Wednesday, August 26, 2009

City vs. Corp of Engineers

The Corp of Engineers wants an additional $350,000 payment from Arkansas City, for work done over the last 20 years on the flood protection levee project.
According to a memo from City Manager Steve Archer, to the city commission, an accounting error on the part of the Corp of Engineers, has led to the wrong amount being paid.
The Corp changed its accounting software in 1996, Archer wrote, and some expenses were not included. As a result, the city received incorrect numbers.
Now the Corp says it wants $330,000 the city currently has in an escrow account for just such emergencies, and it wants an additional $350,000.
Archer asked them to forgive the debt since it was their mistake. He has not had an answer yet.
He also wrote to Congressman Todd Tiahrt asking for help.


  1. How could they make a financial error that big? Does Kuhn work for the Corp of Engineers?

  2. here we go again, lets cut the wages of any employee making over 35,000 a year and pay this thing off once and for all,, lets see Archer makes over 110,000 per year so maybe we could just fire him and let Kuhn run the whole thing of course it would take 6 years to pay off the 600,000, think we could live with out him that long???? Chime in Mell

  3. Kuhn needs to go. Either on his own, or tossed out on his ear. This tax evasion thing was the last straw.

  4. Tiahrt likes requesting earmarks, perhaps that is what he will do? =)

    My question, how did the city not realize it was being undercharged?

  5. Where did this information come from? More importantly, what will this do to budgeting at City Hall? Considering the challenges already outlined by the City Manager and Commission, a nearly 3/4 million dollar hit is likely to cause mill assessment or user fee increases.

    I don't imagine the Corp being willing to write off the amount with their own budget challenges in the current economy. Even if they do, we will pay for it some other way. Feds always get their money, unless it owed by some other country. Then they forgive it. Wait, then they get it back from the US citizens.

  6. Where did you get the 3/4 of a million figure? The article says 350,000. Am I missing something?

  7. The information came from a memo distributed to commissioners.
    3/4 million is not a correct figure.
    350,000 is correct, that is the hit the city would take.
    Now the city already has 330,000 in an escrow account, and the corp wants to take that too. But that money was already set aside over the last 20 years for situations like this.
    It would be a sizeable hit to the city budget, but the actual hit will be 350,000.

  8. Far as I can see, both sides should have known something was wrong. Properly trained accountants would of noticed the figures didn't add up. The ethical thing, in my opinion, would be to split the bill.

  9. BD-- if Tiahart likes requesting earmarks I suspect you love him as much as Obama? MMM, I love me some earmarks! Go PORK!

  10. Here is how the Dems and Obama do it...,8599,1881855,00.html

  11. "...those same House Democrats, led by Pelosi, passed a budget with, by some counts, nearly 9,000 earmarks, worth an estimated $7.7 billion."

    Good article. Byte Daily likes to throw stones, but she can only throw them right. Liberals can do no wrong in her book.

  12. @ SG

    I think earmarks are a good idea in theory but in practice have been abused by both sides.

    Todd Tiahrt sponsored or co-sponsored 39 earmarks totaling $62,507,500 in fiscal year 2009 ranking 56th out of 435 representatives.

    Todd Tiahrt sponsored or co-sponsored 60 earmarks totaling $66,804,000 in fiscal year 2008 ranking 36th out of 435 representatives.

  13. Once again, only pointing out the Republicans on the issue...

    Byte - who topped the lists in 2008 and 2009?

    Tiahrt's numbers seem small compared to Hillary Clintons in 2008 alone - $530 million

  14. Since you think they are good in theory, did you approve of what he used them for or only if he was a liberal would they be acceptable?

  15. @ 4:01

    Actually, I was keeping on topic by speaking about Tiahrt. But to answer your question:

    The top 5 in the Senate for FY 09 are:

    Thad Cochran (R-Miss) $1,220,907,775
    Wicker, Roger(R-Miss) $1,031,662,300
    Harkin, Tom (D-Iowa) $648,250,036
    Grassley, Chuck (R-Iowa) $521,412,486
    Inouye, Daniel K (D-Hawaii) $450,452,157

    and the top 5 in the Senate for FY 08 are:

    Thad Cochran (R-Miss) $931,941,500
    Landrieu, Mary L (D-La) $526,176,110
    Stevens, Ted (R-Alaska) $456,902,750
    Bond, "Kit" (R-Mo) $454,632,500
    Richard C Shelby (R-Ala) $427,559,200

    The top 5 in the House for FY 09 are:

    David Loebsack (D-Iowa) $217,293,500
    Abercrombie, Neil(D-Hawaii) $165,034,800
    Young, C W Bill (R-Fla) $162,660,000
    Hirono, Mazie K (D-Hawaii) $162,135,002
    Alexander, Rodney (R-La) $157,778,563

    The top 5 in the House for FY 08 are:

    John P Murtha (D-Pa) $176,397,200
    Young, C W Bill(R-Fla) $169,073,000
    Abercrombie, Neil(D-Hawaii) $153,672,900
    Hoyer, Steny H (D-Md) $139,128,759
    Lewis, Jerry(R-Calif) $137,475,000

  16. reference your facts please.

  17. @ 9:48

    My apologies, you can find this information at Center For Responsive Politics.

  18. Did you happen to go to Presidential earmarks for 2009 (so far)?


  19. @ 11:29

    Yep, par for the course it seems - sigh. The 'No recipient identified' bothers me.

  20. That is for things like Nancy Pelosi's rodents and such.

    I agree they should have to tell us what our money is being used for. Every last cent.

  21. @ ILBR

    You're welcome - I am putting together a state/federal resource page on my blog. I hope to have some information posted this weekend.

  22. Byte - Do you and your blogger buddies not have real jobs? How do you find time to drum up such "who gives a Sh@*" information. You have too much time on your hands and need to get off your butt and do something productive for society beside drumming up political messes. Get to work you lazy bum!

  23. @ 9:42

    Yawn. Your condescension is boring me. Do you have any 'Yo Momma' jokes in your arsenal of fail?

  24. My favorite Yo momma joke:

    Yo momma is so fat, she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.

    Post some more anybody?
