Sunday, February 7, 2010

My take on the Tea Party

The Tea Pary held its convention over the weekend. Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker Saturday night.
Im not ready to become a Tea Part-ier, but, I think it is a step in the right direction.
It seems a whole lot like the Republican Party, and is very conservative. They are against big government and all the usual things conservatives are into.
Palin was well-received, and there were chants for her to run for president. She could well be the Republican nominee next time.
The dems and liberals rip  her for having no experience and not being qualified. Of course, Obama had that same problem when he was running.
The only qualification for being president is that the person be 35, not a felon and a natural born citizen. So that's not exactly high standards.
 Palin said "America is ready for another revolution."
I think she is right.
I may not agree with the tea party all that much, but I like the idea of a group trying to start a new political base.
This group is basically republican by another name, but still it is a move in the right direction.
Palin also said the "movement is the future of American politics because it's a ground-up call to action to both major political parties to change how they do business."
I do agree with her on that point.
As ive said before, there are other ideologies and choices than just liberal or conservative.


  1. It will be interesting to see what the Tea Party evolves into politically!
    I think it's original intent is to energize the average Citizens and taxpayers. A ground up attempt to counter the influence of other groups who are using the Government for their benefit and specific agendas. Groups like the SEIU, UAW, AARP, NEA, etc.
    Ex. When US Auto Makers were clearly disadvantaged by the money they paid and owed to the Unions for benifits and retirement. (Which was billions of dollars) It was the US Govt. that stepped into bail them out! KPERS is another example locally! Where the State is obligated to pay in the case of their default!
    In a sense it is the taxpayers that are made
    to pay those benefits regardless of whether they had any benefits! Benefits that often are better than ones the average taxpayer could afford or even acquire!
    If the Tea Party gets highjcaked! It will be by parites or groups who make unrealistic promises
    or ones they can't keep!
    Government shouldn't be used to decide the economic classes. It should be done by the merits and efforts of individuals, businesses and/or groups.
    But, those who make unrealisitic or promisies they can't keep - should be forced to reorganize or FAIL!

  2. Palin for President makes me ill, she didn't even make it to the finish line on her last job. She talks big.

  3. I have to disagree with your comment of the tea party being republican by another name. True tea party activists are very conservative, but they are also against big government. The Tea Party folks, to the best of my knowledge, disagree with the way Bush grew the government, AND the bailouts that Bush started. Now they are REALLY against the fact that Obama has done the exact same thing, except at a level no one thought possible back when Bush was doing it. To me, the Tea Party movement is about getting back to our Constitution, and not relying so much on government. Which, in turn, means less taxes on the common man.

    I don't think I like the idea of Palin running for POTUS either at this point, but I have to laugh when liberals try so hard to find fault with her, and all they can come up with is the fact that she left her governorship before her term was up. Not enough experience? Obama had WAY less that she did going into the last election. I think she has some good values, and like her views, but I don't see her winning the POTUS.

  4. To be able to run candidates for office in Kansas under the Tea Party name they will have to send in a petition of 70 or 90,000 names to be recognized as a party in Kansas. The Constitution Party did this. There are only 6 or so parties that can run candidates in Kansas.

  5. Im somewhat a fan of the constitution party.
    There are other parties out there. Its just that "major media" refuses to give them adequate or fair coverage.

  6. Hey, Abbreviated & SG,...davey jr. not let your posts go thru this time? haha jk. you're both welcome here. I enjoy both o' you's thinking patterns..

  7. I would imagine mine and his perspective on the tea party would be different.

  8. I like Sarah Palin, do I want her as President - I'm not convinced yet. Would I take her over Obama -- ANY DAY!!
