Friday, May 8, 2009

What now ?

Ive started a link of blogs. Please send me links to your local blogs - any in Cowley County, or Kay County.
Id like this list to be blogs done by local people.
You may start your own blog. It is very easy. Go to, and follow the directions.
You can then send me your link and ill post it here.
It's so easy an editor could do it. :)

Not sure what will happen next. Several people have asked on here about "issues" I had with the traveler, and or with the Seatons. Ill have to give JR credit for one thing. He has not said anything bad about me publicly. I think I will return the favor.
An employee wants to feel appreciated and valued by his employer. That is more important than even pay some studies suggest. I did not feel this. I felt much more appreciated in the community.

All options are still open. I seem to be pretty busy for someone who just lost his job. There is the music going on. I have some freelance projects cooking. Then there is the list of things my wife has for me to do. And covering city commission for the community here.

Tell me this. Are you guys - and gals - interested in seeing pictures of things on here. I go to lots of things, like the day of prayer, or a music concert, or whatever. It would be really easy to post some photos. Ill do it if there is interest. I dont want to take the time if no one is interested. So let me know. This is my blog, but I want to have stuff that people are interested in.


  1. Sounds good to me! I like pics.

  2. You're a newsman. You could post the news. Later on you could even sell advertising.

  3. Yes keep posting. Words, pics, both! Look forward to the live city blogs again.

  4. Evidently you weren't the problem. They have a correction up today due to faulty reporting.

  5. Community pictures....definitely! Would be interesting and another reason to check out this blog.

  6. Cool.
    I could even post pictures that you send in.
    That might be fun.
    As well as some that I take.

  7. Sure, jj. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  8. It has to be said. Reading thru the various blogs and blog sites, do I detect that you have learned that our "Christian" Chief Wallace wiil lie to you. I hope so, if not believe me, when I say he does regularly.

  9. Lsu will miss you at the newspaper. Good to see you still active in the city though.

  10. Love your new site-It is awesome!!! I look forward to visiting this site everyday to see what is happening in this community. Keep up the good work-we are all pulling for you!

  11. @ JJ

    Thank you for including my blog in your blog list! Next step, participation? =)

  12. Thanks Bytedaily. Ive enjoyed your blog and comments too.
    What do you have in mind?
    Email me at

    Ive not got around to setting up an email addy for this blog yet. Hopefully this weekend.
