private sector! (Put on the tax rolls!)

    You see there is a redundancy in Government that leads to inefficiency which if not managed gets out of control! There are mutiple redundancies of utilities, equipment, labor etc. (Which is the result of Empire building by staff and departments over time!)

    The point is you end up trading, compromising or failing in what is the TRUE role/purpose of Government when money is spent unwisely or used to promote or subsidize Private Sector Competition!

    Now if you want to go to the bigger Government picture just look at the duplication of services and that amount of money! (Federal, State, County, and City)

    Obamacare, is one example a huge monster that will consume tax dollars and still be inefficient/ineffective!

    Just a road grader in every drive!

  11. So, I've been thinking some about the economy, and government, and welfare...

    Up until about 100 years ago, anyone who didn't like where they were at, and wanted to make a new beginning, simply had to ride their horse west.

    Plant a flag in the ground and get to work. Sure, it was hard work, but the opportunity was there to be self sufficient; to be a self-made man.

    People no longer have that opportunity. Where is our new frontier. Where is our free land with which to build our family fortune, and pass something on to the next generation.

    Free land, and a few wheat seeds, or an oil well, and you were set for life.

    There is no more "free land." Not only isn't it free, it cannot be bought for face value. Young people today have to mortgage themselves to the hilt for their shot at the American Dream.

    100 years of this have made the bankers rich, but not many others. Consequently, those who have; those whose families have all the old money continue to do well, while those who missed out struggle and seek welfare. They do not have the same opportunities for success that people had during the first hundred years of our countries existence.

  12. So, I've been thinking some about the economy, and government, and welfare...

    Man that was a GOOD Post!!!

    But lets look at the changes in Society and the direction we have taken as a Country!

    First I agree that the youth has been exploited when it comes to debt! They are told to get a College degree then graduate with a general degree and a ton of debt. They have to start working at low paying jobs until there is an opening opportunity. All the while the older generations are forced to work longer due to the cost of Health Insurance or loss/lack of retirement/401K/IRA etc. (They will be forced to work longer and later as the age requirements are raised for SS/Medicare!)

    Second, the older generations or those who have money are looking for investments somewhere/anywhere they can make money - because they can't do it in the banks! So all those starter homes which mght have been available or affordable to the young people end up being rentals! Then because they can be valued as commercial property based on their ability to produce income! They can command a higher price! (Residential Real Estate has generally increased/maintained in value and Real Commercial has dropped - Go figure!)

    Next comes the change in values - which is evolved into a culture where you can get it or keep as long as you can make the payments! (Most/many may never plan to own it!)

    I onced talked to an ex-financial person and said that the Divorce rate and/or those who choose not to marry or accept that responsibility are hurting the Society and Economy!
    His response was that it was good for the rental business, duplicated things like utilities, etc.
    But the reality is they can't live as cheaply separate as they can as a family! So, we subsidize their serparation or even often their common law union with Taxpayers Dollars!

    Now the trend today is for employers to use temporary services to supply their labor needs and only keep a core of fulltime employees who qaulify for full benefits! Most people who have or own anything can't work a temporary status JOB! But due to taxes, workmans comp ins., the cost of health insurance, vacation, sick leave, etc. the employers continue to prefer temporaries! (If they can get them!)!

    Then throw in the illegals or even in some areas the day laborers!

    Plus they can write them off as Contract labor!

    Now that was a short list - it goes on - but what are the incentives who benefits and how does it effect Society?

    You can't have the same Society (American Dream) and maintain different sets of values!

    So it seems the once "American Dream" Today is different things to different PEOPLE!

    But the problem is you can't demand the same Dream and have different sets of Values!

    Its two seperate PATHS!


    The division in our Society SHOWS IT!

  13. 7:59
    Also the sky is blue and grass is green.

  14. @8:47pm - What's your point?

  15. I wonder how you Obama supporters are going to feel when you do your taxes next year and realize that since the Dems let the Bush tax cuts expire, you're paying way more than last year. Remember not to gripe. Pay those higher taxes so more welfare people can sit on the couch and watch TV. It's your patriotic duty.

  16. 9:22pm I agree with you, but that is not the half of it. We all will pay more everywhere from McDonalds (they have already had a 50% increase on some menu items as a result of the upcoming burden thrown on them for upcoming health care costs) to wal-mart. Next on the obama agenda will be 'cap and trade'. which will cause electric rates to skyrocket. Expect that to be his number one agenda for next year, so I hope all of his supporters appreciate the immediate effect of that on their home and business costs, not to mention the trickle down costs passed on to consumers as all types of business and industry experience the same type of increase to their operating costs.
