Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, veterans day coming

Good Monday morning.
Cop notes are posted.
Wednesday in Veterans day. We will have a parade here in Arkansas City. 11 a.m. Wednesday.
I think it is great that they are doing this. Hope people will get out and show support.
I would also like to start a veterans page. Ive started it already, but it is just a beginning. There is a link to it on the site.
Send me picture sand information about your veterans.
Addresses too. That way people can send them cards and letters.
I would like to have veterans send updates as well. It would be great to have pictures of them doing their jobs in Afghanistan, Iraq, or wherever they are.


  1. There was a large car wreck at approx. 6 p.m. Sunday night in Ark City in front of Wal-Mart. Does anyone know what happened?

  2. Hey Larry, don't let the door hit ya...

  3. I wish they would have the parade at a time when more people can go.
