Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Senate healthcare bill advances with rejection of imported drugs --

Senate healthcare bill advances with rejection of imported drugs --

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  1. We wont get health care reform because they decided to reform insurance instead.
    So we wont get any real change in insurance because we cant have competition.
    Cost of meds will not go down because of lobbying by special interest groups - drug companies.
    But by golly Obummer will get his health care reform bill passed.
    Sounds like it has no teeth and won't amount to any change at all now.
    This is the change you can believe in????
    Heck he will probably get another peace prize, and us citizens will get more politics as usual.
    Highly disgruntled at the news this morning.

  2. Here is Wikipedia's definition of a Corporatocracy:

    This belief is reinforced by two factors. First, corporations give to competing political parties and major political party candidates. This is seen as a corporation hedging their bets on the outcome of an election, and trying to get on the good side of whichever candidate is elected into office. Some say[who?] this is one of the hallmarks of a corporatocracy.

    Second, in many cases former corporate executives serve as powerful decision makers within government institutions often charged with the regulation of their former employers. Meanwhile, former government employees often accept high ranking positions within corporations thereby providing their new employers with access to governmental decision makers. This serves to create the appearance of a revolving door between corporations and the institutions established to regulate their behavior; and can lead to regulatory capture.

    I think it hits the nail square on the head!

  3. I second that JJ. What a bunch of bs.

  4. WHAT? You mean Obama is just passing this to save face, and it isn't going to bring about the sweeping change he promised?

    You mean he's more interested in saving his Presidency than helping the people he swore to help?


  5. The far left liberals are upset with Big O.

    This bill helps no one but the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Obama has been on record many times saying to the insurance companies "Thanks but no thanks for higher prices than the rest of the world", and promised to put a stop to their price gouging. Now he has done the total opposite.

  6. Republican or Democrat, it's politics as usual. Well played Drug Company Lobbyists!

  7. Sorry JJ,

    Both sides are misusing Government!
    Government that wants to get bigger but has no capacity to produce the products or provide the services. Then Corporations who want to lobby for key legislation for their specific benefit!
    (Both for their business sector and their employees)
    Obama ran on a preset agenda. Even if he made himself a dictator. Your choices would stil be limited!
    Capatilism is all about solutions through competition - when they allow the type of legislature where market forces dicitate the type of competition that provides more choices.
    Capatilism will save the day not Government and not OBAMA!
    But, you have got a division (actually a spilt) in society. Right down the center of what was once the middle class. Close to a two tier society! (Rich/Upper Middle class and the Working Poor/Poor)
    Who is going to be left to represent the values of the once GREAT middle class?

  8. Right this minute, President Obama's speech writers are already busy figuring out how to blame the failure on George Bush.

  9. From Yahoo today: White Americans Majority to end by mid-century.

    The United States has 308 million people today; two-thirds are non-Hispanic whites.

    The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projections, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

    Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

    The projections are based on rates for births and deaths and a scenario in which immigration continues its more recent, slower pace of adding nearly 1 million new foreigners each year.

    The point when minority children become the majority is expected to have a similar delay of roughly eight years, moving from 2023 to 2031.


    I wonder what happened to all those Children of the White majority?

  10. "Highly disgruntled at the news this morning."

    Welcome to the club, jj. I've been disgruntled for a long time now. The "W" was no figure of economic modeling, but at least when he said something he meant it, and you understood he would back it up. These people in charge now,...I have trouble even mustering up any trust at all. I mean more people don't want the 'Change' they are about to implement,(healthcare) but, what the heck, we're going to do it anyway. We're trying 9/11 terrorists in civilian court. We're creating a 'gitmo' in IL. We closed profitable automobile dealerships, why? No one seems to know. We've bailed out thankless banks. We've propped up the UAW via bailing out the car companies. Founder of GLSEN appt'd as Safe Schools Czar. Somehow, I'm not sure how, but George Bush is responsible. HELP!!!! The Emperor has no clothes.


  11. Good thoughts DQ. I cant help but blame Bush for some, if not most, of our economic woes. The dem's attempts at fixing it are making it worse.
    I think this shows that it is time to reject both parties outright. I seriously think I will never again vote for a republican or democrat for a national office. There are other people feeling the same way.
    There are other parties out there.
    If we turn em out of office, it will get their attention maybe. Smaller parties might be ok until they were in power for awhile.
    Power corrupts as they say.

  12. the health care 'reform' was never about providing the citizens of this country with a better type of more affordable health insurance. It is entirely about growing the government and its control over the populus. The watered down version of which you speak makes little difference to those in charge as they will still be able to inflict substantial increases in the amount of tax revenue they collect which, by the way, will begin 3 or 4 years before any of the coverage is inacted. They will be quite satisfied with passing any form they can, and they will then move on to fry the MUCH BIGGER fish of cap and trade, based on the fraudulent promotion of global warming. Once that is established, it will open up the door to do away with the dollar, on the pretense of a need for a global currency which the World Conservation Bank, started by E. Rothchild, will be more able to sell carbon credits on a world wide basis, the aristocrisy of global industrialists will make billions, if not trillions, of 'dollars' marketing wind energy, electric automobiles, solar power.... The government will then work toward telling us where to set our thermostats, what kind of cars to drive, how far we can drive them; regulating industry on their emissions, clean water regs., co2, etc. All, however, will be adjusted according to an individual's or corporation's ability to buy off their pollution with 'credits'. What we are seeing with this administration is an accelerated pace toward a truly global economy, regulated by a one world government. Anyone who recognizes the handwriting on the wall is immediately labeled as a conspiracy theorist, a radical anti-government anarchist

  13. the health care 'reform' was never about providing the citizens of this country with a better type of more affordable health insurance.

    Well gee, that abortion sure works for the White segement. But, we don't seem to be reducing the population - just importing poverty from Mexico and redistributing debt!

    Without the middle class and its values - America will be just another two tier class country of the world.


    I don't agree that competition which includes alternatives like wind solar and elctric cars is a bad thing. We are importing almost 70%/year of our oil! That machine can't be sustained!
    Global warming ,however, is probably a scheme for world domination and control!
    We should be advancing beyond the current technology (of only oil) because as a country we have that ability (and while we have that ability) and to remain the leaders not because they want to make us followers!

    Then lastly,

    Throughout the Bible when God's people turned their hearts from him and his truths - he delivered them into the hands of their enemies!
    When actually and in reality they probably did it to themselves! The warnings were there and then they blamed God!

  14. "Anyone who recognizes the handwriting on the wall is immediately labeled as a conspiracy theorist, a radical anti-government anarchist."

    Well then, count me in.

    I do believe we are headed in that direction, but my fear is this: What will be the "event" that makes a one world government something that the people would agree to? They won't agree to it now, and I don't believe they will agree to it in the future without a very significant "event" which makes it necessary. I don't count myself in the "conspiracy theory" ranks, but I sometimes wonder how far those in power will go to make a crazy idea seem not so crazy.

  15. What if most of the Christians just disappeared. Gone. That would be millions of people just suddenly gone.
    An event like that would create a lot of chaos and maybe make the world more willing to follow a charismatic leader.
    That's one theory of biblical prophecy.
    Ive no idea if they are right or not. But you do have to "make" parts of the bible fit the theory so it works.
    Not good exegesis.But ... they could be right. Guess we will see.

    Another poster mentioned when Gods people turned away from him, how he handed them over to their enemies. More often than not they did not think they were doing do, but they were.
    I just wonder if leaning on a political party or a political theory (conservativism) instead of leaning on God, could be considered turning one's heart away from him.
    In the Old Testament they worshipped idols instead of the true God.
    Things are often much more complex than they seem.

    Trusting a political party instead of trusting God ... could be considered worshipping something other than the true God could it not?
    I nearly got shot in Sunday School once (not here) for saying that.
    I just think American christians rely way to much on government instead of on the God who they are supposed to be serving.

  16. Again: "We are going to fundamentally change America." --Barack Obama.

    No, it's not a conspiracy theory. It's a truth and a fact. All the pieces of the puzzle necessary to establish a one-world gov't are being put into place. Some are doing it on purpose (even though they believe their intentions are noble), others are just dupes.

    I think you have a point about the parties, jj. Many of the Blues & Reds almost accept their party as a religion. But, I don't think a 3rd party would be viable. (at least not right now. IMO)


  17. Im thinking the "change you can believe in" or "fundamentally changing america" are just slogans that have no meaning.
    "I feel your pain"
    "No new taxes"
    Even the conspiracy theories are perhaps just smokescreens and conspiracies themselves to keep us occupied and hide the fact that the politicians are not doing anything meaningful.

    I think we are beginning to see a time when a third party can be viable.
    We just need to keep busting on both major parties to show how bankrupt they are. I think your comment about them being accepted as religion, is a great point. Its just as true in dem circles as pub circles.
    Im going to do some research on other parties and will put that on here.

  18. Don't worry bout it all, Sir Isaac Newton say the Apocalypse will come in 2060. Nobody will have to worry about anything at all.

  19. I think a third party might have a chance if the people were united! But, on the ertreme left there has been alot of energy spent on organizing the people and making them promises! (Unions like the SEIU, Acorn etc.) All they really need is to get the opposition to split and they can win with less than a majority! Don't be fooled they have an agenda that doesn't reflect the values of a "FREE" America.
    I do think that in this day and age we have people watching the skies for meteorites, the volcanoes, the ice caps and the fault lines!
    Even though we think we can control our destiny
    as a species - we know we are no more than fleas on a dogs back! Albeit fleas with SOULS!

    btw: I think there was a promise that the earth would never again be destroyed by water? So much for Al Gore!(Wasn't it A Rainbow?)


  21. If you spend all your time looking for the future in a book of stories written thousands of years ago, you are simply wasting your time.

  22. In a sense I would agree. The point is not to give us a detailed description of the future.
    Though I do think the future is pretty well set and not much can be done to alter that.
    However, if you look for truth and the answers to the most basic questions of life, in THE book written thousands of years ago ... you will reap great rewards.
