Thursday, May 14, 2009


Looks like the Chrysler dealerships in Arkansas City and Winfield were spared the knife.
Neither were on a list of dealerships to be closed. Wellington was on the list, as well as 14 other dealerships in Kansas.
The list was released by the federal bankruptcy court, and published on the Wall Street Journal's Web Site. (
Here is the complete list. That's two things this morning that Ive posted before the Traveler did. :)


  1. Thats good. Too bad for Wellington.

  2. Yep. I read they would be notified by UPS this AM if they were to be closed. James, you rock. One day I may choose to change my name from anonymous. What a great news source! I click on all your ads, if they bog down my comp, I'm coming for you!!:]

  3. Well you can always email me personally and tell me who you are.

  4. Yea for JJ, you beat the Traveler!! Twice!! (No sarcasm intended)

  5. You better be careful not to make it a competition. Davey boy's daddy has a lot more money to throw around than you do.

  6. I know where I'm checking 1st everytime! Sweet.

    Some local and national newspapers on going online only -- you might be on to something here!

  7. Off subject, but on that train accident, something is not clear to me. Says in the Traveler articlethe guy was found on the side of the tracks and not under the train. So does that mean he was alive and got up and walked 4 or 5 blocks away?

  8. I see where the Traveler has a "Cover it" live posting on its website for the commission meeting. Are they going to cover it as well or is that just a carry over from when you were there?

  9. You better be careful not to make it a competition. Davey boy's daddy has a lot more money to throw around than you do.


    Maybe more to lose too!

  10. Newscow says the railroad accident was a suicide.

  11. I am not going to say anything bad about this guy, but find someone who knows him well, and you will know this was no suicide.

  12. Yeah, he was usually in a state that would make it difficult to choose suicide.

  13. Hmmm....this is really strange. I don't know if what I heard was true, but I was told he was not in a good state of mind that day. I have yet to figure out if this was a reliable source. Either way, it is sad whether self inflicted or accident. My condolences to the family.

  14. Exactly...but I didn't want to be accused of piling on someone who recently passed. I doubt he even knew where he was.

  15. Hey, stop it.
