Monday, February 1, 2010


Greetings all.
Cop notes are posted. Looks like a bunch of Cowley students got popped for underage drinking over the weekend.
Was pretty cold and hard to get out and do much.
Cowley basketball tonight. City commission tomorrow night.
Ill try to post more later.
Is there anything that anyone is just dying to talk about?


  1. Where has everbody gone jj, nobody is blogging, and it's been so cold and snowy, you would think everyone would be.

  2. With the long periods between postings most have just left....a blog/news site can't be left unattended for long. It has been several times. People will just stop coming to it. And it looks like they have.

  3. Well, there I was on Sunday afternoon at a stoplight on downtown Mainstreet. Surrounded by Toyotas!
    A Camry a Tundra and a Tacoma in the oposite turn lane!
    What to do?
    I jumped the curb a drove up on the side walk the only safe place left to drive!
    I think the Domestic car companies were given a gift! If they don't screw it up too!
    Had that pedal checked JJ?

  4. "With the long periods between postings most have just left..." Good guess. I think that's part of it. Also, the big brouhaha with the brother in law may have left a bad taste in some people's mouths. (sic) Hang in there, jj.

  5. Last rites would be appropiate...a moment of silence please......da da dah....da da dee....da da dah da da dah da da dee......(singing taps)

  6. How long was the blog page down? One day it was just gone.... How are people supposed to visit a site that doesn't exist.

  7. it was down about a week.
    a lot of strange things happened all at once there.
    the attack from the pharisees of pharisees kinda took the wind out of my sails as well. i just felt violated.
    also had some computer troubles.
    ive also gotten busy writing for other people and actually making money.
    just one thing and another.
    ill start posting again and see what happens.

  8. I am glad it is back. I still come in just to check to see what others have posted. I actually put the post that Larry Hale had for willingness to shovel snow on my facebook site. Toni's friend was looking for a man to shovel her drive-way. Hopefully, it helped both of them to get the job done. JJ, keep up the good work.

  9. Keep the blog JJ. I also look everyday to see whats up even if I don't post.

  10. I appreciate that. If you see that no one is posting, post something. When no one posts any comments, I feel like no one is reading, even though that may not really be the case.

  11. I think blog reading is down right now, even good ol daveys blog doesn't get many comments lately.

  12. Blogging is like gardening, if you tend to it it will grow and flourish, if you don't it will die. It will all depend on if you are going to take the time to cultivate it.

  13. Point taken.
    I guess the time off ive taken lately has not been a good idea.

  14. all work and no play..........d.

  15. "...even good ol daveys blog..." No, Good ol daveys never gets more than a handful of posts because he only lets the ones thru that he likes or agrees with. Plus, if he does let it go, it takes a day or two for him to post it. It's happened to me lots, and others on there complain about it. (And I NEVER post anything bad or pushy) so, I just packed up my keyboard & left. eh? On another note, jj, I think everybody needs time away. I mean AWAY. However, pulling the blog down completely was not a good sign to us. My humble opinion. I'm glad the blog is back. It does give us in A.C. a place to talk, share, and sometimes even vent. :)

  16. gotta have a place to vent:) i know i missed this blog. d. p.s. just wish my d^&*( computor worked! d.

  17. "It does give us in A.C. a place to talk, share, and sometimes even vent. :)"...yea, it's kind of like a barber shop without the haircut.
