Monday, February 22, 2010

Good morning

Good morning all.
Cop notes are posted.
What would you like to talk about today?
Looks like Obama is coming out with a new health proposal.


  1. " health proposal." ok, i'll jump in. odd isn't it? a presidental candidate (and congress) that promised in campaign to be the most open, transparent...etc. yet they wanted and (needed) no republican input until they lost their super-majority. now, all of a sudden (since scott brown) they want a bi-partisan effort. odd. louisana purchase, cornhusker kickback, backroom deals, & for goodness sake, let's not give 'em time to read it. JUST SIGN IT!!! sheesh! president obama, madam pelosi & maj. leader reid took the wrong message away from their election. the "change" they are pursuing is not the "change" most americans assumed they were voting for. now, many have buyer's remorse. i don't. i didn't buy it from beginning.

  2. Looks like a new restaurant is coming to Arkansas City.

  3. Mr. Obama should do the right thing and resign for not being a natural born citizen.

  4. Me thinks the problems can't be solved in D.C.!
    But on the State and local levels!

    Then again, look whos begging for Fed. money?

    How do you suppose it ever got to this point?

  5. Yes, it sounds like it may be a good one opening. I will definately try it!

  6. I sincerely hope Ark City will support it. Personally, I don't eat out much. But, I will definitely support it when I do. I wish them well.

  7. theres also another small barbeque place that opened a month or so ago.
    anyone been there?

  8. Big and Small?

    They have excellent ribs and a really good pulled pork sandwich!

  9. Big and Small = Good Food = Expensive for a poor guy like me.

  10. I saw that the same people who had the Italian place here are now opening one in Winfield. Didn't they leave a lot of employees hanging when they quit here? I heard many didn't even get paid.

  11. I was one of Obama's biggest supporters.
    Risked alienating myself from friends and family.
    Contributed to his campaign. Made phone calls on election day. All that being said, I have lost my faith in him. This is not "Change we can believe in." In fact, it seems to be worse than it ever was... I am amazed at how quickly he abandoned his ideology, and his principles. It makes me sad. There was such great promise for a new beginning.

  12. I would agree with that. Im not real surprised though.
    Im just so alienated from national politics.

  13. "Change we can believe in."

    Maybe that is the beginning! To finally realize that its really up to you/us!

  14. If Obama was to say lets do it the republican way on health care, they would all change their minds and do the opposite. Not one ounce of compromise between the two parties. It made me sick when i watched some of the state of the union address to see some of the republican party sit back snickering like a bunch of kids. Makes me understand more and more everyday why the militias want to over throw the government for years.

  15. To finally realize that its really up to you/us!

    The reason the U.S. was such a successful experiment was that it let the individuals decide!
    The Government could help but was not to interfere in your choices or plan!


    That the decisions we make as individuals can and do effect the way our form of Government works!


    That Government should not be used to decide the future or fate of one individual over another!


    When we choose to relinguish our responsibility to make decisions to Government? We loose the ability to make our own decisions and limit our own potential. (To use our talents and achieve our goals as individuals!)


    God can't work through Government he never has- he only works through individuals!

  16. The government is "by the people for the people.."
    I really dont see government as something "out there" or "other".
    We ARE the government.
    We have public water, somewehat public electricty, and no one objects. Public education too.
    It just depends on what we want to have done on the public level.
    Privitization is not always a good idea either. :)

  17. JJ,

    I heard not to long ago somewhere on a debate that we were winning the Globalization War.
    That other countries were adopting many of the
    practices and values of America.
    Like Capatilism and empowering the people to produce products, serve and fulfill the needs of each other!
    But, when I hear the President or some in congress say that we need to adopt policies of other countries like Socialized Medicine or other policies that conflict with our form of Government.
    I think we are being asked to give up the type of Government you think is by "Free" people!


    Slowly lose our Freedom to choose!


    Maybe even worse hope that someone will decide for us!

  18. @ 9:17am - "That the decisions we make as individuals can and do effect the way our form of Government works!"

    On what planet.
    Our elections, as well as our politicians are bought and paid for by corporations.

    Any decisions they make are for the good of corporate America, and the banking industry. Don't think for a minute that you have any real influence, or that they have your interest at heart.

  19. @2:52pm - "I heard not to long ago somewhere on a debate that we were winning the Globalization War."

    Not sure that is a war we need to be winning.
    Why do we assume our way is the best way, just because we are American?

    In many areas we only prosper because others in South America, Africa, China... are exploited.
    But hey, "out of sight out of mind," right?

  20. But, when I hear the President or some in congress say that we need to adopt policies of other countries like Socialized Medicine or other policies that conflict with our form of Government.
    I think we are being asked to give up the type of Government you think is by "Free" people!

    I think the problem here is the all-or-nothing mentality.
    We should be trying to do what works best, regardless of who is doing it. If we can take an idea from another country, i dont see anythign wrong in that.
    Ive been to europe, their public transportation system is amazing. We could learn a lot from that .. of course it wouldnt work in a rural area like here, but in big cities its great.
    Just because you borrow one idea, doesnt mean you are converting ...

    besides, nearly all of us are descendents of europeans anways :)

  21. besides, nearly all of us are descendents of europeans anways :)

    Yeah, and history tells us why we are here and why we don't have that type of Government!

    Why do we assume our way is the best way, just because we are American?

    Why do people from other countries fall all over themselves to come here if freedom and the ability to pursue a goal or dream isn't better than what they have in their Country. Look at all the ones who come here for their education.

    I actually have a cousin who lives in Sweden and has Dual citizenship. She is married to a professional/dental surgeon! They have national
    healthcare which she likes because as she said they don't have to worry about the catastrophic illnesses. But Sweden is a small country and until they discovered oil were considered a Poor country! He won't consider living in the U.S.

    They live a totally different lifestyle - take a months vacation (holiday) every year!

    But when you talk to their kids they don't have things like organized sports or many of the things we have in the U.S. They don't miss them because they don't know any different!

    Maybe those in other countries don't miss our type of healthcare system because they don't know any different?

    I do agree that the costs are out of line and as a country that needs addressed! That there needs to be a solution to the uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions. But not at the expense of being the best in the world to be like the rest of the world!

  22. @ JJ - ".. of course it wouldnt work in a rural area like here, but in big cities its great."

    I was in Germany for a few months a few years ago.
    They had a main rail line, and then light rail off of that to even smaller towns than Ark City. There was nowhere I couldn't go on public transportation. It was clean, affordable, and always on time....

  23. @Feb23, 7:51 a.m. "I am amazed at how quickly he abandoned his ideology, and his principles. It makes me sad. There was such..."
    Thanks for being honest. You got took. Don't feel so badly now. We've all been took at some point in life. The nation got took. Pres. Obama didn't abandon anything. He is now what he was then. Many of the things he's doing now, and believed then were not made public, because he had a willing accomplice in the mainstream media. He is their darling. The policies he's in favor of never have worked. They didn't work for Russia, Cuba, China, etc., and they won't work now. Plus, he split the populace by appealing to poor people's desire to get something for nothing. (Might add, at that time, folks were angry at Bush) Buyer's remorse. Thankfully I don't have any. Again, I didn't buy it in the beginning. Vote again. This time, do research. With the internet, the information is out there. Just have to find it. ABC, CNN, CBS, & Traveler won't tell you the truth. They're in the tank, relics they are who will soon inhabit the museum. Peace.

  24. The only thing is, when we had the election, there was no reasonable alternative to obama.
    mccain would have been just as bad.
    thats the sad thing to me.
    we either get a sweet talker or a tough talker ... but thats all it was from the beginning.
    just talk and appeal to the masses.
    where have you gone joe dimaggio?

  25. @ 9:17am - "That the decisions we make as individuals can and do effect the way our form of Government works!"

    On what planet.

    Well how about the 55% divorce rate for one!
    The growing trend to not get married at all!
    The fact that more often than not it forces the woman and children onto the public assistance programs. (I know even married qualify at certain income levels.) But the point is that all too often it increases that amount, when Government is forced to respond, to the taxpayers. Then don't forget the expense to maintain two households vs. one as the reult of a breakup or divorce!
    How about paying your taxes or taking advantage of deductions which you don't qualify?
    There are others but you already know the basis for my posting!

    Same planet differnent era!
