Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday morning

The cop notes are posted.
I am thinking about only listing incidents, as some have suggested. That is a thought ive had in the past.
Anyone have any comments on that?
I am working on a story about the latest City Commission controversy. Police Chief Sean Wallace and Commissioner Mell Kuhn are at odds over what gun the police should be using.
The real controversy is Kuhn's involvement with the department head - who in this case is Wallace.
Some of the other commissioners feel he should not be doing that.
For his part, Kuhn says he has only talked with the city manager - Steve Archer - and that is the proper procedure.
Kuhn pointed out that Wallace sent him an email. He did not contact Wallace fist.
Which gun to use is a decision that will be made by the police chief under the guidance of the city manager. Kuhn feels he knows a good bit about guns, and should offer his input in this situation.
The story should be posted soon, keep checking back :)


  1. Wasn't it Kuhn's contention the hospital was being micromanaged?
    Now he wants to micromanage the city departments. By his logic the city commission is too big.

  2. What is the reason Wallace feels they need new guns? At $500 to $600 a pop, how can they justify getting new guns? Are they having problems with some of the guns? If so why don't they just replace the ones that are giving them problems? If they are having problems with the guns, why don't they address the manufacturer. Or is it that they just "want" new guns? I am interested in knowing...

  3. Wow! Where did you get the figure on the guns? Are you in the know? Can you share other info?

    I understand the cost, but how does it compare to future costs of parts, service and repairs? If they can afford new guns now wouldn't it make more sense to buy now rather than when they might not have the funds later?

    A couple of quick questions:

    1) Where is the funding coming from to purchase these guns?

    2) Who is Kuhn going to blame for this uproar?

  4. Can't the H&K's be sold to offset the cost ?

  5. 2) Who is Kuhn going to blame for this uproar?

    The white elitists

  6. Kuhn and Wallace are going to have a showdown at high noon right between city hall and the police department. I wonder if top cop could out shoot mayor mell??

    Boss Hogg

    Roscoe go get some popping corn and some sodies we want to get front row seats for this....yee haw

  7. I wonder how many times the ACPD have actually used their guns in the line of duty. Is there a way to find the numbers on something like that?

  8. What Hogg, no comment about Obama showing up to take away the guns? Man, you are losing it.

  9. Obama will take them away AFTER the duel.

  10. THe PD should already have an armorer on-site to repair and service the guns they have, so they shouldn't have any costs in the maintenace. The most the guns get used is range time (when is the last tiem you heard the ACPD involved in shooting). I do agree that Kuhn should stay out of departmental affairs, but if it is going to cost the city money, the comissioners do have a right to know the facts. From what I read, he contacted the city manager, not the PD.

  11. Gosh for once I actually agree with Mr. Wallace. If the cops need new guns, they should get new guns. If they are 10 years old (I think the Traveler - sorry JJ - article said this) they should be replaced. Kuhn should find some new hobbies. Nothing he wants is going to fly now like it did last year.

    Also, Boss Hog - from the Wikipedia article on the fictional character from the TV show--

    In a typical episode of The Dukes of Hazzard, Boss hires others to carry out his crimes...Some of Hogg's favorite schemes include bank and armored car robbery, counterfeiting, fraud, and 'shine running.

    Sure sounds like a Mel Kuhn supporter to me.

  12. It will be interesting to see how this comes out. I believe that at the present time ACPD is using SIG pistols, and they want to switch to Glock. SIG is a very fine weapon, but the Glock is lighter because of the plastic parts. I have shot both and found the SIG to be more accurate in the larger 45 cal. It would seem that everyone on here thinks that the city mgr.runs the city. You must remember that he serves at the pleasure of the City Commission, they are his ultimate boss. If an expenditure is questioned it is up to the city mgr. to justify it. If a commissioner has a question it is his job to get an answer. Personally I would like to see our police dept back into a proper uniform, and looking like a police officer. Not to be worried about how tactical they can look, but how best to serve the people that they are sworn to protect. Thank you.

  13. The Police Department now carries the H&K pistols, not SIG, both of which are inferior to the Glock as a Police carry weapon. Glock parts and modifications are much easier to come by and cheaper. The H&K is well liked by many, but the Glock is a much better service weapon hands down! And yes, I carried both on duty. I hated the H&K. I shot 100% on the Firearms practical at KLETC with the Glock however!

    I agree that it is time for AC to change to the Glock! Hopefully the H&Ks can be sold at a discount to ofset the price.

    BTW, Departments get their guns a LOT cheaper than citizens, so the $500 to $600 estimate is way off.

  14. Boy, they must get them a LOT cheaper!!!! The Traveler article said it would only cost a total of $3200 for 24 new Glocks! That's just $133.33 per pistol! WOW!!! Either they're getting a heck of a deal on them or, as usual, the Traveler screwed up the facts, or (surely not) the city manager gave out the wrong numbers. It would be interesting to know the facts.

  15. SG was a cop?!?! Nowww it's all starting to make sense.

  16. @12:05p.m. he's said it a dozen times on here. i don't think it was a you know. lots of people were cops or worked closely with law enforcement.

  17. PD is trading in the HK's for the glocks, This is actually one of the smartest things Wallace has done, or goining to do unless Smellis Kuhn gets his way. Kuhn should let the department heads run the departments. Or we could make Kuhn supreme commander in chief of all things city. When I need to know how to get a turd out of a pipe I'll call Kuhn. Untill then let the pros run the departments.

  18. Ok, jj here goes. (1)Question: Why do we have a department head or in this case, a Chief of PD? I believe we have them to run the dept. I would assume that since the dept. head works with this as their life, they probably know a LOT about it. At least that's the way it's supposed to work. Point: Let the Dept. head run the dept. or replace them. Chief Wallace is no dummy. He hasn't asked for a large thing. If he thinks it's best for his officers, then maybe, maybe he knows what he's talking about. Sure, let the Commissioners know, ask questions, but PLEASE let's not micromanage the Dept heads.

    (2)"I am thinking about only listing incidents, as some have suggested. That is a thought ive had in the past."

    Seriously, what's it hurt to JUST list the crimes only? Certainly if a particular case is a danger to the public at large it probably would be on the headline of the front page of brand x anyway. I know a lot of folk feel different from me on this. But, in my mind, they're just plain nosey if they want to know if I got a speeding ticket. None of their business.

    thanks for listening, jj. even though I am anonymous, I make sense.

  19. I've said this before in another post.....I can understand not listing a name for sensitive issues, but I don't see anything wrong with other things. I know someone that is not normally a troublemaker but got into a little trouble. The embarrassment of having their name published in the paper was enough to keep that person out of trouble. Their's pros and cons to publishing names obviously. Just maybe if you don't want to see your name in police notes, then stay outta trouble.

  20. 12:47
    Yeah, well I'm new here. I've only seen his narrow-minded rants on Byte's site. That's all I knew of him. As I said, this new (to me) info explains A LOT.

  21. I'm sorry that you find me narrow minded on the subject of killing babies in the last trimester for reasons such as "Single Episode Depression", and "Adjustment Disorder".

    Oh wait.. No I'm not! Those actions are ILLEGAL, and immoral, and constitute murder in my book (and the Kansas Statute Book).

    In many other things I have a narrow mind as well. I am very narrow minded when it comes to loving my family. Protecting my family. Raising my children to be good moral people.

    But I am also open minded in a lot of things as well. I commented quite a lot on byte's blog about other things, and we even agreed on a few things (although it was rare). I just didn't put my name on the posts. You will see just how much I commented on there when you see how much the comments drop off since I am no longer visiting.

    Don't jusge me until you know all the facts. I am very open minded to many subjects. Just not the above.

  22. Stick around 10:26 pm, you'll get to know sg , plenty of times we haven't agreed on topics, but I still respect his opinion. Everyone has a stance on something and because we all have different opinions, that is what keeps issues in balance although unsteady at times. That being said, who could know better about guns then an officer or former officer. I understand kuhns concern about money, which that questioned has been answered, but aren't the police the ones that are depending on their gun to be ready to go, easier to handle, etc when needed? Yes, we may be a small town, but you never know what could happen. I say kudos to chief wallace for getting us into a new century and kudos for him for also keeping the female officer in mind!

  23. The SWAT thing kind of gets to me. Kuhn has ranted about Ark City being part of SWAT, or getting training and equipment because we never have use for them. It seems we had a SWAT arrest in Ark City only about a week ago. Then I read in Brand-X that SWAT was needed again in the last day or so in Winfield. Maybe Kuhn should stand back and let our PD train and be ready JUST IN CASE.

  24. So, SG, is it lonely way up there?

  25. No, I have lots of moral people around me. The truth is, in the real world most people think the same way I do.
