Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This time of year

(Cop notes are posted)
This is my least favorite time of the year. Its cold, nuff said.
It was this time of year that I moved here. Actually tomorrow will mark the 7th anniversary of when I started working at the local newspaper. I came here from South Carolina. I used to think 35 degrees was a cold day.
There was some culture shock coming here. The first weekend I was here we had a big snow, something like 10 inches in two days. At that point I had not seen 10 inches of snow altogether in my whole life, so seeing it at once was quiet the shock. Even more shocking than the snow was the fact that live went on pretty much as normal.
I still remember that first day. Someone had quit the day before, and that meant I had no time at all to feel my way around and learn things at a normal pace.
Also my inlaw was here from California. Also that week I got my first glimpse of how mean he could be.
I wondered why I was here and really thought about hi-tailing it back to S.C. as quickly as possible.
I still wonder that at times.
But the place has grown on me some too.
I am a little more used to the cold weather, but that doesn't mean I like it.
But it is nice to have actual seasons. That was something we did not have in South Carolina. There we had summer and January as our two seasons.
I don't know what will happen now as far as the future goes. Just have to wait and see.


  1. Also my inlaw was here from California. Also that week I got my first glimpse of how mean he could be.

    Better be careful, you don't want to get things stirred up again do you? More drama?????

  2. No, I want the blog to stick around! Leave the self righteous out.
