Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday update

Good morning.
I have posted the cop notes on the site.
Late last night I posted a list of post offices that could close. The USPS is considering closing a few hundred as it faces hard times.
There is a long list posted on the site. Two in Wichita, but none in Cowley County. This will affect larger cities more than rural areas or small towns. Still, I thought it was interesting.
I also posted some pictures from the national night out festivities last night.
There are some new things on the site. There is a story about the swine flu on the new health page. Planning on the live blog this evening.
Still looking for revolutionary minded people to join the revolution. :) Get in touch with me if you want to help out.

Check out what's on Sale at Camping World! Hundreds of Items - Huge Savings. Click here to shop!


  1. Unfortunately, it is another example in our modern society of a business that is unable to adapt to the changing times and competition!
    I once heard a Postal employee say "How do they expect us to make a profit!
    Well they don't they are guaranteed to exist by the Federal Government! (That is not in itself a bad thing!)
    But, they don't have to operate like a private sector business.
    The problem is not unlike that with a lot of businesses/industries where the most profiable areas are the ones that a targeted the most by competition. The ones that are left are less profitable and remain as long as there is a demand.
    With each new generation and the increase in technology we are faced with the reality that all earthly things don't remain the same!

    sidenote: From todays devotion by Rick Warren

    An often-quoted research study noted that the single greatest factor determining whether a child succeeds in life or messes up is the presence and acceptance of a caring adult in his or her life. The amazing discovery was that it doesn’t have to be a parent! It just has to be someone who offers love, acceptance, and godly guidance.

  2. Turns out Cosmo Kramer was years ahead of his time.
