Thursday, October 1, 2009

ArKansas versus ArkanSAW

People not familiar with Arkansas City, often pronounce the name ArkanSAW City. Locals say ArkanSAS City.
The issue came up during the recent funeral services for Sgt. Tyler Juden.
An Arkansas City woman last week sent the city a possible solution to the problem, which is changing how the name is spelled. City commissioners discussed the idea at their worksession  Thursday evening.
The idea is to change the spelling to ArKansas City, which would make the pronunciation more clear.
“It is a cool idea,” said commissioner Dotty Smith. “It would be a simple way to take care of it.”
 City Attorney Tamara Niles is going to look into the legalities involved and report to the commission at a later date.
Mayor Jay Warren said the people of the city could perhaps vote on such an issue at the next election.
 While commissioners were seeing humor in the issue, they are interested in talking more seriously about it once they find out the legal requirements.
See the full story here


  1. There have been attempts in the past to change the name to "Ark City" but they have all fallen through.

  2. Yes ive heard that. Be intersting to see if this gets any traction.

  3. I almost fell off my chair the other day when I was talking to tech support person and they actually pronounced it right! When I said something, he said it doesn't make sense to pronounce it as Arkan(saw) City when its a city in Kansas.

  4. I have noticed in some phone conversations, if you say ArKANSAS city, people think you are saying Kansas City, so that is confusing too.

  5. No change needed, it's a hillbilly town, thus the often used prononciation is correct.
    Before the indigation boils over, it's a joke.

  6. its funny what a bunch of idiots think they need to do to validate their jobs

  7. I agree this has got to be a Dotty issue no one else is that stupid, who cares how anyone choses to say the name

  8. Some people do seem to care. It was a citizen who wrote to the commission with the idea.
    What's idiotic to me is spending thousands of dollars in legal fees, and then more to defend, creation of regulating adult businesses.
    We dont have any.
    A solution to a non-problem.
    Theyre not going to do the adult regulation thing yet, but ...
