Friday, December 11, 2009

Racially insensitive shopping ?

New York Times published a christmas shopping guide for "people of color."
Its creating a tempest in a  teacup in some media circles, but, it does seem rather racist to me. It is stereotyping people. Why would you get a different kind of gift for a "person of color" than for ... ummmmm .... someone else?
Here is a link to the story.

Footnote, song by DC-Talk, "We are all colored people."
Its just that we all have different levels of melanin in our skin. Still, i thought it was insensitive and or offensive.
What do you think?

Here is a Christmas shopping page that I have assembled. It is not aimed at any race of people.


  1. Agrees with DC Talk.

    There is only ONE race...THE HUMAN ONE. Then there are different levels of pigment.

    Know anyone with vitiligo ? Search for pics & see how a black person becomes white with that auto immune disease. Does the black person become white ? No the human with darker pigment looses their color & ends up with no pigment.

  2. Ever see an A&F catalog? Compare it to an Eastbay catalog.
