Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Socialized internet

There's a story about how a large percentage of the American public is still not on broadband, or the internet. Here is a link to the story.


The biggest reason those that are not connected are not, is the cost. Its not all that expensive, but I do understand that. Another reason is that they just plain don't want it, which I also understand.
The story goes on to talk about how everyone can get hooked up. It started me thinking about socialized medicine. Can socialized internet be far behind?
The internet has changed everything, and you can debate whether that change is good or bad, but it is a whole new world now.
The conspiracy theorists might have fun with this as well. Just think of the reasons the government might want you to have internet in your home. It's not so that you can be happier and more well-informed.


  1. Well I know I'm irritated with cox right now seeing how our internet just went up. Bundle up your services, yeah right! Looks like I might be moving to att

  2. If you live in the country it is not afforable at all!

  3. In Ponca they have free wireless....something we will never see here more than likely!

  4. Actually a year or more ago, it was talked about in a worksession meeting. Maybe more thana year ago. It costs a lot, but costs are coming down.

  5. Speaking of socialized internet.. there was a news story in the last few days about a school that gave all their students laptops, and then used them to spy on them via the webcam while the students were AT HOME.


  6. That's pretty good.... 'the gift that keeps on giving'. LOL

  7. @ SG - Not entirely true.
    The laptops were suspected of being stolen.
    They cameras were activated, and a single still shot was snapped. Not motion pictures, no sound.
    18 laptops were recovered this way.

  8. Ponca City does have wireless internet. And sometimes its a good thing, othertimes it can be a bad thing. For instance the security issue. Most computers come with built in firewalls, but smaller devices like itouches, cell phones that work on wifi, personal gaming units, and regular gaming units do not have these firewalls and the content of the hard drives are available for hacking. I wouldnt use it.

    Plus why are we all wanting to the Govt to provide us more? If they do then their cost goes up if cost goes up taxes go up. Whats next the having the Govt provide us cell phones?

  9. hmmm. interesting thoughts, jj. do you think the internet will be part of the anti-christ's arsenal?

  10. I think it could be.
    But then, i do have some rather unorthodox views on end times theology.
    There was an article by some computer guru, saying that the internet could soon become "self aware"
    which means it could start to think for itself by automatically filling holes and such ... how far away is that from it having a will of its own. with artificial intelligence getting better all the time, ... could the internet become a "living" being.

  11. @ SG - Not entirely true.
    The laptops were suspected of being stolen.
    They cameras were activated, and a single still shot was snapped. Not motion pictures, no sound.
    18 laptops were recovered this way.

    they thought they saw drugs in the still shot , which was a piece of candy,which is why we even know they did it. point being they turned on the webcam and spied in on someones home , thats bullshit no matter how you look at it

  12. @ jj. "...rather unorthodox views..." not at all. Personally, I think it makes perfect sense. (Biblically) Consider there will HAVE to be a way to contact large masses of people in a short period of time. (for control purposes) The Bible is true.

  13. The end is Near! I believe that the antichrist has been born, and will rise to power soon. The internet is going to be how he comes into our lives. Repent now while you can, for the end is near! Glory be to God the almighty!
