Sunday, November 8, 2009

Support the site

Im just curious as to whether anyone would be willing, or able, to support this web site and blog.
It needs to generate more income in order for me to keep doing it.
If people could chip in a dollar or two a week, it would make a great difference.
There is a paypal link at the top of this page, and on the site.
Paypal is very easy to use, and safe as far as I know.
Anyone have any thoughts on that?


  1. U have P.O. Box or St. Add?


  2. 521 N. Second St.
    Arkansas City, KS 67005

  3. I have an idea! Maybe you could get Newscow to donate money from their Curry Field Streaker Tee sales to help out with funds! Ya know they are gonna make millions on that one. I'll help out too!

  4. Great
    You go buy a t-shirt, take a picture of yourself in it, and ill post it. :)

  5. You go buy a t-shirt, take a picture of yourself in it, and ill post it. :)

    I will help but I don't think there will be much danger of my buying one of those tastless shirts! Watch the mail!

  6. how about you get a job jj?

  7. Was wondering when you'd show up. :)

  8. Not every one has a Papa that will hire them at an established place. Keep up the hard work JJ. I hope this will pay off someday for you!

  9. actually he has a job! keeping this spot civil. 10:37 i agree. i feel this site helps keep up on stuff? and lets us blow off a little steam. as soon as we get my add finished i'll be helping a little.d need more supporters though. as for the t's lighten up i may not approve of the event but it did give us something other than big gov. to talk about and it was a memerable send off for curry field.d

  10. I bet Davey Jr is laughing so hard he is wetting himself at this very moment.

  11. as for the t's lighten up
    That won't happen. It was an unfortunate occurance on the last game, hopefully the kid learned something from it. BUT, I won't lighten up on the guy who is comercializing it. : (
    And some people can afford to be laughing, daddy will make sure there is a steady check in the mail!

  12. Not everyt one has a Papa that will hire them at an established place....10:37AM

    Yeah, the majoroty of us that work for a living got jobs on our own. granted there are those that ride on Daddy's coat tail like Davey Jr, but most of us find a job/career all by ourselves so that we can pay our own way thru life.

    There is no reason why James can't get off his lazy ass and work like the rest of us. Unless he is still feeling ill from that nasty spider bite 6 months ago...

  13. Fight ! Fight !

    I know one when I see one!

  14. Im not getting involved.
    I think doing this site is work.
    And, thank you to those of you who have responded in a positive manner.

  15. You're doing Great! We just need to work a little more of that Southern Big City out of you!

    You're in Southern KANSAS now!

    "Thump Thump Thump"

    What? Cowboy Boots don't click!

    and there is no place like "HOME"!

  16. Yeah JJ it probably is work, now that you can't just cut-n-paste a NewsCow article...

  17. Why would running this site be any different than running the paper. You have less help of course, and the pay is bad. I KNOW it is work for you to go to these events and make the contacts you make. There is no reason this couldn't be your job someday. Keep working on this site, keep working on advertising and hopefully those of us positive people will continue to support you. While I haven't always agreed with everything you say, I do feel like you are doing what you love. And there is nothing wrong with trying to build a business of it. Don't pay attention to those who will try to pull you down. It just makes them feel taller.

  18. THanks
    I know this is true.
    But for the record. It was not a story.
    It was a two-sentence web update.
    I sent the wrong thing to the web master.
    and that's all it was.

  19. Hang in there my money is in the mail!

  20. I hope $2k is enough for this month. I will have to wait and see what I can afford to send next month.

  21. You made a mistake and sent the wrong thing to the web master. You were called on it and threw a hissy fit saying you did nothing wrong, people were lying etc. Then it comes out that you were guilty, and suddenly it was the classic spider bite defense.

    Then you spend time on your blog convinced that the evil Brand-X is watching and scared of what you will do....

    And we won't even comment about the little incident in 2004....

  22. Good heavens you are so obsessed with this!!! Get over it!

  23. Im trying to move on, but someone keeps bring up misinformation.
    I did not throw a fit. I did not respond at all, which was wrong of me too.
    But i was impaired by illness and was not responding because i didnt know what was going on myself.
    JR knew I had been sick. He knew i was out sick before then.
    Do you want to see all the legal documentation?
    its all part of the files on the unemployment claim.
    ive no idea what 2004 is about. maybe she will tell us eh?

  24. Sorry JJ I was talking about the other guy obsessing. lol I should have put a time stamp on my post. HE/SHE is the one obsessing. You would think they would have better things to do that come over here and stir it all up?

  25. Yes, I know who she is. She says the same thing every time. Too bad. She is an otherwise intelligent person.
    I just thought I would try this to see if people would support the site a bit.
    I have had some responses. Thank you, you know who you are :)
    Im not sure there is any difference between that and going out and selling ads to business. Its kind of the same thing isnt it?

  26. jj, don't explain another time. those of us with a brain know that the new owner of brand x wanted you gone because of your beliefs. his dad gave him a good paper and he's going to run it in the ground. too bad, and ark city's loss. it's not a newspaper anymore, it's used to fight the fights of ideaology that he wants. since when is mell's taxes front page news? no reporting, except what's fed to them. for some reason, he hates mell and todd tiahrt. don't care why.
    the stuff he writes would be fine in l.a., san fransicko, or chicago. but, here in the bible belt, it just ain't gonna fly. the subscriber base will slowly dwindle.

    newspapers with paper are going the way of the dinosaur, anyway. personally, i think you're on to something with the 'net based news. hang in there, jj.

  27. I did not throw a fit. I did not respond at all, which was wrong of me too.


    That's not exactly true. In the blog you had at the time, you made a post where you were angry at even the idea that someone would have the nerve to say you stole something. It was a bit of a fit IMHO. I'm not the poster who was dogging you above, but let's be honest.

    As recently as a few weeks ago you even had a link to the old blog in the sidebar under MY BLOG LIST that had the title to that post as the last entry. I can't remember now what that title was, but I'm sure someone who frequents here does. But you abandoned that blog after deleting that post and anything related to "the incident" and started this one.

    How quickly you forget.

  28. Did he steal it? Or did he just not proof read something he sent to an employee? YOU or I will never know. If I didn't do it I would be pissed because someone accused me of it. If I didn't respond I would be checking to see what the hell happened before I did speak. We all have issues, yours just isn't the same as JJ's.

  29. Who cares...
    Whether it was an honest mistake, or whether it was very poor judgement, I don't think it was anything malicious.
    I don't agree with everything JJ says. At times I have been critical, albeit anonymously. The bottom line is, he is providing a service. This blog is of pretty decent quality, and always timely.
    I'm sure he puts considerable time into its development and upkeep.
    He isn't forcing anyone to contribute. If you don't think it is worth it, don't pay for it.
    If you like it, and you can afford to send him a few bucks, then by all means do.
    Hopefully he'll be able to keep it going. maybe he'll decide he can't afford to. If so, it will be our loss.
    I don't think he's saying he wants this to be his sole means of income. And what business is it of ours if he choses to work or not?
    Cut him some slack.

    For those of you nay sayers, why lurk around here...?

    Think you can do better? You put the time and money into it...

  30. The worst thing I did was, After they started asking me about it, was that I did not check to see what had happened.
    I didnt answer the questions, and I didnt even look to see what had happened.
    I was a little angry, but "throwing a fit" doesn't seem to be right.
    I dont know why that woman is so against me, but im going to try to ignore her. Youre right, i shouldnt explain it anymore.
    I still dont think its the worst thing I ever did while there. It may not even be in my top 10 of career mistakes.

  31. I would love to hear some of the behind the scenes at the Traveler stories. Give us an idea of what our hometown paper is really like on the inside. Were there things going on that would shock the public? Internal struggles? Enquiring minds want to know.

  32. Competition is good , Eh!

    It can get a little ugly but thats why we like it!

    Life is GOOD even when its not pretty!

  33. Yes i could tell some good stories.
    Im not sure its any different than any other business though.
    But other readers say i really should not do that. When I do that I get criticized in "real life" over it, so ...
    But I will say that it is interesting to learn who your friends are ... and who are not.

  34. Move on .... you can win an argument and still lose!

  35. There is a piece of wisdom i shall follow. :)

  36. I dont know why that woman is so against me, but im going to try to ignore her

    Spill the beans JJ, who is the woman that is so taken with you? She must be from the Travaler as she definetly has an axe to grind against you.

  37. Like my daddy says, trouble is like crap, the more you stir it the more it stinks. Let it go....Stop stiring it.

  38. i agree with anonymous November 10, 2009 12:46 AM 100%. I hope you are able to keep doing this, even if you can't do as much. Don't let that person try to knock you down. I've always thought when people go to that extreme, then they surely must be envious or worried about anothers success. I enjoy coming to this blog and debating various topics, even if it sometimes the same thing at times.

  39. I seem to recall an incident back in the 60's where a local business man was maligned in the local newspaper and he went to the newspaper office and horsewhipped the editor. Definitely some history here.
