Thursday, August 20, 2009


Good morning everyone.
I could not resist posting that piece about corporate welfare earlier. Out tax money going to support a company from another country. How sweet is that?
I have not received the cop notes, but I will post them as soon as they arrive.
I have updated a couple of pages. The food page and the health page have been updated. The Cowley College pages has also had some updates posted.

Time is running out for my little writing contest for the best submission. I have a really nice prize - a car vacuum from McDonald's Vacuum Center. The prize will go to the best article and or picture submitted to the web site. I have a few entries already, and they are spread about the site.
The winner will be the one I choose based on my subjective opinion.

The health care reform deal seems to be what everyone wants to talk about these days. I posted some new material. There is an AP story there which is checking out the facts of the story. Mostly what I see on the issue is opinion and posturing.
What I would like to see is republicans coming up with alternative ideas.
I am not sure whether republicans are opposed to health care reform, or just opposed to Obama. Seems like politics as usual for the most part.

Also, I meant to explain how it is that I have AP stories posted on my site. They are copyrighted after all. I have permission to post stories as long as I post it as is and with their ads intact.


  1. Well me thinks we don't really understand Government as well as we should!
    You can change the dial and two hands of a clock face (the elected officials) and not effect the inner workings of the clock!
    You can speed it up or slow it down, hang bells and whistes or an alarm on it, get a bigger one or place it on top a building.
    But, it only has one purpose and function!
    The President and elected officials can only
    direct the spending of 30 cents of every tax dollar (non-discretionary) as 70 cents is already spent at each elcetion cycle.
    The machine with all its empire builders, policies and programs goes on regardless of who's elected!

    Now a question regarding the Illegals:
    If all those who were willing to risk their
    lives to come and share in the wealth and prosperity of the U.S. had risk them to stay and change Mexico? Where would they/we be today!
    There is a great deal that could be gained from countries who choose to work together - Like Canada the U.S. and Mexico. No! not one big country but working to better the lives of their citizens.
    Besides it might just prove that Chest Beater Chavez wrong!

  2. About illegals.
    You could also ask, what if europeans had stayed in europe instead of invading American Indian homeland.
    how much better off would we both be? :)

  3. You know, you're right. We should find some way to try and make it up to the indians. Maybe we could give them houses, or pay for their schooling, or maybe give them some breaks on taxes, or even better, we could let them open casinos all over the place and take everyone who's dumb enough to go in there's money. Nah, on second thought, that would never work.

  4. Puritans lived in fear and anxiety that somewhere, someone, was in some way having a good time.
    I think it is the same with conservatives.
    They just cannot stand the thought that somewhere, somehow, someone is getting something for free.

  5. And... liberals can't believe that SOME people really HAVE TO work or DO WORK for a living instead of getting everything for free. Like OMG, why would you work when someone else will?

  6. 3:12/3:04............puhleese! Here we go again!

  7. Uh puleese, they started it.

    Can you see my tongue? :-)
