Tuesday, July 14, 2009

City Commisison, budget

City Commissioners met for about three hours last night, with various department heads, to go over the new budget.
City Manager Steve Archer has put together a balanced budget that will have no tax increase.
The budget includes a one-percent cost of living pay increase for employees, and a possible one percent merit pay increase.
Sales tax revenue is expected to remain about the same, which is a concern because prices keep going up for materials needed.
Property valuations have gone down, and that means property tax revenue has taken a small hit as well.
All in all, it's a pretty austere budget.
The biggest new item will be a new ambulance, which is a possibility. Talk about vehicles was the largest issue last night.
Ill post more on this later on the site.
They will meet again Thursday to talk more budget at the worksession. There may be a hearing at the next regular meeting - next Tuesday - and the budget could get first round approval at that time. They could hold a hearing and pass the budget on August 4.
I was not able to live blog. Still trying to get that worked out. It is going to cost $60 a month for the card, and a two year contract is required. Doesn't sound all that cheap to me.

Nunn Bush


  1. JJ, were you aware that the City has several Cox internet accounts/terminals at city hall, already being paid for. Maybe theres a source. They also have several wi-fi [cards] accounts, so there arguement is pretty lame.

  2. Cool, does that mean i can now say im being persecuted?

  3. Draw your own conclusion. They will "lie" to you.

  4. "They" being the city or the conclusions?
