Saturday, May 9, 2009


I hope to get more going on the city commission next week.
You know the Lowes thing just wont seem to go away. And both sides remain just as adamant as ever that they were right. I am seeing a story emerge here, but my question is ... have yall heard enough ? or do you want more.?
One idea or vision I have for this blog is to be somewhat interractive. What do my readers want. At the newspaper its always a guessing game, and you try to balance what the reader wants and what you think the reader needs. The temptation is always to assume that the reader is interested in what you are interested in.
One problem i had with my previous employer was the attitude toward the reader. I wont pretend - or assume - that I know what you need more than you do.

Today I am going somewhere with my wife to get plants. Being out of work has inspired her to give me stuff to do. Hmmm. I may be wanting to find a job sooner than later here.

I also hope this weekend to get a new email address for this blog. Right now im using Ezra.
That is a play on an obscure bible verse. The prophet Ezra was involved with the rebuilding of Jerusalem arond 500 b.c., after the Israelites had been allowed to return from exile. (I never can remember if it was to babylon or persia, and i dont want to look it up.)
Anyways, as they were getting reorganized, and set up again, Ezra got himself tuned in to God.
He said he was a "ready scribe." Waiting for the words to write them down for the people of Israel.
I dont mean that in any pretentious sort of way, i just thought it was kinda cool several years ago when I came up with that address.


  1. I have mixed feelings on the Lowes. I think it is a dead issue for the most part for a while. I doubt AC will get a chance at development like that in this economy. I plan to hold Mell and Doty accountable with my next votes just as I did with Scott. Other than that, it is sadly a dead issue for a while I am afraid.

  2. I think too you are in an interesting spot right now JJ. I would like to see in a way you begin to show a bit more of your personality on this blog and like you say not be the PC police. But too I also hope you can keep covering the news, and with that, you will probably have to play the game with Mell and Mr. Wallace, etc. I think I want the best of both worlds, and really, I doubt that can happen.

  3. I want the best of both worlds, and really, I doubt that can happen.
    Maybe it can.
    Ill try to treat everyone the same. It will be a delicate balance though.

  4. But will they treat you the same, now that your just a lowly blogger, and not the editor in chief??? That will be interesting to see. I'm sure if I called the Chief and said I was a blogger and had questions, he would probably brush me off.

  5. City Officials are public servants who serve the whole community

    Lowes should be sought after again. Why? Because this has left many folk in the community angry and disappointed. Our town should be prosperous so everyone benefits. Take it on JJ.

  6. keep up the good work. i get more news and chuckles here. love it. also love the pics, too. don"t let wife work you to much!

  7. I think there are more important things than a Lowes! It probably wasn't the main focus point of the division but a focal point. You can see this in alot of other areas outside the Lowes debate!
    It's probably more a sign of an area that has lost its identity. Stuggling to find a new one but not sure how or what to do but know where they have been in the past!
    You can see this in those who want it to remain the same and in those who want it to be like somewhere else! In the young vs. the old.
    There are assets more precious than gold and silver. There are things that last more than one lifetime. There are things more important than
    current or contemporary trends!
    Seek ye those things first!

  8. Lowes should be sought after again. Why? Because this has left many folk in the community angry and disappointed. Our town should be prosperous so everyone benefits

    A large retail store won't help AC or Cowley. We need industry, good paying jobs. We lost Total refinery, Binney & Smith, Gordon Piatt, the old packing plant, several yard jobs at the railroad.

    Why would young people want to stay here when there are very few decent jobs available?

    Why would a major retailer invest in an area with no industry or local economy?

    We have casinos, and the plastic companies....WOW

  9. Why can't we copy and paste what others have written? It makes it hard to reply to someone.

    JJ's blog has copy and paste issues... who'da thunk it.

  10. you say that a Lowe's wouldn't help our community, but I disagree. Imagine the amount of sales tax that would be paid by people in surrounding communities. Imagine being able to get the products we need without driving to Ponca. Imagine having a decent restaurant to eat at. Imagine after school and summer jobs for lots of college and High School kids. You say it won't help, but I think what you really mean is that it won't solve all our problems, but then no one expects it to.

  11. JJ's blog has copy and paste issues... who'da thunk it.
    It worked for me.
    Hmmmm, maybe this copy and paste issue is contagious.

  12. Personally, I don't understand the mountain made out of a molehill on why the developers went to Winfield first. My guess would be because they are the county seat and had more industry going? Why they lied about it, don't know. All I heard was Winfield turned it down for a reason(whatever that was). Must ac do everything that Winfield does? I do not think a Lowes would fail. Heck, every major appliance we own is breaking down. Let me see, in the past year we have spent over a grand and now the frige is screwing up. Guess where I've been going to purchase new ones? Lowes in Ponca. We looked into the Sears here and while they have some decent prices, their extended warranty plans are through the roof!
    An opportunity was lost and I'm with the first poster that with the economy the way it is, they won't be back for awhile.

  13. More negativity! Just why would you think anyone including Lowes would want to come here with as many negative people there are? All this talk about a new commission and moving forward, because "the people have spoken" right? Wrong! Same old crap here.....Same grudges.....Same negativity.....Same conversations and responses on it

    Shoot the first post is still someone already talking about the next vote....

    Whenever you folks are done acting like children throwing temper tantrums, and are ready to come improve this town please feel free to stand back up on your feet and help this town move forward and not back

  14. Guess where I've been going to purchase new ones? Lowes in Ponca. We looked into the Sears here and while they have some decent prices, their extended warranty plans are through the roof!

    The never ending whine of the "gotta drive to Ponca" crowd. There ARE places in this town to buy appliances. There is a lumber yard in the town and one at Winfield. (Closer than Ponca). There was two hardware stores, now we just have Westlake. Although Orschelens new store is getting a nice inventory of hardware in stock.

    For whatever reason most of the Ponca Drivers choose not to do business with local merchants. Do you ask the store owner if they can order an item for you? Most will and yes it may take an extra couple days but you save that dreaded drive to Ponca!!!. You also support the local economy.

    And I liked the post at 8:20 Lowes would have brought us a decent restaurant. WOW. Maybe a chain would open a restaurant at the new site, there was nothing nailed down to fact. However it would be nothing more than a "chain" the quality of food & service would depend on the competency of the manager. If you want a "decent" place to eat try Mozitis (not a chain and excellent food & service) or The Green Door. Or just drive to Ponca them come back here to AC plant your butt in front of the computer and whine about the dreaded drive.

    You people choose to NOT support the local economy than bitch because the local stores don't have what you want right then. How the hell can a small business compete against Wal-Mart or Lowes in inventory? A small business cannot stock as much, but if they see a local demand you bet they would stock that particular item. They need customers spending money locally to grow there business. The only thing you Ponca Drivers are supporting locally is the tire stores that replace your worn out tires. Or do you buy those at Ponca also?

  15. I'm not griping about the drive to Lowes, even though i would rather have one here. I would highly appreciate if that last ,think they are so self righteous poster ,would not be trying to put words in my mouth. If going to Ponca is going to save me a hundred bucks, it is well worth it, especially if people need to pinch pennies.

  16. I agree with Jamie. If driving to Ponca, Derby or Wichita will save me a hundred bucks, that is where I am taking my business.

    So, we may as well get a Lowe's store in A.C. so I can shop locally.

  17. If going to Ponca is going to save me a hundred bucks, it is well worth it, especially if people need to pinch pennies.

    Then quit your never ending damn whining about "having to drive to Lowes". There ARE stores here that have what you want, you wish to save money.

    The only reason you want a Lowes here is for your convience. Nothing to do with local economy just YOUR convience

  18. That makes me a consumer, not a whiner, and a smart consumer at that!

  19. Amen. What is wrong with wanting something here for my convenience? You act like I owe it to the local businesses to buy their over priced goods. Maybe if they didn't try to bend me over the counter I would buy locally, but if I can save a couple hundred bucks on a major appliance, computer, or TV, then by Zeus I'm gonna drive out of town.

  20. Amen. What is wrong with wanting something here for my convenience?

    I would say that you are right, the only problem I had with the Lowes deal was the TIF. If there was/is so much money to be had then why can't Lowes come in on their own dime?

    The charts and reports all talk about how much money was leaving the area and the profit to be made. So why would Lowes need help? They are a major company and if the reports are to be believed they would make a killing in sales.

    Yet there had to be some money from the city to bring Lowes to this proverbial cash cow. Maybe AC Industries wanted their slice of the pie? Maybe the developers didn't want to gamble their money?

  21. The only negativity I see in these posts about Lowes is from anonymous May 11, 2009 11:42 AM, who seems to be having some issues. I see a discussion, not a whiny, gripy discussion that poster implying.

  22. I see that those posters can't have a discussion without swearing.

  23. Then Anon May 12 7:55, you are not reading close enough, and have not read any of these blogs in the past year. This same issue comes up every time. The same things are said from both sides. The proside argues the benefit of the business for tax, not having to drive to ponca, the possibility of other retail following like the opening of the golden brick road keeping our kids here because there is something to do. The con is going to bring out data with the report saying we are not large enough for it, it would have cost us tax money to run amenities there and the cost would have been there even if it failed, the developer was a liar and who wants to do business with a liar, if the spot was so good and their numbers said they would make so much money why did they need breaks to open.

    Well there are most of them I am sure I missed a couple, but that is not the point. The point is they have been discussed over and over. No side is going to give. It is what it is anymore. You can lead the cow to the water, but you can not force them to drink it. All we keep doing is beating a damn dead horse. Die horse die. This beating of the horse just brings down moral around here, and makes it a place no one wants to come or stay for that matter.

    Why not move on? What is done is done. Lets agree to disagree and move forward for the better of the town. Maybe we can do better than what Lowes has. I doubt we will ever find out because people are too busy complaining about it to improve the situation. It is much easier to hold a grudge and a vendetta to ruin people, rather than take the reins and point this town in the right direction.

  24. But this is not a past blog. Anyways, I agree that we agree to disagree! :)

  25. "...attitude towards the reader..." Boy you got that right. I quit reading the local paper a long time ago because of this. That is until the online came for free & still don't READ it, just shall we say, hmmm what's the word...skim..

    Oh well..


  26. Thanks DQ
    you can always read here, where we believe in mutual respect. :)
    I actually know for certain that I do not know more than you all do. :)
