Wednesday, October 6, 2010

obama the comedian


  1. Interesting. Maybe an omen?

  2. Even the Presidental shield doesn't want anything to do with him.

  3. I want to see his teleprompter break, and then him start dancing a jig like Ashley Simpson on SNL.

  4. I m waiting for him to sound as ignorant and uneducated as "the decider" George W. Bush.

    Wait, instead of him sonding as ignorant, lets hear him lie to justify sending thousands of young soldiers to their death for the sake of his daddy's oil interests.

    Wait! Instead of that, lets hear him defend his VP for shooting a political enemy in the face with a shotgun.

    No. No. No. Shoot! I can't make up my mind. Let's hear him accuse another nation's president of bulding nucular weapons as an excuse to execute him.

    Ok, I will settle for him declaring his fantom war as mission accomplished when in fact it wages on five years after he makes the declaration and two years after he is out of office.

    This is it. I promise! Let's have his staff call for emergency medical help after getting drunk in the oval office and choking on a pretzel.

    Maybe he can turn his back while all his buddies bankrupt the nation with bogus real estate, investor fraud or just passing around billions of dollars on wall street while cavitating middle class America, replacing decent paying jobs with wal-mart retail type jobs and even while turning a blind eye to half his political allies who had illegal mexican immigrants working inside their homes.

    Help me pick one of these ignorant Bushisms for President Obama to copy.

    I'd like to see him be half as ignorant, dishonest, manipulative, duplicitous and incompetent as the man who lived in the White House from 2000 to 2008

  5. I'd like to see him be half as ignorant, dishonest, manipulative, duplicitous and incompetent as the man who lived in the White House from 2000 to 2008

    Yeah, they would still be counting votes or voting (hanging chads) and we all would be in a better place cause Al would have defeated Global warming everywhere except China and the rest of the developing World! (He invented the Internet didn't HE?)

    But we got a second chance to do it on Obama's
    watch and in the process let the rest of the World surpass us while we run up our National Debt some more and just sell out!

    Socialism isn't so bad after all they already have it in the rest of the World!


    Those Communist got it made - they just sit back and let someone else make their decisions or run there lives! They don't even have to WORK! They get FREE healthcare! Then if anyone disagrees then someone just disappears!


  6. 11:15
    I dunno - selling arms to Iran was pretty ignorant and dishonest.

  7. I'm still waiting for Obama to come clean on his birth certificate. What is he hiding?

  8. Do a google for his birth certificate. you can find it on the hawaii dept of health website.
    and dont try the long form bs., hawaii never has had a long form, so ... no one born in hawaii has a long form birth certificate.
    but the certificate is right there on the internet for anyone to see

  9. Anyone with a computer can make a fake birth certificate.

  10. Yea i know, dont confuse you with facts.
    the state of hawaii official website could also be faked.

  11. Neither Obama, nor anyone on his staff, has ever held a real job in the public sector. Not one of them has ever managed anything bigger than a lemonaide stand.

  12. Whoever was feeding the teleprompter was pretty witty. And a fast typist.

  13. Yeah my favorite line from the denialists. At least Bush kept us safe. (of course 9/11... well don't mention that)

  14. (of course 9/11... well don't mention that)

    I'm glad we had Bush/Cheney and not AL Gore on 9/11!

  15. From Lincoln's Gettysburg address:

    It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom— and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

  16. "I'm glad we had Bush/Cheney and not AL Gore on 9/11!"

    Amen to that. But take a moment and notice something else about 9:14 PM's attack. You notice how the only weapon at the disposal of liberals right now is George W. Bush?!

    How long has he been out of office? Obama has passed every single thing he has tried to pass since he was elected. Every policy change that has been enacted has been against the will of the American people, and no Democrats in this mid term election are running on any of those failed and unpopular policies. Health care? Not a word about it unless the Republican brings it up, and then they try to distance themselves from it. Stimulus? No way do they want to talk about that. Even their TV spots fail to mention the fact that they are Democrats. Go to Youtube and watch campaign commercials for Democrats. They don't even want to use the term DEMOCRAT in their ads.

    But don't forget, George Bush was a bad President!!! That's all they have.

    Pretty pathetic, huh!

    Remember to vote on November 2nd.
