Monday, February 15, 2010

Still winter

Good Monday morning. Cop notes are posted, AC, Winfield and county.
Nothing gets people going like a TIF district.
The city will have a public hearing at some point, people who support it need to get out there to the hearing, and make their voices heard. You can bet the naysayers will be there in force.
Anyways, two points need to be made.
One, is that this thing the city commission is doing is not creating a TIF district. They are annexing a piece of property that could be developed. It is a conditional annexation, meaning that it expires in five years if nothing happens. But it does give promoters of the city something to offer companies - a space to operate that is already zoned or business. It could become a TIF, . it also might not.
Second point is that anyone - anyone meaning any person or organization upon the earth including Arkansas City - can take advantage of this. One of the objections of naysayers is that it is helping big companies from outside instead of local business operators. There's nothing stopping any local person from starting a business or factory at this site.
Im kinda picking on naysayers this morning, but ... the thing is, there are people that will object to anything no matter what it is. There are some people who just oppose progress.
Maybe this is casting a vision for Arkansas City.
Anyone who does this - sets forth a vision - will get opposition.
But it still needs to be done.


  1. JJ,

    I will believe that when I see it! You know that ACI will still determine the use of that property! Aren't they still talking to the developer about a Complex? (Lowes)
    You of all people - the one who wants to call out the abuse of taxpers by large companies and Government handouts - remember the giving of large sums of money to corporations?
    Even the common old businessman and citizen sees that the real answer to the deficits across the board. Lies in property taxes!
    No, not the gouging of those who already pay but all the dodgers and those who don't pay!
    (Collect taxes from those who are delinquent abuse the system or refuse to pay before they RAISE THEM FOR THOSE WHO DO!)
    But even worse THE TAX MONEY that is diverted away or delayed over time from the repair of aging infrastructure is just adding to the expenses that will fall on future generations!
    It isn't being done by individuals it is being done by Corporations Developers and Speculators/Investors.
    JJ, the people need a real Champion in the media! Someone who looks beyond the obvious!

  2. boy james, ya sure got em talkin again.HA!d.

  3. From 9.19AM
    JJ, the people need a real Champion in the media! Someone who looks beyond the obvious!

    Havn't you noticed JJ just hasn't been the same
    since the "spider bite".

  4. d. i need your phone number and email address, send it to me.

  5. To: Feb 15 10:47

    While I am not a huge JJ fan I honestly don't think we have any "champions" in the media here in our area. Brand X is stuck inside their little box so far they can't think their way out of it. If it isn't accidents or medical emergencies one of the other online sites would be non exsistant. And getting your news second hand OR way intermitently then you can sign on to this site. They all are not prime. Combine them and they might be pretty good but the huge ego's would get in the way. You can't report news once a month, or even bi weekly.

  6. Don't worry about bringing in new business. As long as the town keeps shrinking we don't mind paying higher taxes to keep it going. The people that can most afford higher taxes are the ones that don't want new or even more business.

    Granted the delayed taxes won't kick in for a period of time with anything brought in this way, but, there will be no new taxes at all if we don't do something to bring them in. That means as the price of everything goes up (gas, paper, ink, shovels, everything!) our taxes will have to go up to keep things running. For those of you who believe we can keep cutting back, at some point we have to start cutting back things even you need.

    I would still like to see some new business though. We could use a major retailer that could draw in people and create enough business to attract other retailers. Anyone have a better idea for attracting a shoe store or restaurant or other things we need and want?

  7. in Wichita , the developers who used the TIF , had the property re appraised to get the taxes lowered now they are having to make up for the shortfall. that does not sound like a good idea to me

  8. Well lets look at your theory which in a nutshell is to buy or spend you way to prosperity!
    The huge capital outlay of a TIF with the possibility of getting a Lowes.
    Then trying to dig youself out of the hole with a projected increase in taxes paid over time!
    While the need for that money is still required to maintain the older and already existing infrastructure!
    Then, what if in reality you could get a Lowes and as the result it takes out local businesses in both Ark City and Winfield! How does that help the area?
    You want to create additional infrastructure
    with taxpayer assistance but destroy tax base in the process!
    There is plenty of existing infrastructure including that at Strother Field for use of Public Funding and Growth! Its going to be an expense whether it is used or not for productive economic developement!

    The private Sector needs to grow on its own!
    If ACI can't develope that property they should sell out to someone who will!

    I haven't heard the status of the new Braums, maybe it is on hold for the Completion of the Hospital.
    But there is an example of new growth in Private sector business.
    You need to grow the Private Sector along with the PUBLIC or Public assisted!

    Ask yourself?

    Why is all the focus on the need for growth being LED by Government?


    Who is it that really benefits?

  9. Anyone have a better idea for attracting a shoe store or restaurant or other things we need and want?

    They can't exist where there is no demand or when people choose to buy elsewhere!
    Businesses aren't Charities they won't just show up cause you want them!


    Major retailers won't build where there is'nt a population base capable to support them!

    You are already on the outer rings of their target! Ponca City and Derby/Wichita!

    The New Orscheln was a great addition! It is an example of the type of competitor the area can attract and hold!


    We need industry and services that provide Jobs.

  10. It sure looks easy. Those that don't want it don't deserve it. I'm impressed with all of the business geniuses out there. Easy to tell because they hide behind anonymous. It is wonderful that people can speak their minds. It proves what small minds they have. Everyone is a quarterback. Each of you knows what is best. Why don't you let the people who know business run it?

  11. They are. The naysayers dont show up for city commmission meetings. They dont do anything.
    Last night, at first, there were no members of the public at all there, then Kanyon showed up. That was it. Oh yea, Booker showed up for a little while too.

  12. It sure looks easy. Those that don't want it don't deserve it

    No not easy! But you can't reverse the things that have and are taking place regarding the aging infrastructure/population and lost industry and jobs with one big project! Like you want to propose to the public!
    Its going be small steps with fiscal responsibility that wins the day!

    They don't deserve a bunch of GUNG HO development by developers that have contibuted to the problem and then want to SAVE them!
