Thursday, February 25, 2010


Here is an example of hypocrisy if ive ever seen it.
Not to get the gay marriage debate started - that isnt the point to me anyway.
A beauty queen says she doesnt believe in gay marriage, so she is getting trashed, just like the one did earlier.
Here is the link.

They say they are tolerant, but how tolerant are they if someone doesn't agree with them? The real measure of tolerance is how you treat people who don't agree with you. Or, as someone else said, how you really feel about freedom of speech is how you treat those who dont agree with you.
The idea that you cannot say you are against gay marriage is a real threat to freedom of speech. That is what Id like to discuss, not the gay issue itself.


  1. Wow, I totally agree with you on this one!

  2. I watched a clip from The Daily Show today that had Code Pink (the group that calls our soldiers war criminals) protesting in front of a Marine recruiter in Berkeley California. One of the code pink demonstrators was interviewed and said she was fighting for freedom of speech, and she had the right to be there and speak out. The interviewer sarcasticaly said "If only there were some group that could fight for your right to free speech" (the Marines she was protesting against). She was too dumb to get it.

  3. I think any honest person will admit you are right, jj. Disagree with the homosexuals and they'll burn your house down. All the while screaming "I want my rights!". Have you seen one of these "gay pride" parades? There you will see unbridled homosexuality. "in your face" Very few of these relationships last any time. Conversely, most of them go with hundreds of men. That's why we have aids now. And a woman with a woman, what's that about? If you just look at the anatomical construct, you'd see that a woman is not fitted for another woman. It's sick, sick, sick. They say we're intolerant, yet we're the ones visiting the aids patients with love and respect. Trying to help the kids that've been molested & abused.

  4. "Trying to help the kids that've been molested & abused."

    Yeah, cause everyone knows that only queer fags are child molesting pedophiles...

    Give me a break, you intolerant jerk...

  5. don't look now, but you just proved my point. eh?

  6. @ 7:27, "don't look now, but you just proved my point. eh?"
    Proved what point. You cannot generalize, and assume that an entire class of people are responsible for kid's being abused or neglected, or that they are more promiscuous than another group. Many "straight" people have AIDS.
    Many "straight" people have multiple sex partners.
    I work with young children who were sexually abused by their mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, neighbors, clergy.
    What does any of this have to do with same sex marriage, or the right of consenting adults to have the same rights as you or I. Many, (in fact most,) are in loving committed relationships. Or at least as committed as any of my straight friends.
    These beauty contestants can say whatever they want. There is no law preventing it. Conversely, I can say they are wrong, and intolerant for holding these beliefs. Luckily, there is no law against that as well. Keep spewing your hate and intolerance. You are a dinosaur, a dying breed, and quickly becoming a minority voice. You will be able to continue with your "free speech," but thankfully, no one will hear you.

  7. Proved what point. You cannot generalize, and assume that an entire class of people are responsible for kid's being abused or neglected, or that they are more promiscuous than another

    This is true. however, you did prove his (or her) point because you did the same thing. YOU generalized and stereotyped people who don't agree with you.
    There just seem to be this huge blind spot in some people.
    They shout intolerance at anyone who does not agree with them. Does anyone really not see the hypocrisy there??

  8. @ 9:36am - "There just seem to be this huge blind spot in some people.
    They shout intolerance at anyone who does not agree with them. Does anyone really not see the hypocrisy there??"

    I do not see the hypocrisy. I support their right to free speech. I support there right to have their opinion. I cannot tolerate intolerance. I say live and let live.
    Those on the other side do not believe gays and lesbians have the right to live. At least nott the same rights as you or me.

  9. "You are a dinosaur, a dying breed, and quickly becoming a minority voice. You will be able to continue with your "free..."

    Now that would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. You call me a dying breed. Only a small percentage of the present population espouses homosexuality. Think for a minute...what a man does with another man. Think. Question: Does that sound natural? (I could be more graphic, but jj would have to delete it) I say's sick, sick, sick. No, you're the one that's dying. AIDS! See this is why no one can discuss this topic civil. Again, disagree with the homosexuals and they'll burn your house down. Get a clue here, homosexuals do not reproduce. They have to have those of us who aren't to help them. Or, they have to reach down & convert youngsters. Hence, the homosexual groups reaching ever lower grade levels in our school systems. Trying to grab young impressionable minds who may be struggling with their sexuality & convince them...well you know the rest. This is one reason we can't reach the Muslims. They cannot stand the thought of their sons tongue kissing another boy, or of their daughters... So, they write us off as corrupt at the core. I through with you. Now, could we please get back to jj's original premise: "..the idea that you cannot say you are against gay marriage..."

  10. When have you heard anyone who supports gay marriage say.
    "Ok, I understand that you do not agree with me, and you must at least believe you have some reasons. I support your right to disagree with me." ??
    show me an example ....

  11. We live in a country that holds a seperation of church and state in the highest regard. We also claim to believe that God created all equal, and endowed them with certain unalianable rights. To the state, marriage is a civil ceremony. It should be a right afforded to all. Any objection to it, (or at least most objections to it) are religious, and therefore should have no bearing on civil "marriage." Those who want to have the same rights and privliges as their straight neighbors should be entiled to equal protection.
    That being said, if your church does not want to marry gays or lesbians based on your interpretation of scripture, I believe that right should be protected. I believe it is a flawed interpretation of scripture, and contrary to the teachings of jesus Christ, but that is your right. There are churches that will perform these ceremonies. If you don't agree one way or the other, don't join that particular church.

  12. That being said, if your church does not want to marry gays or lesbians based on your interpretation of scripture, I believe that right should be protected. I believe it is a flawed interpretation of scripture, and contrary to the teachings of jesus Christ,

    Mat: 11: 20-24

    From the footnotes:

    Similarily, nations and cities with churches on every corner and Bibles in every home will have no excuse on judgment day if they do not repent and believe.

    I think its pretty clear the reason Sodom was destroyed and why!


    Those who know better will be held more accountable!

  13. Did Jesus write the footnotes too? hhhhmmmmmmmm.

  14. @9:37am -"Similarily, nations and cities with churches on every corner and Bibles in every home will have no excuse on judgment day if they do not repent and believe."

    Believe in what exactly?

  15. Believe in what exactly?

    Mat: 11:25

    At that time Jesus said, I praise you, Father,
    Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

    From the footnotes:

    Jesus mentioned two kinds of people in his prayer: the wise - arrogant in their own knowledge - and the little children - humbly open to recieve the truth of God's word. Are you wise in your own eyes, or do you seek the truth in childlike faith, realizing that God holds all the answers?


    Mat: 11: 27-29
