Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super bowling

Here is a link to a thoughtful column about the super bowl and the ads that go along with it.
The ads have become as much a part of the culture as the game itself.;_ylt=AqUaesmv7jtFHAZFTK_Ant45nYcB?urn=nfl,218119

Good game though. My two favorite teams were playing, so I was ok either way.


  1. Seems to me like there was a lot of "man bashing" in the ads last night. And not because "men are men," as much as it was because, "men are not." There definatley was a theme. I'm sure it was in good humor, but come on. If it were the other way around, there would be an outcry.

  2. for once the game was better than the ads. imo.d.
