Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Murals coming down

Murals that have been in Icons of downtown Arkansas city for over 20 years are coming down this week.
The murals, painted on four-foot-by-eight-foot sheets, were painted by Cowley College students.
The murals are being replaced this week by standard windows.
City Commissioner Patrick McDonald said the change is being made to comply with city window ordinance passed last year.
McDonald's business is located below the murals, but he does not own the building.
The murals are listed in a book that details all - or most of - the murals in Kansas.
The murals should be down by next week, the building owner said.
There are 30 of the murals. Some are in very deteriorated condition, while others are salvagable.
ARK CITY REVIVED is currently trying to preserve the paintings. Check back for details.


  1. I think they need to be preserved. I have no idea what you could do with them or where they could hang to be a mural again. And I have no money, but I say go for it. I wish you all the luck in coming up with a plan. I think there is probably a bare wall that needs covering somewhere in the town, but I don't know. They have lasted a lot better than some of the other murals that have been painted in the area.
    I did get a kick out of the fact that Newscow copied your story, and even gave you the credit. Way to go, newscow and revive for working together to get the news out.

  2. The local newspaper has not had the story yet.

  3. i think it is gov. run amuck(sp) did these really have to come down. what were they hurting. they were conversation pieces and as some said were in a mag somewhere. i admitt that some of the buildings need repair but this could have been handled in a better way. ok shoot me i liked the darn things.d.

  4. Exactly. I thought they gave the downtown character.
    Windows will look nice, but they dont have character.
    It would have taken someone thinking outside the box, which we are rather short of at times around here.

  5. The murals served their purpose for all those years! They would eventually have to be redone or replaced. Some weren't in very good condition.
    The new windows will give the town a better and more uniform appearence.
    There are still plenty of places for art and relics around the town.
    Don't complain about progress!

  6. ha, well you gotta admit you don't hear me complain about progress too often.
    guess im entitled to now and then.

  7. the murals were replaced in 1998, the original murals were of western Dance hall girls, in a bardelo setting, after much contravercy the historic murals were replaced with fabrications by Cowley College Students, some speculation exsist that the originals are still actualy behind the fabricated plywood cover murals, these are the ones that are worthy of historic treasure

  8. The murals can still be there! The city ordinace states there has to be glass on the front. The murals could still be in place if they wanted to.
