Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday morning, august begins - progress

Cop notes from the weekend are posted on the site.
Amazing weather we are having for this time of year. It's actually nice out during the day.
The city has its meetings today, and the papers will likely be signed to sell the bonds for the new hospital. This will make it a done deal. Its sort of like signing the mortgage papers when you buy a house.
Its kind of convoluted, but basically, the hospital agrees to pay the bonds for the building commission, and the building commission promises to pay the bonds for the city, and the city agrees to the deal. Its just the legalities of how things go.
The city itself cannot build anything, so it has to create a public building commission to do the building.
There was question at the worksession Thursday about whether the hospital could afford to make the payments of $1.7 million per year. A local newspaper said two commissioners raised questions, but at the meeting I went to, it was only one commissioner who raised questions.
The citizens voted for a half-cent sales tax to help pay for the hospital. The hospital can currently afford $1.5 million, and the sales tax will more than make up for the deficit in order to pay the $1.7 million.
Now it is true that President Obama is pushing a new health world, and we do not know what that will mean, but as other commissioners pointed out, there will always be reasons to not do something.
A wise old proverb says "if you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done."
Ultimately, in a worse-case scenario, the city would be liable for the payments. If the hospital cant pay and goes bankrupt, the citizens would have to pay the payments.
But the hospital has been doing very well financially. The figures that show what the hospital can pay are based on current data. Most of the time, new facilities have a nice increase in profit, and that is not even taken into consideration.
It looks like progress to me.

The Burford Theater is also coming along nicely. They held their first live performance there since restoration began a few years ago.
It will take some more years, but eventually, it will be restored to its original grandeur.
We have several other businesses building new facilities - Braums and others.
It just seems like we are on the verge of being a boom town.
The weather is really nice too.
How will the naysayers shoot this down? :)


  1. "Hey Billy-Bob, let's go over to Ark City - I hear they got one of them fancy Eye-talian restaurants.... They did?...Well, they gotta Braum's...let's go there."

    I think there is a difference between a naysayer and a realist. I'm all for progress, but it has to be done right, or else you're just spinning your wheels.

  2. Not to mention the new payday loan businesses and now a bail bondsman across from city hall. Classy. If that's what being a boom town entails, I would opt for backwood hillbilly redneck village.
