Wednesday, February 24, 2010

city commission meeting

The city commmission worksession set for Thursday has been moved to noon on Friday, according to an email from city hall.


  1. GM. A bit off topic here, but good fodder for discussion. (i think)
    A Canadian Premier just flew to FL for a delicate heart procedure. (Canada has socialized medicine) Then he returns to trumpet the benefits of Canada's health system. Read one write up here:

    If it was so great in Canada, then why fly to U.S.A. for treatment?

  2. Being as your off topic:

    I happen to catch a part of a presentation on WSU TV Tuesday. (During a Break)

    A Generation in Jeaprody: Todays Youth Tommorows Future

    Among other things that were mentioned was the fact that the U.S. is using 90% of the worlds Ritalin!
    Makes you wonder what the rest of the world uses?

  3. @ 7:42a.m. It's a crime against humanity. I didn't see the broadcast you mention. But, I would be willing to bet cold hard cash $$ that MOST of the prescriptions are for little boys. A drug so potent that it can change the chemical balance of a human brain. To change boys to act like they want them to act. Docile, compliant, like girls. This will come back to haunt us...

  4. A drug so potent that it can change the chemical balance of a human brain. To change boys to act like they want them to act. Docile, compliant, like girls. This will come back to haunt us...

    So, now you got me wondering?
    Could the use of ritalin contribute to the obesity problem in youth today?

    The use of a drug to control a behavior that results in a biological disorder?

    One that might be more destructive than the behavior it was meant to correct?

  5. Try to stay on topic - this thread is about the new board firing the best thing to happen to SCKRMC in decades. McGrew is a genius.
