Thursday, August 20, 2009

mell and brand-x

There was a front page story on brand-x today about how Mell Kuhn has not paid property taxes on his house.
He is quoted in the paper saying he will pay them.
He felt that he was being singled out a little bit, and maybe even attacked, by the paper.
Kuhn said he pays a lot of taxes on different pieces of property. He said the taxes are late about every year.
What upset him was that Brand-X made it into a front page story.
He is a public official, and that makes him news, but he pointed out that there were a whole lot of other people who were not singled out in the front page story.
What do you all think?
Was this worth a front page story?



  1. Not newsworthy but Mell probably didn't mind. It's mind over matter and that piece O crap paper dosen't matter.

  2. I wouldn't want to live on Baby Daves block or work at the brand X building.
    I think Kuhn knows how to make S--t flow uphill!

    btw: That's why I like him!

  3. Adding Fuel to the Fire> Think the tags on all his trucks, except the personal one he drives [it's registered to somone else] are expired. Shouldn't the police be pulling them over? Wheres the Water Czar when you need him....

  4. Roscoe P. ColetrainAugust 20, 2009 at 8:17 PM

    Dave has the big gap between his teeth so he can whistle while he works up crap for his money losing newspaper. What does Seaton contribute to society, he does not pay his employees well nor does he have a good repoor with former employees. It must really suck to know that when you get up and head to work that you have absolutely no friends. I hope the internet shuts the Traveler down. Who needs the circulated paper when we have other news outlets such as and James Jordans fine website that I frequent every day. Keep getting your news here and shut the Traveler and Daves big Gap tooth mouth down!

    Roscoe P. Coletrain

    PS. I personally recommend Dr. Nathan Niles as the dentist to fix your teeth Dave Jr.

  5. Brand x makes no secret of the fact that he has it in for Mell. To me, it's no big deal. He'll pay his taxes and that'll be the end of it. Just a way to try & paint Mell.
    I know Mell is cantakerous, boorish, and brash. He won't change. It's up to the citizens if they want him to lead them, not brand x. I wouldn't pay 2cents for that paper and again, I REFUSE to write one word on their blogs. Go, arkcityrevived! Go newscow! Go anybody!

  6. Let me get this straight. The things that people SAY they do not like about how Traveler is treating Mell Kuhn are ok for people to say about David Allen Seaton?

    Mell won an election and he did not put on a mask to do it. He has not worn one since he got elected (maybe a little tasteless makeup but let bygones etc).

    He is who he is. He does work hard and he does care. He sees some things through a tunnel but that is no sin. So does everyone.

    There is definitely a personal tone in the Kuhn coverage. However, there is nothing less personal than the slams about Seaton's appearance or his paper.

    I love it when these are about ideas, ideals and opinions of comunal matters. The personal assaults are just so purposeless.

  7. I don't read the Traveler consistently so I have no idea whether the tone towards Kuhn is aggressive or not but I think this is worthy of attention.

    You have someone in a position of power who is not being responsible for their taxes and doubled down by previously stating that people should pay their bills and insinuated that people might go to casinos before taking care of their responsibilities.

    Plus this is a matter of public record.

    I suppose those who talk the talk, should walk the walk?

  8. For once, I agree with Byte on something. Kuhn is held to a higher standard because he CHOSE to be held to a higher standard by running for public office.

    Like Seaton said in his blog, we could not get away with not paying our water bills.

    And if the allegations about expired truck tags is true, the PD should definitely get on that, to avoid the appearance of favoritism.

    Pay your bills. It's true that no one LIKES paying taxes, but most people pay them on time.

  9. During all the water bill excitement didn't Mell say he had been late a number of times there too? Some people simply can't do things in an organized fashion. This seems to fit Mell. But he did make a huge issue of people being late on their water bills at the time.

    James, can you get that information? It would be interesting to find out if it's a case of "do as I say, not as I do".

  10. While Kuhn is a public figure, I'm not so sure its that big of news, at least not worthy of large headlines on the front page. I think the Traveler went over the top with this one. I would of never known personally he even had over due taxes, the only name I look for is my own to make sure the county didn't make any errors on my part.

  11. I think it's funny that the two main online news sources other than the Traveler and Courier websites were started by former editors of the company.

  12. Dave says that he is speechless. He should be, after all this wasn't news for the front page. He is probably having a hard time like everyone else so when there is no news, he will create some. The problem with our community is we can't get past slamming our neighbors and see the bigger picture around here. It is always what's bad about this town. Ark City is like a drowning man who will reach for a rope without seeing if there is a cannon ball attached to the other end. We are like Chicken Little and the sky is falling. It may be so, but we can't do anything about it. We just need to put our heads together and work to move this community forward in a way that will be productive. That doesn't mean giving away the farm either. Just quit slamming each other and concentrate on what is of real importance for a change.

  13. It is funny about the previous editors. Kinda makes a statement doesn't it?

  14. it was news and you know it if not jamie would not be talking about , by the way brand x was fine for when you were promoting your first river of life concert , Jamie you are the one who did the wrong deed in the first place , just do the time quietly please,

  15. James you know that brand X has been here longer that the town has , and brand Y or Z will not change that ,

  16. How many posters on here own their own business?
    If you do you know that it is important to prioitize what you pay and when.
    The reason taxes are left unpaid is because they offer no alternative or partial payment other than 2 payments a year. There is no incentive to pay early and while a necessary evil it interupts cash flow!
    Then if anyone hasn't noticed when times get tighteveryone delays paying each other - so while you have an accounts recieveable its not your money till its in the bank. Sometimes even that expected payment goes default and the owner gets stung or has to take action which cost money!
    The point is that there are many individuals that use the tax money during the time the taxes are delinquent. Government doesn't help that situation by offering incenives or alternative payment plans! The penalties aren't that great!
    Mel isn't the only culprit, but if your going to name people (and they alredy do on the delinquent tax pages) and put them on the frontpage. Then you need to do it for some of the prominent people in the County. Or put their namesin bold type on the deliquent tax pages!
    Oh, and one last note: It is harder to manage
    a growing business!

  17. Big DEAL, So What

    The list would be a lot bigger if most didn't have it wrapped inside a mortgage payment.

    The poll question on brand X was about Mell and was he right to question the money being spent. The results were that he was correct. That it is his job to question. When we the public are having to watch our dollars and put off purchases, we have to make sure that enities that are provided employment and supplies via our tax dollars are doing the same.

    So that is why the front page article, that is why the big deal, that is why, to show us that he is human, and that they can smack him in the face if they want to. And us the tax payer as well. I personally don't think that it is a big deal, this won't change my position about anything. But I think they hope it will get you the taxpayer to take your eye off them just long enough that they can slip something through.

  18. Okay, I'll bite... Name some other "prominent" business owners who didn't pay up. Are there any? Are any of them entrusted with the task of running our city? Did any of them make a big deal out of people not paying their water bills on time?

  19. I think the article was unfair. Mel has to pay his taxes just like everyone else and if he is late, he will also have to pay a penalty just like everyone else. He will pay a penalty which will help fix another pothole in the road.

  20. There is a big difference between Mel and the common or wealthy or not so weathly person avoiding paying taxes. Mel was elected to be responsible for the city business and the city pays its bills based on taxes. If everyone took his attitude, the city and county and schools would be broke. He is basically cheating the very people he is working for. He can scrutinize every department that he wants but they operate based on our taxes. It is arrogant to assume he can pay late and with that mentality penalize the city that is expected to pay its bills and its employees on time. Is it okay if people pay Mel and his business when they want or does he have the penalty set so high that is not the same option he takes advantage of. As a business owner, I know how well Mel pays or doesn't pay but as the former mayor of this community he is held to higher standard. The Traveler is not wrong to call him on this...he is an elected employee.

  21. This is all part of Kuhn's evil plan to gain more political power....

    Kuhn knows by not paying his taxes he will get an appointment to Obama's cabinet.

  22. Davey Junior needs to save the witch hunt for Arkalalah....

  23. Aug 21st @4:38 said:

    "The poll question on brand X was about Mell and was he right to question the money being spent. The results were that he was correct."

    the vote was 172 saying it was okay and 165 saying he was out of line. 28 had no opinion. Not really the blow out you seem to think it was.

  24. I like Bourbon, good Cigars and I speak in coarse language. The oath I took upon being elected required truthfulness and honesty, these I uphold and will resign if ever found lacking. There is no clause requiring a change in philosophy or life style. So if you need a moral compass, read the New Testament that is about a perfect man.

    As to my personal life being scrutinized at every turn, I hope you find it interesting.

    With love for all
    Mell H Kuhn
    620 441 9339

  25. As a voter and citizen of Arkansas City, I have to ask. Did you pay your tax bill yet?

  26. As is often the case, Brand-X question was slanted.
    This is America. Its called freedom of speech.
    The question could have been worded better.

  27. I would assume from Mr. Kuhn's statement that his philosophy of not paying until the penalty gets high enough also applies to those that do business with him. He doesn't pay you for products and it is okay to not pay him...good to know on several fronts.

  28. The question had a clear answer for him being right and questioning the expenditures, and two different answers for him being out of line in one manner or another. How is that slanted?

    It's not like the poll on whether you like the new layout. Yes, or no comment. THAT was slanted. The question on Kuhn was not.

  29. It's not like the poll on whether you like the new layout. Yes, or no comment. THAT was slanted.

    Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that...

    What do you think of the new Trqaveler webpage?

    I like it
    looking good
    no comment

  30. James - I came across the audit bureau of circulations website where they list circ numbers of local newspapers, and I have some questions.
    Why is Brand-y listed, but not brand-x?
    Is there any other place that tracks circulation numbers?
    Are these reported by the publisher, or are the numbers public record, and accessible by everyone?

    I've been tracking the Brand-y numbers for some time, and they, like most papers, are in decline. My report is upcoming.

  31. Brand-X is not a subscriber to the audit bureau of circulation. There is no way to independently verify their numbers.
    So they can basically claim whatever they like.
    Not sure who brand-y is ... i guess its that little paper north of here owned by the same people?
    Most newspapers do subscribe to the ABC, so they can give advertisers information that can be verified.

  32. As is often the case, Brand-X question was slanted.
    This is America. Its called freedom of speech.
    The question could have been worded better.
    August 22, 2009 10:41 PM
    so thats the problem the question was not worded right ? GIVE ME A BREAK YOU SUCK

  33. TRAVELER TRAVELER Traveler Traveler
    now it has been said
    "brand x" thats a little childish so I thought I would respond accordingly

  34. it wasn't worded right daddy james ,
    Quit drinking the kool aid
    james is not innocent in this whole thing

  35. Is Mell embarrassing to our community?
    Is Mell not embarrassing to our community?

    Now that is a poll! Post that up and let us vote.

  36. I agree. Put that poll up and let us vote.

  37. Now it comes out that Kuhn hadn't paid his taxes since 2006.

    What kind of example is that to city taxpayers?

    I think it's time for him to go.
