Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here's a link that might get you going

A senator compares republicans dragging their feet on health reform, to those who opposed civil rights and womens rights. Heating up on capitol hill :) Here is the link.


Also, lots of updates on the web site, cops, cowley, sports and more 


  1. People losing interest in your silly little blog JJ? Trying to stir something up to get a debate going and more "hits" on the web site?

    Maybe you should try and get a real job? Try applying at that scrap book store down town, since you are well known for your cut-n-paste skills...

    and before you get all paranoid on us, NO I am not from the Traveler, or in any way related to the Traveler.

  2. LOL


  3. The prolonged vacation was probably something that caused people to stop reading. Both of you are real a holes. Some people have to laugh at others to make themsleves look better. You both are pretty pathetic!

  4. Funny how they can't get enough of your blog though? Who are they going to pick on if you did quit running your blog? They would miss ya :-)

    And no I'm not at the traveler -- whatever, no one really beleives that.

  5. Yea, yesterday they were criticizing because I was not making it interesting enough. Today i made it more interesting, and they dont like that either.
    Just the nature of boo birds i guess.
    Ummmm isnt a blog supposed to incite comment and interest?
    I could type up what we had for supper last night... or maybe write about what my dogs are doing. wait, the dogs are kinda interesting at times.
    maybe ....

  6. I think the long vacation did hurt readership. I can see a definite difference.
    Same thing happened last summer when we took off for awhile.
    Just how it goes. :)

  7. There haven't really been topics which I have felt any compulsion to post on, although I am still reading....

    That's just the way it is sometimes.

    The "plagerism," and the "get a job" stuff is getting a bit old. let's move on....

  8. I did not plagerize. I have explained the situation in job interviews a few times recently, most laugh and are incredulous that I was fired.
    I do have a job, just not many people know about it yet. Havent you noticed Im spending less time on here and on the site?
    I am looking for a "real" job though. Something more full time an permanent.
    But the site and blog won't die.
    The revolution lives!

  9. I'm not from the traveler -
    Pete Rose never bet on baseball
    Clinton did not have relations with that woman
    Roy is staying at KU

  10. and the classic
    Im from the government and im here to help you.

  11. James in one of the past articles someone said that the traveler owned shares in ark city industry. Do you know if this is true. Seems somewhat wrong that the traveler didn't mention a potential conflict of interest.

  12. Seems I do recall that it does. At one time a traveler representative was on the board, but that was years and years ago.
    I doubt the traveler would give me a comment on it though :)

  13. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you, ie; health care reform, TIF, cap and trade, stimulus package....

  14. lets see!!! long live the revolution!!!!! just hope i live long enough to see the health care reform!!!!d. p.s. im only 50ish ha!
