Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oklahoma tale

After "the incident" I went off to Oklahoma for a few days to clear my head and just find some rest and relaxation. I did that by hanging out in Guthrie and then Oklahoma City for awhile.
My last night there things got real interesting in Oklahoma City.
Too interesting for my taste.

I was headed north on I-35, almost to the northern edge of OKC.
Suddenly there was a cop car behind me with flashing lights. I got pulled over.
I was already feeling pretty stressed about the incidents of the previous days, so having a cop pull me over just made me even more stressed.
He told me that I had not signaled adequately while changing lanes.
Then he started asking me questions and my answers i guess were not good enough.
I thought he said "where are you from" but he had actually said "where are you going."
Still my answer of "Arkansas City" should have sufficed.
He asked me what i was doing in OKC, and when i said just visiting he started asking me about where i had been, Did I have receipts to show that. Did i have a receipt for the hotel i was staying at... stuff like that. He asked me if i knew where i was at specifically. I had mentioned brick town, he wanted to know where that was from where we were.
Where was my wife. When did i get married. all kinds of stuff.
and the questions were coming just a little too fast, or i wasnt answering quick enough so he got more suspicious of me i guess.

Then I couldnt find my vehicle registration. I had produced my drivers license and my insurance information, but could not find the registration.
Thats when things started getting real interesting.
He ran my tag number through his computer, and he said it was showing the tag belonged to another vehicle in Arkansas City. Tammy something or other.
So all of a sudden he was thinking that I had either a stolen tag or a stolen vehicle.
He started asking about stuff in the truck.
Some of that stuff is joyce's gardening stuff.

I guess my answers were just not good enough. He then noticed two bags of fertilizer in the bed of the truck. Lets see, OKC and bags of fertilizer with a driver who seems stressed out.... I guess that would make a cop nervous expecially there.

He actually put me in the back seat of the patrol car and looked around my vehicle.
When he came back I kept arguing that it was my car and my tag.
I asked him to please run it through again.
He finally did.
and then muttered "oh shit"

I saw on the screen when he typed it in again, it showed up registered to me with my right address and the right vehicle.
He had typed in the information incorrectly the first time.

So he apologized and sent me on my way.
I said. "Hey dont worry about it, we all make mistakes."
I should know right.


  1. And you just let him violate your fourth amendment rights, with no argument from you. Way to stand up for yourself. That is the reason why cops think they can just do whatever they want, no matter what rights they violate. The whole "failing to signal properly" plus out of state tag equals "fishing", plain and simple. I hate it when officers overstep their authority and violate people's rights. It happens all the time. Next time stand up for yourself and do not consent to a warrantless search of your vehicle. In this case the officer thought he had PC because of the license plate error (an rror on his part I might add), but you could still have a case if you decided to pursue it.

  2. I could have just told him that i was legally driving down the road and did not have to tell him where i was going or where i had been.
    Just didnt think. But then, they have you in a way, because if you dont answer, then they get more suspicious.
    The officer was careful though, He looked around but didnt move anything around.
    I feel like i have too much going on to worry about it.

  3. Sounds like you handled the situation correctly. The officer was just trying to do his job and I bet if you had become argumentative it could have turned worse pretty quick.

  4. Doesn't sound like you've had a good couple weeks. I hope and pray things start going better for you and your family.

  5. My husband works in Ponca City, has been since early last year. A few months ago he was on lunch break and forgot to put his seat belt back on(We think the officer was watching him). Well, of course the cop saw him and pulled him over. He was driving his dad's truck at the time which has a handicap tag on it and boy did he get asked all kinds of questions about why is he drivin this truck, why does he have a handicap tag and all kinds of personal questions. Is this something to do with ok's training or are their p.o's asking too many questions?

  6. Well you do resemble BTK! Maybe if you'd have tried to Sing? :-)

  7. haha
    singing would open me up to charges of creating a nuisance :)

  8. It sounds like they are fishing. You don't have to answer them of course, but you will probably get a ticket for whatever they stopped you for.

    Above all, know this: You do not have to let an officer search your car. If they ask to do a quick search, ask them if you are free to go, or if you are being detained. They shouldn't ask to search until they have finished their business with you and you are free to go. If they threaten you with a ticket or that they will go get a dog, warrant, etc, tell them that they have to get the dog, warrant there in the amount of time it would take to write the ticket for whatever offense you were stopped. Following me? Take the time to know the laws and your civil rights. It is time to start standing up for our rights before we don't have any left.
