Monday, October 18, 2010

Political games as election nears

On the political front, The races are heating up even more as the election nears. The race in Kentucky is real hot. Here is a story about the debate and the dems attack on the tea party candidates' religion. Here is a link to the story.

Some of the Tea Party candidates do sound a bit strange. BUT, it also seems the Democrats are desperate and are doing anything they can to help with the perception that Tea Party people are crazy or extreme.

Im not sold on the Tea Party by any means, and probably wont be. But my reasons are more philosophical than sensational.

I am just not convinced that small government in and of itself is the answer to all our problems. That seems to be the mantra of the tea party, yet ... do they have any proof that less government is better? They just yell that it is better even louder when questioned.

Here is a question. The tea party folks want smaller government and think government is the enemy. If they get to be in charge of the government, will government STILL be the enemy?? If so, will they fire themselves? ... just wondering how the logic of that will play out.

Reminds me of the book Animal Farm...

Still, the Democrat shenanigans show their fear and desperation. Their moves to paint all tea partiers as extremists ... is a rather extreme move.

Ok, Ive attacked both sides here, so ... I feel I have accomplished something.


  1. I don't think the Tea party or anyone else is saying that there is not a need for Government! There certainly is a place for oversight/ regulation/uniformity!

    The problem is that BIG GOVERNMENT has gotten to the point that it wants to control everything and is inefficient to the point it can't manage itself! (i.e. a $13 trillion deficit! Even if that deficit was paid off in full it woud immediately start accumulating again!)

    The Rep. Gov. Candidtate for California (who was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company)on a Sunday Program quoted the number and percent of Government Programs that were either obsolete, ineffective or inefficient that remain in existence! (Once they are created they never go away!)

    Competition is what keeps things and people honest in a "Free Market Society"! (It fleshes out the FAT!)

    The ability to reduce or eliminate the competition by those in both the Private and/or the Public sectors breeds Greed, CORRUPTION and WASTE!

  2. God knows there's none of that in the Republican party. Puh-leeze.

  3. Two weeks and nothing will change, regardless of party.

  4. Well JJ,

    Something is going to change!
    Be it for the better or the worse!

    You should spend a little time following the news out of those countries in Europe - France is having demonstrations/riots in the streets due to their changes in Social policy! They are raising the retirment age and lengthing the work week hours! (It is currently 35 hrs. - then they get a month a year for vacation!)

    The are at a tipping point just as are WE!
    (except as Bernanke has suggested we are still the Currency/place to invest by rest of the world! Because we pay our DEBTS/Interest! If we can't?)

    The only problem is that more Socialism won't solve their problem!

    You can't move forward if everything you hold onto is holding you BACK!

    There are better and more efficient ways to do things and more opportunities - its not the end of the GAME! But maybe time to develope some new PLAYS!

    Btw: If we don't? Start reading some of the articles that are prediciting the World economic meltdown and who will be the winners and losers!


    We can just ride the same horse till it drops and then just WALK!

  5. The Tea Party is not a true party it is a movement. Once CANNOT run on the Tea Party ticket. At least in Kansas they can't.

  6. Federal Corrections Department is in town looking at a possible maximum Detention Center, other wise known as a supermax prison to the south of the new hospital location

  7. Question: Does anyone on here have an opinion on NPR's canning of Juan Williams? Personally, I think it's a lesson in political correctness run amok. William's comments (in context) do not warrant firing. This wouldn't be so bad, if NPR weren't taking my hard earned tax $$ everyday just to stay on-air. If they want to play the game, let them do like MSNBC, CBS & the rest and pay their own way.
