Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer today

Today is the national day of prayer.
Its at noon at the First United Methodist Church.
Outside, and free food .. after the service i guess?
Nothing in the Traveler about it.
Be interesting to see if they show up. Ill take a few pics and post them on here just for fun.


  1. Hi JJ,
    Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I often wondered how long it would be before the ultra-liberal Seatons found a reason to let you go.

    On another note.....will the River of Life concerts still be happening? They have been a real breath of fresh air for Ark City.

    Several of us are praying for you and your family. God bless you.

  2. Thanks
    Yea, next monthly show is 6 p.m., May 15 at Wilson Park.

  3. I've always wanted to go to the prayer day, but because i have had pretty much the same schedule for the past million years(seems like it anyways!)I've never been able to go.

  4. James, do you have an email address where I can contact you privately.

  5. Shane
    i have sent you an email
    my email is

  6. AH HA! I see that once 2 rivals are becoming friends! Bet the Traveler is watching!!!!

  7. Go get 'em guys.

  8. Was good to go to National Day of Prayer today. I hope our community can continue to build on what was started. For those that do not know, May 1st started Operation Rolling Thunder which has 28 churches in Ark City dividing up the month so that 1 church prays for 24 hours about our community. Isn't it wonderful to know that Jesus us out there and he's looking after all of us?

  9. Let me know when you see some of the results from all that praying. Besides a few tired christians I mean.

  10. I knew a tow truck driver once named Jesus. He was really good with his money. Jesus really saves!

  11. Ha ha.
    You know something. It is kinda fun to be able to leave a joke up like that and not have to worry about the PC police.
