Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Cop notes are posted.
I am trying to get a veterans page going. Wednesday is Veterans Day, and there is a parade in Ark City.
Anyways, I want to start a page to recognize local soldiers who are serving our country - over seas or not.
I have a couple on there already.
Send in pictures and general information about your vets, and I will post it.
It would be great if the soldiers would send pictures of where they are.
There is a link to the page on the main site. www.arkcityrevived.com

About pages. I know I have created too many pages. But I think the veterans page is a really good idea.
I think i will leave the pages up there, but probably wont update those that dont get read too much.

I had some interesting responses to yesterday's request. Today I am asking for a different kind of help. I need help with content. Send in your stuff ! I could also use help selling advertising.

I would like to have some feedback as to which pages you like. I know the cops page is by far the most popular. The food page gets lots of visits, as does the hunting and fishing page. Im a little surprised that the sports page does not - but then, I am a sports fan. There is some big-12 information on there that is not readily available other places.
There really is not an opinion page, this blog is as close as it gets.


  1. I don't think there is too many pages, I like variety. My favs are the food, health, police, the blog of course and I sometimes visit the church page and city page. Keep up the good work JJ.

  2. Thanks CC
    That is what I need to know.
    I can see which pages get visits, but i still like to her what people think about them. I dont really think there are too many either, just too many for me to keep up with. :)

    Special shout-out to the lady who does the food page. :) Thanks Roxie.
    I need more people like her, who enjoys gathering up some info and sending it in.

  3. I think the hunting and fishing page is great, the pictures you take for that page are very cool.
    Also the guy that writes the page seems to be very much into his craft, I am surprised your hunting page isn’t syndicated

  4. keep up the good work, jj. personally, i think anyone who reads it ought to pony up & give a bit. each could govern their payment by how much they read or consider it worth. It's certainly worth more and better than the competition (x) Might consider linking to some national news items. Consider, yahoo & msn have no news reporters, they just print the AP, etc. There is no paper to recycle or fill up landfills. again, i think it is the way of the future. you're a pretty darn good referee for us too. eh :)

  5. Thanks
    if all the regular readers chipped in $2 a week, i would be in good shape. :)
    it isnt about money though, it is fun.
    but i still have to pay bills and such.
    Good idea about linking ..
    i want to hear more about what you all want.
    except of course from those who want me out of town lol.

  6. I am going to send you $10 a month. I just sent my first check. It is worth it to me to be able to have an alternative to come to. And you have variety. With the blog to discuss,news,food,area hunting and fishing,sports,church,health....there is alot there! It is great!Keep it up!

  7. need some help pushing that wheelbarrol full of money to the bank??? :) keep up the good work. i'll be adding to the pot soon. again thanks.d.

  8. you have to pay for AP content , if you get 2 dollars per follower you have 28 bucks , what the heck you gonna do with all that.
    You are a charity case , get a real job , AND QUIT PANHANDLING , Thats what a REAL man would do

  9. @2:17 the joys of being anonymous. bet a million bucks you would never say that to jj's face. creep.

  10. did you mean jj's creepy face LOL

  11. well, at least it got attention. :)
    i want people to love me or hate me.
    i hate it when they are indifferent.

  12. it is what it is , he has no job but loves doing community reporting , we all have hobbies , and JOBS to help support them, you dont go to your favorite group and say I love this group and I dont want to work anymore can all of you pay me some of your money so I can continue enjoying the group while NOT being gainfully employed. I am not being mean but it is what it is.

  13. @ 8:44am

    It is more than a hobby.
    He is providing a service, and putting in considerable time, (and most likely some money to do it.)

    He could turn it into a subscrition service, but he does not want to go that route.

    Why do people have such a hard time with asking for voluntary donations to support the site?

    Give, or don't.

    It's as simple as that.

  14. i still have trouble believing people actually pay money for the traveler. what a waste of paper and manpower. ugh. the term creep is used of the anonymous guy who is really bold while hiding behind the rock called "anonymous". yes, i'm anonymous but if my identity were revealed, i would not be embarrassed. CREEP.

  15. quit bashing me,I would not be embarrassed if my identity were revealed I have said nothing embarrassing,thats the thing about a free blog, I can have an opinion, he can moderate it but he chooses not to, if he wants to make this blog subscription based go ahead , if he thought it would work he would have already done it.

  16. the term creep is used of the anonymous guy who is really bold while hiding behind the rock called "anonymous". yes, i'm anonymous but if my identity were revealed, i would not be embarrassed. CREEP.

    Pot calling the kettle black
    Do as I say not as I do

  17. and who says I am a guy

  18. OK heshe, it is possible to be both, the point is, he spends ALOT of his time working on this site. More of us who come to this site enjoy it than don't. If you don't, then quit coming to it. If you do and don't want to pay then don't. But those of us who do like the work he does are willing to pay for it. Pretty simple concept. There is nothing wrong with JJ looking for advertising and donations for his work. NOTHING AT ALL! Keeping ones nose in ones own business is not tough. Try it, very simple, pay or don't, just don't try to jack with him for making his work on this site pay off. (x)

  19. kiss my ass , I will do what I want to, you self loathing swine. I can say what I want to about the panhandler. I most of the time enjoy reading this site, just dont like lazy charity , you know the kind , totally able to work but writing a blog is more fun, if he is having money trouble GET A REAL JOB. I will not give anything to him I give to various REAL charities every year.and if we all kept our noses in our own business this blog and all others would be dead.

  20. 1,2,3,4 what the hell we fighting for


  21. I would kiss your ass but you would need to mark off a spot so I would know where the real ass is.
    Easy fix, don't donate, don't come to the site.Now take your pill and rest.

  22. Thank You , I will , and you do the same

  23. I see the children are in session today! Reminds me of teaching a bunch of little ones on the polite manners.
    James, I will make a contribution when I get paid. I am broke, too! I just moved! I always forget how much moving cost since I have only done it twice in 30 years.
    I love the blog, the police notes, and I do not waste my time reading the brand x anymore. I can read the Winfield paper to get all of their information. Why read both of them?

  24. side note: you have to pay to view pages of brand x older than that day's edit. At least that's what i heard... can't fathom anyone paying for today's edition, not to mention old internet pages.

  25. I can't believe anyone would give money to come to a free blog. Besides, I believe it is against the rules of the host blog to ask for money.

  26. Its not against any rules i have read.
    its like a voluntary subscription. no one has to pay.
    i dont really see what the difference is between asking readers if they would consider a donation, and asking a business to advertise.
    its roughly the same thing.

    about old stories on the travelers site. i even had to pay them to get access to some of my old stories. and i cannot get access at all to pages I did.
    i wont give you just half the story and see tomorrows paper. you can always read the whole thing here. :)

  27. He might actually be able to build on his site and offer more stories and live blogs if he can get addtional money. Maybe even an air card to do the City Commission "live".
    Maybe get a helper or just make a living!
    Either way he's managed to get quite a few readers and visits in a pretty short time in

  28. I believe it is against the rules of the host blog to ask for money.

    Can you show some type of documentation of this being against the rules? I am interested if someone can come up with proof of this theory.

  29. as (they) say paper news is in it's last days. so do you really expect this site to give news for free. a little help to pay the bills is all he is after. don't think it's work? try running it yourself some day. i haven't but i am also not a very good typest (PEST?)HA!james keep up the good work.d.

  30. get over yourself
    Just as I thought....

  31. I was mistaken about panhandling being against the rules. I was remembering when you put ads up and said that you were not allowed to ask people to go to them. My mistake.

    and to the poster at 12:28, that was not me who told you to get over yourself, so your "Just as I thought" comment was off the mark. Maybe you really should get over yourself.

  32. OK I will get over myself if you check your facts before posting next time, We can all make mistakes....
