Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Campaign forms

The recent city commission election was interesting. Today I received the forms the candidates submitted outlining their contributions and expenses.
I dont know why no one has reported on this so far, including me.
It is interesting reading, but nothing real earth-shaking.
One thing that was interesting to me was that the candidates made contributions to other candidates in order to help bring one group or the other to power.
Whether there really is a "three-amigo" party verses the other group, is not clear, but it does make for interesting stories.
Dotty Smith and Mell Kuhn contributed to Gordon Fry. Smith also contributed to Bob Matthews and Scott Margolius.
Jay Warren and Jean Snell both contributed to Patrick McDonald's campaign.
You may read the whole story .. as well as download the PDF file which has all the forms, by clicking here.


  1. Thank you JJ for helping me decide what businesses and individuals in town to support and which to ignore.

  2. You're seriously going to avoid businesses based on what candidate they supported? I'm sorry but isn't that a childish thing to do?

  3. It looks like there were two movements here. One for progess and one against. Or perhaps against should be described as controlled by a certain few. In either case the dividing lines had already been drawn. I see no surprises here.

  4. Hey 7:33

    Poster said "helping" to decide. This blog helps me decide as well. Making an informed decision involves considering as much input as possible, and is anything but childish.

    If I have a choice between company A and company B, and company is using money they received from me to support a movement I am against, I'm going to company B (perhaps they have a boogie-woogie bugle boy).

  5. I am 9:32pm and my stance is explained pretty well by 12:12pm, but I say too that the sooner we are rid of Kuhn, his business, and who ever supports the things he supports we will be better off.

  6. Ok, whatever 12:12 i might go to company b since they have the bugle boy. :)
    I just feel that i'm not going to quit using such and such business, all because they supported a candidate I don't like.

  7. You think the town is better off without Kuhn and all his endeavors, interesting.

  8. I agree - he is/was not a visionary in any sense of the word.

    All he did for me was screw up a job and force me to call someone from out of town to fix it. To be fair, it wasn't him,personally, but one of his employees. I believe, though, in that case the buck stops at his desk.

    None of the local contractors I have used want to work w/ his company. I'm sure his supporters will refute that, but it is my observation.

  9. Wait till you see the proposal that is going to be announced at the next commission meeting...

    Then decide if you are A or B supporter

  10. to 7-30-09 4:18PM

    We are far from perfect, however I’ll bet there is another side to your story, number one; we (me and my men) warranty all our work, number 2; we use local contractors and suppliers all the time and I have yet had a one refuse the opportunity or the money.

    Furthermore KUHN Mechanical Inc. continues to grow despite the economy, we must be doing something right.

    Mell H Kuhn Pres.
    KUHN Mechanical Inc.
    620 441 9339

  11. I do agree with Kuhn and when you think about it actually no one business is perfect. If there is one, please do let me know. If something was not right, then why didn't you say so?
