Wednesday, July 8, 2009

getting closer

We almost made it to Springfield, Missouri last night. We should get back today. Just two days late, not so bad for us.
Im feeling much better but the wife is still sick. She is doing better, but we were making lots of emergency stops for her yesterday.
We are near a little town called Mountain Grove. Found a pretty cheap place along the highway. Surprisingly not run by Indians. Ive nothing against Indians - Asian - running hotels. Its just a surprise when its not.
Some of these cheap places along the road are not bad at all. This motel has a nice sized room. The usual stuff. We can usually tell from the outside what a place will be like, and we are not hesitant to ask to see the room first.
About all of them have free wireless internet now.
Some do not allow dogs.

I wish I could have made it to the city commission meeting last night.
But I will catch up on covering the city in a few days.
Ive not had many people post classified ads on here, send em in and ill get them on on for you.

I do have the cop notes updated. (N is for fit)


  1. That sucks when you're on vacation. Glad you're feeling better and hope your wife feels better soon.

  2. Bummer, man. Sick on vacation. :(
