Friday, December 11, 2009

City Commission update

City commissioners want to see a little more action from the chamber of commerce. They told director Janet Seibert, at the worksession Thursday, that they wanted to see a plan of action with measurable items on it.
She was at the meeting representing the chamber as the chamber seeks a renewal of a three-year agreement. That agreement calls for the city to give $60,000 to the chamber to help in its efforts to promote the downtown.
Commissioner Patrick McDonald said he has been "discouraged" that there has not been anything going on downtown this Christmas season as a general promotion.
He said there needs to be some benchmarks so that progress can be more clearly seen.
Commissioner Jean Snell echoed those sentiments. He said he was not ready to pull the plug on the chamber, but he said he would like to see more definite things on the chamber's list.
He questioned the importance of trips to Topeka to lobby Legislators, or even to testify to try to keep an agency from being shut down.
Commissioner Mell Kuhn suggested that perhaps there were too many goals.
Seibert said she would give the commissioners more defined goals.


  1. so why no mention of the ambulance issue?

  2. I followed the Travelers live blog coverage of the work session and there were some very interesting questions raised by some of the people who had signed on. No offense intended, but the truth is the Travelers coverage on the meeting puts to shame the article that you have written.

  3. Why the commissioners are busy casting the first stone, maybe they should take equal time to give much deserved praise to some downtown merchants.

    Lucas Schmidt of Schmidt Jewlery has gone out of his way to help downtown merchants. The "Lay Off Dispair" ad campaign and upgrades to the extior of his buildings.

    Roger Sparks, Nathan Niles, K&D Pharmacy, John Sybrant, have all spent money on improving the looks of their buildings.

    Daren Green, who owns the old Bryant hardware building, has donated part of the building for the Santa's Village.

    Kanyon has done alot to help downtown, although the "water cookies" may leave a bad taste in the city commission's mouth.

    Why not reconigize these people and help generate a spirit of cooperation and growth? Why dwell on the negatives? Pat MacDonald could help the looks of down town by removing that ratty old vacum sweeper he has hanging on the front of his store.

  4. "Daren Green, who owns the old Bryant hardware building, has donated part of the building for the Santa's Village.

    Pretty sure MR. Rhonda Green is not the owner of that building.

  5. Pretty sure MR. Rhonda Green is not the owner of that building.

    Pretty sure but not certain? There are signs in the window saying the building is for lease and to contact Daren Green. So if he doesn't own it then maybe he is a property manager for whomever does??

    I have heard Mr, Green has close relations with the Talbotts in Ponca City, and old man Talbott is famous for buying up real eastate in Kay and Cowley county. So maybe Daren is managing the property for Ol Man Talbott?

  6. lets hope not the last thing downtown ac needs is talbot owning stuff on summit when paul fox was city commissioner he ran the talbots out of ark city must been in the late 60s or 70s having the talbots get there hooks back in to ark city would not be good

  7. Oh please. Don't start with the Talbotts are coming to get us. They never caused any trouble in AC other than they wouldn't play by the "good old boy" system of city gov't. Thats why they were ran outta AC, there was no just cause.

    And if they are so mean and evil, why have they never been pushed outta Ponca or Kay county? Without them the entire Indian casino thing would never had happened in Kay county.

  8. Does anyone have any proof that the casinos have been good for Kay County, or for Cowley County?

  9. Well if there is any truth in a rumor. They are still planning to build a Casino/resort with a golf course at Chiloco!
