Saturday, November 7, 2009

health care half way home

Didnt realize congress was working Saturday. well there was an election, so that explains it i guess.
anyway, the Congress passed its health care billl.
now it has to pass the senate before the president signs it.
now, it will not pay for abortions, except in cases of rape or incest..
it will help people pay for their insurance. 96 percent of the population will have access to health insurance.
should be interesting down the home stretch.


  1. Is a very sad day in America's history

  2. Not all of us think as you do. I believe we are stepping foward to the kind of country we should be. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will continue through.

  3. I'm glad it passed in the house, but I'm not so sure it will through senate.

  4. Well Nancy and Gang rammed it through to just dump it on someone else to do the real work!
    Maybe when she quits jumping up and down she will realize she just passed the buck!


    Maybe not!

  5. LOL well we will

  6. "should be interesting down the home stretch."

    Do you mean the home stretch of our country? Because if so, I agree with you. We just might be coming up on the home stretch. Well, no republic can last forever eh, comrades?

  7. SG you show more and more intelligence with every post. Yeah, health care for all will drive us away from being a republic.

  8. Roman republic lastest 450 years. Ours might only last 250.

  9. Some of you have had a great big glass of iced tea provided by the insurance companies.

  10. When i am forced to do anything by my government in I do not live in a free country, the current bill says if you do not have health care you will be fined and possibly imprisoned, this will not be the free nation as this will be just a skipping stone for further goverment control

  11. Careful righties, don't trip and fall off the map.

  12. you could make the same argument about paying taxes.
    obeying speed limits
    driving on the right side of the road.

  13. Thank you very much for that statement. I think the same thing.

  14. you could make the same argument about paying taxes

    Now there you go, picking on the poor old politicians who want their own healthcare plan and don't want to pay their taxes!

    Do as I say and not as I do!

  15. I haven't been following this whole health care thing, so I am very dumb on the subject. My question is if this whole thing passes and is signed by the Prez, what does it mean for those of us that have health insurance through our employers, and damn good insurance I may add? Can anyone answer that for me? Thanks

  16. Far as I have read. Would not effect it. people will get to keep what they have.
    this is aimed at getting it for people who dont have it.
    I do think that getting insurance for everyone is not the same thing as getting health care for everyone, so .. im not sure there.

  17. So, more than likely, higher taxes for those of us who are already insured to cover the uninsured. In my opinion, what needs to be reformed is the way hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies do business. 5 bucks for 1 tylenol pill at a hospital. Thats ridiculous.

  18. I think it depends on if they are still planning to tax high end insurance plans to help pay for the Public Plan!
    Either way I don't think your plan can remain the same - if there is a change in the number of participants or medical providers!
    They can talk all they want but the fact remains there is a shortage of Doctors, Nurses and clinics. They haven't done a thing to address that from my point of view!
    I don't see where there's any money thats being applied to the supply side for the amount of increased demand!
    AND their plan of Government led cost containment will probably make it worse!
    Just IMHO!

  19. 5 bucks for 1 tylenol pill at a hospital. Thats ridiculous.

    Part of that cost is to offset the losses they are forced to take as the result of the laws that mandate ER treatments regardless of the patients ability to pay!

  20. So if everyone has insurance, wont that help with that situation?
    Will anyone be policing the hospitals to make sure they dont charge $5 anyway?
    but it is true, that people without insurance now go to ER, and burden that system .. so it might actually save money in that sense.

  21. Weekly submission:
    Here's the biggest part of what's driving this thing. Obscene.

  22. There is no way this passes the Senate vote. Then all that left wing back patting will have all been for naught.

    Russell, the answer to your question is that if socialized medicine is enacted, it will eventually run the insurance companies out of business. Obama has said he expects that to take 10 to 20 years, but rest assured, the government will then be your only "option". Then you can look forward to rationing and long lines. John Stossel did a report on socialized healthcare that the dems have modeled theirs after. If you have time, watch all the parts of this. It's enlightening.

    I have very good healthcare insurance also, but it's not fair that all those people who choose not to work can't get any, so I must sacrifice mine to pay for theirs. That's the way it is here in the good ol USSA since the Democrats are in power.

  23. "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

    – Norman Thomas, American socialist

  24. It probably wont pass the senate, so republicans can be happy. They have prevente the people who need help from getting help, and helped the insurance companies make even greater profits.
    Jesus said when we help the poor, we are doing it for God.
    He also said when we refuse to help the poor, we are refusing him.
    Something maybe for Republicans to think about on judgement day.

  25. I have a question for JJ, realting to another blog on this subject. He has having a hard time seeing that the current bill at the time had an opening for paid abortions. You kept saying it did not. If that was so, why did they have to create a special amendment before the major vote to explictly ban payment of abortions in the health care bill? If it wasn't in there in the first place, why create a special amendment? Just so they could make sure they got the 218 votes to pass? The amendment passed with 240 votes, with a majority of Dem's voting against it; mostly Blue dogs and Repubs voting for it.

  26. Jesus said when we help the poor, we are doing it for God.
    He also said when we refuse to help the poor, we are refusing him.

    Jesus did advocate for the poor, down trodden and those who had lost hope! But, he didn't advocate their lifestyles or choices?
    He made the statement to the Jewish leaders that all men had the same value in God's eyes.
    That they could be forgiven and change - which
    not seen as possible in the eyes of those religious leaders!
    He didn't say that destructive behaviors and pratices were OK!
    He re-enforced the 10 commandments and added 1!
    You or the Government can't make people choose to obey them - they have to choose that path!
    So, it is with Society - we choose the type Society in which we want to live and support!

    We need to find ways to help people help themselves not take care of them a the expense of the majority!

  27. AND

    For the record I don't believe all poor or disadvataged are the result of bad behaviors or lifestyle choices!
    But, I do believe that when we treat them/provide for them on that basis we/they have sealed their FATE!
    They will not escape that status!

  28. The people against the health reform are a bunch of pessimists, they always worry about some individual that might get a free ride. They turn a blind eye to the fact that there is more working people that work their butts off everyday and still can't afford insurance. They are refusing to see how having health care, before a person gets too sick, will prevent the clogging of the system of unpaid emergency room bills that drive up costs to the consumer. Several have mentioned the great insurance they get through their company. Could you really afford that great coverage if it wasn't offered through your job? I don't think I could if I had to go directly through an insurance company.
    Then those same insurance companies are mouthing off, threatening to triple the rates if health care reform passes. While I would prefer that insurance reform would of come first, they are not on board with the idea and now I believe a government option is needed. It's time insurance companies get off their high horses and stop threatening us and create plans that more people can afford.

  29. One of the things that bothers me the most, as an employer, is that under this bill, "I" will be required to provide health insurance for my employee's. Now, I'm hoping that doesn't mean "pay" for it, just means provide an option for it, however, I've seen our government at work and I am reasonably nervous that I'll have to pay for it. Which means I will not hire anyone for a decent wage, because I'll have to give some of that money to the "Health Insurnace" Any time you create a tax and impose it on a busines it will, WILL, have a negative impact on the economy.

  30. The people against the health reform are a bunch of pessimists, they always worry about some individual that might get a free ride.


    The Government always takes the wrong approach to solving PRIVATE SECTOR PROBLEMS!
    That is because they have to represent all the people!
    Theonly answer they CAN and ALWAYS will have is to MAKE AND TREAT ALL PEOPLE EQUAL!
    They have so interfered in HEATHCARE to this point at ALL levels from the local, state and federal government. That Private Sector competition is limited by Government Programs!
    They will not STOP if left unchecked until all
    Thats the only answer they can HAVE as they have no other OPTIONS!

  31. Private business needs to show some responsibility.
    the government only has to get involved when business will not do the right thing.
    That is why we have anti trust laws - which dont apply to the medical industry.
    That is why we have labor laws for children, because businesses used to work 10 year olds 12 hours a day 7 days a week.
    Business is made up by , and run by people.
    government is too.
    Neither of which are good in themselves.
    Neither of which will do the right thing if it does not profit them.
    So sometimes they have to be made to do the right thing.

  32. JJ,

    What part of Government as a third Party in Private Sector Business do you not understand!
    Government exists to promote Government!
    It doesn't provide an actual service to a customer nor does it produce a product!
    It can mandate actions (like incentives) or regulate products and services!
    It does pay expenses, related to its programs!
    But Government is not a PRIVATE SECTOR business
    and cannot be made to compete on the same level!


    Their going to lose a BUNCH!

  33. What is it that makes business so holy that it should not be regulated or follow the same laws that private citizens have to follow?
    Government is not supposed to make a profit, so the fact that it doesnt ... is a good thing.
    I just dont see business as some holy grail that is the savior of the world. business is run by people, and people do bad things if there are not laws and police around to stop them.
    There needs to be accountability in business, just as there is other places.

  34. Look, I'm not on board with everything that is wrote into that bill and i truely believe some work needs to be done with it. But the private sector should of thought of those things BEFORE ripping us off and the government had to step in! May I remind you all that alot of working folks getting some assistance and/or healthwave insurance for their kids pay taxes too. I worked, my husband worked, but my kids were on healthwave for awhile and I think they got better health care then we do now on private insurance. Haven't heard of anyone complaining about their medicare insurance either. So no, I don't think government health care is all a bad thing that too many people are making it out to be.

  35. Why don't you just move to a socialist country if you don't like it here? Why change America?

  36. There needs to be accountability in business, just as there is other places.


    It is the relationship between Government and the Private Sector Businesses that is the REAL PROBLEM!
    They are using each other for their own benefit!
    We need to cut those bonds and let Market forces
    of supply and demand shape the competition!
    But, because Government has become so involved through all the Public money it can be PREDATORY!
    How are you going to increase the supply side of healthcare - use Government Employees to administer the procedures and care?
    Thats whats coming NEXT!

  37. Big business is what has changed America for the worse with there greed.

  38. Why don't you just move to a socialist country if you don't like it here? Why change America?
    If you hate the govt so much, you are the one that should move.
    It is patriots who want to see the right thing done.

  39. Big business is what has changed America for the worse with there greed.

    No, the politicians who could be bought by big business was what changed AMERICA!
    They used the power given them by the people to side with special interest over true Private Public interest in favor of what they believed is National Interest!
    It was and still is a joint effort!


    How are you going to increase the supply side of healthcare - use Government Employees to administer the procedures and care?

    If you get the chance talk with someone in the healthcare industry. Ask them who they work for and odds are they will tell you that their license is issued through the state(s) and they tell them what they can and can't do!

    Government is the problem - you want them to solve it?


    What we are alot futher along than you thought?

  40. Are you seriously saying that you have issues with the state issuing licenses and controlling what they can and can't do? Bright idea, we'll just let the private sector issue licenses and see how many crackpots we got working in health care then.
    How are you going to increase the supply side of healthcare - use Government Employees to administer the procedures and care?
    I'm not going to do it, the people that are in charge of the health plan is going to do it. Do you think that if the bill is passed that you are going to wake up the next day and boom everyone going to rush to the dr? I don't, it will be done in steps.

  41. I also see more jobs being created.

  42. CC

    I'd be happy to take over your finances! Just mail me your check and bills and I'll take care of everything else!

    You can trust me!!!!

  43. Nope doing fine on my own. I've been in those down and out shoes before, so I guess i just care about those in times of need. Unlike alot of people....

  44. Do you think that if the bill is passed that you are going to wake up the next day and boom everyone going to rush to the dr?

    I think I'll rush to a Dr. that is even more burdened by Patients and regulations that tell him what he can and can't do!
    AND even fewer choices from which to choose from for my Healthcare needs!


    I don't have a problem with States issuing license which show that a level of achievement to maintain consistancy and quailty of care!
    But, again don't they have to get authorization from each State in which they practice?
    Government policies and procedures are detremental and actually deter a cheaper
    alternative or trend in healthcare costs!

  45. This reminds me of NAFTA all over again. Liberals thought that was a good idea at the time too, and now look what it has done to our country. Outsourcing all the jobs to other countries... turning our factory towns into ghost towns. NAFTA, fought for and passed by Clinton, was the beginning of the end, and socialized medicine will be the next leap.

    I honestly fear for the future of this country. My great grandchildren may be communists.

  46. Liberals already are communists, they just don't like titles.

  47. True. They certainly seem to like all the things that make up communism. Now if they could just find a way to appoint Obama as our permanent dictator, they'd be all set.

  48. You want to reduce health care costs?

    1. Build more hospitals at tax payer expense.
    2. Make a health care professionals education tax deductable.
    3. Put caps on non-income affecting medical malpractice.
    4 Get rid of the trail lawyers and make the people involved tell their sides. Let the judge actually do some work.

    I'm bettin that if we do those things, we'd have a flood of doctors, capitalism would get into affect and we'd have price wars on seeing doctors. The ones that survive will be more finacially stable and in my opnion less apt to gouge.

  49. Ralph you do make some good points but number 1 is your hardest sell anywhere since people do not want more taxes.

    Now to those of you that are calling liberals communists, you should really stop and think of that one. How is having access to health care for all communism? Seems conservatives are closer to dictatorship to me since they want to have a say of who stays sick or die due to lack of insurance and those that have a better chance with insurance. I think some people really need to go reread various articles comparing, capitalism, socialism and communism.


    Clinton’s overall message was one the Obama administration has tried to make: not passing a bill is the worse than passing one that’s not perfect

    I am glad our Founding Fathers didn't have this attitude when writing the Constitution.

  51. Ralph you do make some good points but number 1 is your hardest sell anywhere since people do not want more taxes


    I think the problem with taxes is there are too many different levels collecting taxes!
    If you add them all together it makes it more difficult for people support more or higher taxes!
    But, the part the Congress and some of the States need to change is the way they spend!
    They could easily "Target and Taylor" their spending to address specific problems especailly those that would have long term effects. But with an ever changing of the guard at each elction its business as usual! It seems the departments and programs run the Government.
    How many times do you ever see a Government
    Program once it has been established and staffed
    get disbanded or reorganized?
    a Tax once established get dropped!

    No, not all Government can't run like a Private Sector business but parts of it could and should especailly if they are not efficient and too expensive!
