Tuesday, February 9, 2010

another example of politics as usual

Here is what is wrong with modern American politics.
President Obama has called for a bi-partisan meeting on health care. He wants to get both sides together and work something out.
Seems reasonable enough.
But Republicans are accusing him of laying a trap, or of being insincere ... yada yada yada.
Here is paragraph from the AP story.

"half-day meeting will be more showmanship than substance.
The House's top two Republican leaders openly questioned Obama's sincerity and hinted they might skip the meeting if he uses the Democratic bills as the starting point for discussions."

I understand Republicans being a bit wary, but at the same time they are showing that they are not really interested in making any progress on the issue. They want what they want regardless of how it affects the nation.
They are more interested in obstructing the dems than they are in actually solving a problem.
Now I do want to point out, that dems did exactly the same thing to Bush. Pubs did it to Clinton, and Dems did it to elder-bush. It goes back a long way, but I do recall a time when the acrimony was not quiet so intense.
The gulf widens between the two ideologies and nothing gets solved.
And the cynicism of Americans rises.
Politics as usual.
This is the problem with politics. If either side were truly interested in the betterment of the nation, they would have had this meeting over a year ago.
Here is the entire AP story.


  1. Gee, thats a really tough one to figure out!
    First, it was pass a bill without ever reading it!
    Second, it was ramit home regardless we have the Super majority!
    Third, well in light of the recent elections maybe we should set down and discuss this like ADULTS!


    Nancy you need another round of Botox!
    Mr. Reid they need to keep you behind close doors and get someone with a better TV appearance may be a pitchman! No the best one of them just died!

  2. Here's a good article today on Jubak's Jounal.
    It kind of puts things in a differnet perspective and the real reason they should be working together! (It's not about Healthcare!)


  3. @2:03 p.m. Well said. It is interesting that they NEVER once asked Repub's into the discussion until they lost their supermajority. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed. Thx

  4. ummm bringing it to the house or senate floor, is inviting the pubs into the discussion.
    clearly, they were never interested, and are not now either.

  5. oooook. i guess that's why madam pelosi wanted the health plan hammered out in secret.

  6. Just in case you didn't read Jubak's article about debt, interest and taxes!

    Here's the way I interpret the current status of the U.S. and I am by no means an expert! But, I do like finding and reading people who are and attempt to tell the whole story!

    The U.S. will reach a point where the rest of the world loses faith in our ability to control and/or repay our Debt. (Thats what just happened to Greece). When that happens they will quit loaning us money (buying treasuries) or significanly raise the interest rate on any additional money!

    If there is one thing that all Citizens should come together about it is the National Debt!
    The Passing of a free and properous Country onto the next Generations!

  7. @8:43

    Maybe some citizens don't want a free and prosperous Country. Maybe the plan is for you and me to be poor and enslaved.

    It seems like everything they do attacks freedoms, prosperity or both. Maybe they do not understand what freedom and prosperity is.

    *Or maybe they do.*

  8. An open letter to President Obama,

    Oh.. NOW you want this healthcare debate to be bi-partisan huh???

    I guess the whole SUPER MAJORITY thing didn't work out so well. Maybe it's because the American people, both Democrat and Republican, watched you and Pelosi and Reid LIE to them time and again, and tell them you were going to be open and transparent, and broadcast on C-Span. We watched you tell us there would be no lobbyists in the white house. We watched as you made it clear that you did not want OR NEED the Republican's help in passing health care, AND you were going to pass it against the will of the majority of Americans. After all, you had your SUPER MAJORITY!!!

    So, how'd that work out for you?

    The lesson: The American people are not stupid. We are watching you, and expecting you to do what is best for US, not for YOU and your cronies.

  9. It seems like everything they do attacks freedoms, prosperity or both. Maybe they do not understand what freedom and prosperity is.

    *Or maybe they do.*

    Good POINT!

    But, just for kicks what if the things they think are constructive turn destuctive?

    Here is an example -

    Probably in the last two decades there has been a trend for the risk takers to partner with the Government at many different levels to promote and even extend expansion/developement!

    In itself that seems like a worthy plan a WIN/WIN for both sides!

    In reality its a WIN/Lose if things go wrong!
    And if its BIG ENOUGH it effects us all!

    Guess who all the risk falls to? Your right the taxpayer! (sound like a TIF - sorry I couldn't resist)

    I personally don't mind paying my taxes! If I have to pay it means I'm making money!

    But, what I hate is to see MY TAXES wasted on things where Government has no BUSINESS!

    Just like with the special tax breaks for vehicles over $6,000 lbs. in the 90's which spawned the SUV bubble! Which increased our gas consumption. With 50% oil imports.


    The recent housing bubble pushed by low interest rates and Government sponsored almost even mandated relaxation of Credit ratings for buyers. (then Freddie and Fannie)


    The bailouts of the banking and auto industry!


    The cash for clunkers!

    I think they are playing the taxpayer like a drum and a fool!

    Government has a specific role and its not to interfere or participate in the PRIVATE SECTOR!

    Government money also has specific uses already outlined! But ignored!

    BTW: you can include organizations like KPERS and others in that list as well. I don't like the fact they are in a deficit and unfunded!
    But I also HATE the reason its got that way!

  10. All of the above points are fine examples of the willingness to bankrupt the taxpayers. The current deficit is over $12,000,000,000,000. That is about $113,000 per taxpayer. Can that ever legitimately be repaid? I think the taxpayer has already been played like a drum.

    Either the powers that be are running a completely ill advised plan or the plan is to end our prosperity and freedom as we know it. Which is it?

    What are we going to do when the lenders stop lending money? Or worse yet, what are we going to do when they start asking for repayment?


    p.s. If this doesn't make you sick to your stomach count the commas again.

  11. Im not so sure the national debt is that big of a deal. Its mostly how you cook the books and how the economy is doing.
    Remember in the 80s we had a huge national debt, and it all but disappeared in the 90s. Both parties took credit for it of course, but .. the thing is, the economy improved and that meant more tax money coming in, so the debt went away.
    When the economy goes bad, less tax money comes in, so the debt rises.
    Its a natural ebb and flow of the economy.
    And it gives both political parties something to take credit and blame the other side for.

  12. JJ,

    Again, they didn't do away with the National debt in the 90's!
    Clinton had a balanced budget with a surplus that was to pay down the Nationl Debt over time!

    But, the end of Clintons reign brought on a recession. (hang over from the ramp up to Y2K and the bursting of the internet bubble).

    Then came 9/11!

    Where were you?


    Keep on drinking that Koolaid! I'll just drink water!

  13. Dont know what's in your water. There was no national debt in the 90s.
    Both sides blame the other for recession. Politics as usual.
    The con is that either side is right :)
    Both are wrong. and both are bad for the country.

  14. Btw: They will put the breaks on our borrowing. If Obama keeps his agenda it may be sooner than later!


    Today I'd keep my eye on Isreal! They may just decide to take out Iran.

    lets hope that Iran's Citizens act first!

  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_debt_by_U.S._presidential_terms

    My water is just fine!

  16. "There was no national debt in the 90s."

    now, jj even I know better than that. (without ANY research) And if you truly believe that statement, I got a bridge I'd like to see if you'd be interested in buying. eh :)

    Seriously, though, this is how propaganda, misinformation gets spread. Good ol' internet. I know better.

  17. JJ Child Please...

    I think you just called out.

  18. James,

    Be sure you are not confusing Clinton's puesdo balanced budget and a national debt.

    We could balance our budget every year for the next ten years and still have that $12 trillion dollar defecit plus interest.

    You are very wrong about it not being a big deal. It is the biggest deal. Every person, family, business, and corporation eventually has a tipping point concerning debt load. Nations are different. The question isn't if we have a tipping point, the question is where is that point.

  19. edit: the last post should say:

    "Nations are NO different."

    My apologies.

  20. JJ, You just got OWNED! I can't believe you actually thought that. lol
