Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas story

The nativity scene is real popular this time of year. I like seeing all the variations. They are to some extent, based on the play that tells the Christmas story.
Its a great story. But the author has to take certain liberties with history and the bliblical account..
The classic story is interesting, but what may have actually happened is an interesting story too.
This is a more academic approach to the story, taking the biblical accounts into consideration, along with what is known about first-century life around Israel.
Anyways, here is the story. I wrote it several years ago for a publication, and it was in two parts, which is why it says "last week" a couple times. 


  1. Much nicer decoration than half a dozen Walmart inflateables.

  2. IF the Nativity was the end zone the wise men wouldn't have made a touchdown. Mt. 2 is clear they visited Jesus later at a house.

    They were traveling from the east when he was born.

    Nativity means circumstances of birth.
