Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama should decline Nobel Peace Prize

I heard about Obama getting a Nobel Peace Prize this morning while at breakfast with some friends. I didn't believe them. Apparently it is true. The AP story says even the White House (the adminstration) was shocked by the move.
Here is a link to the story.

I think the best thing Obama could do today, would be to graciously decline the award.
The prize has become a political gift. An award to play political games with, and that is all this is.
Obama may do great things in his presidency, but his first term has just started. (I dont see the pubs beating him in his run for a second.)
Still, this certainly lowers the prize's prestige.
He just hasnt done anything yet. He hasnt even delivered on health care yet, and he has not got us out of iraq and afghanistan yet. Doesnt sound like peace prize material to me.
Its just using the prize to score political points. Even in giving the award, the committee acknowledged that his plans have not come to fruition yet concerning foreign policy. About the only thing he has done - and it wasn't him - was that the U.S. image abroad improved when it got elected.
Anyone can call for a reduction in nuclear arms. Hey everybody, lets reduce our nuclear arms. See, I just did it. :)
He should reject the prize because he has not earned it.
Of course, he could do so in a gracious way. If he did that, I would call him a great president and my respect for him and the office would grow a lot.
Doubt it will happen, but ... we shall see.


  1. Or he could do the right thing and RESIGN from the office of president.....

  2. JJ, for once, you and I are in total agreement. I looke dup the Nobel Prize and found this:

    "According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded 'to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.'"

    Obama has done nothing to earn this. He MAY at a later date, but the nomination for this prize was done in February. Obama had only been in office 2 weeks, and had not given the nuclear arms speech OR reached out to the Muslim world yet.

    This the cult of personality, and that is all. Politically motivated pandering. The Nobel Peace Prize is now meaningless. Al Gore won this thing for making a movie for god's sake.

    Obama would earn some of my respect if he turned it down.

  3. It's not that big of deal when you consider some of the people who have won it. It really doesn't amount to anything anymore. Yasser Arafat a terrorist won it in 1994!!

  4. Like everything else the prize has become a show! Just get a ticket.

  5. I do agree that he is not the right choice. But I think people do not realize how much the rest of the world was glad to be rid of George W Bush.

  6. Good point.
    So the prize should have gone to the American electorate. :)

  7. off subject sort of but check out the neew gold dollar. heard it does 'not' have in 'god we trust' on it. why not? d.

  8. You should have read what the accompanying article said. :)
    That coin is from the 1850's
    not exactly new.
    Im not sure when "in god we trust" was added to coins and bills.
    i know it wasnt on there originally, like in the early 1800s.

  9. It is a powerful statement from the world view but I am cautious in thinking it is deserved - yet.

    Obama hasn't closed Gitmo, we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, he hasn't repealed DADT and hasn't been able to pass comprehensive health care reform.

    The only thing that comes to my mind is why buy the cow when the milk is free. I want results and not a down payment on world perception. Let's get to work Obama.

  10. He most certainly does not deserve the Nobel peace prize. His action in Honduras - which Newt Gingrich calls the worst foreign policy position he has ever observed in his lifetime - could very likely bring that country into a terrible civil bloodbath.

  11. From the world view or the few crazies?

  12. Obama and Clinton refuse to recognize the present Micheletti government, even though former President's removal (Zelaya) was don in accordance with Honduran law and its constitution (according to Congressional Research Service's Auguest 29th report filed with the Library of Congress). Zelaya's removal was ordered by the Honduran Supreme Court (15-0 vote) and approved by its congress (122-6, with 5 of the dissenting votes being those of the Honduran communist party members. Pro-Chavez Zelaya was attempting a referendum to allow himself to be re-elected, aka Chavez in Venezuela. He continued his actions after being repeatedly warned. Yet Obama refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the new government - which was installed according to the Honduran constitution. This man is a radical socialist!

  13. Here is a good article from,8599,1929395,00.html

  14. From the Time article:

    "By now there are surely more callouses on his lips than his hands."


  15. Congratulations to the President on his selection as Nobel Peace Prize winner. EVen if he declined it, the fact would remain that he was their choice.
    And, whomever was selected would know they were not the choice of preference.
    Let's give him the moment and then get back to work on life issues.
    Some years my mother would celebrate her birthday a day early. When she opted to do that, we came to her party on the day she designated.
    We still had a great celebration. It did nto make it her birthday - the next day was- but we still enjoyed the moment. A day later she earned the annual mark anyway. It was good that we did it her way because the time came when there was not another day to celebrate with her.
    Glad we didn't spasm over it. For the sake of the skeptics and scoffers, he'll have to earn it now.

  16. Did anyone check to see if the land deed for the whole USA was still in that Vault in the White House?

  17. LOL @ 3:23

    Actually I thought China had it, but Russia might?

  18. Mexico has dibs on the South-West 1/3 of our country. Most of their citizens are already living there.

  19. You all need to hear what Gil Gross said today on his noon show. He said giving Obama the prize was like paying your son to clean his bedroom a week from now, but he gets the five dollars today! Obama might do it, but then again, he might not. So why pay him now for something he hasn't accomplished yet. I think it was a slap in Bush's face by a government that hated Bush two weeks after he left office. No respect from me any more regarding the Peace prize.

  20. I think the Nobel Peace Prize will be just fine even without our approval or endorsement. Let's just pledge to let Prseident Obama be the last ever American to receive the award. That ought to show the whole world we mean business.

    Ok, it was a slap at Bush among other things but, can we really argue, intelligently, that the whole world is as preoccupied with the United States of America as we are.

    I think our nation may be a bit self-absorbed. We are convinved, as the world's foremost authority of motive and defender of pure motives, that the award has only the intent of unsettling the USA and offending those who love George Bush.

    I love what President Bush done for the energy industries for 6 of his 8 yrs in office. (the first was a wash and the last saw the global economy implode)

    However, while the "energies" boasted of and reveled in the good times under loose or no regulations by the federal government, they bled the typical household savings to negative numbers one $100 tankful of gasoline at a time.

    That cost of the oil war was passed on to consumers also through the local grocer, oher retailers and even through other energy providers such as electric and nat gas providers. The point is, those billions came from somewhere and while we were blinded by political rhetoric, no one noticed it was coming from....................

    YOU the typical household wage earner!!!

    Meanwhile, as we were running a huge tab waging war in the middle east, the energy companies were exporting oil from secured resources at pennies on the dollar. We got flim flammed. They blamed the war for the high cost while using the war powers to take oil from that oil rich region.

    So maybe Obama's award is recognition for pledging to stop the madness of the USA looting and pillaging around the world and gouging its folks at home. He may not have accomplished his major goals overnight. However, much can be said for his demontration of holding his peace despite the insane attacks and criticisms that multiply daily at the hands of his own constituency.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded 'to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.'"SG

    ---My 2cents: Please note the words "SHALL HAVE DONE...". In school they taught me this was past tense (back when they actually taught) Now, can anyone point to at least 1 thing that Prez. O. has done? (besides spend money we don't have) For real? What? Now, before you answer that, it seems that they concocted this award to Prez. O. only 11 days AFTER he was in office. Some people on here just don't think. Automatons. Parrots. It wasn't designed to be an award on credit. It was to be for accomplishments. Oh well, I guess if Yassir Arafat, Jimmy Carter, & Al Gore can get it...doesn't matter. (Yawn) BTW, jj, no way he's declining. Recipient gets $1.4 Million.


  23. no way he's declining. Recipient gets $1.4 Million.


    Well don't let him donate it to charity - it will cost that much or more for him to go and recieve the award in person. Make him pay for the trip and save the tax payers the expense!

  24. It will go straight to his bank account, and the taxpayers will foot the bill for the trip.

  25. Elect an African American as POTUS and all of a sudden folks want the POTUS to car pool everywhere. Don't ever recall in my 30 adult years hearing so many folks against paying for the President to do his job. If he drove his own car, you would trip if he wasn't filmed pumping his own gas.

    This is a bias. Not labeling what the bias is. I am just saying, now all of a sudden we want the President to pay his own way? Now it's an unfunded position. We have become hillbilly America.
    No dignity. No decorum. No decency. No ambition. This nation would rather see itself fail than to have to give credit in history books for the recovery to an African American.

    Hillbilly America

  26. Hillbilly America


    Your right of course - I forgot we elected Obama as King and Nancy as Queen!

  27. 11:11,

    You don't remember the upraor when Clinton got his hair cut on Air Force one at the taxpayer's expense?

    And guess what.....


    Maybe it's not all about the color of Obama's skin. Amazing isn't it?

  28. I dont remember the hair cut, but it would not surprise me.
    I dont think its racist to not like obama either.
    im still waiting to see what actually happens.
    He could be a great president, or bad, i dont know.
    but one point i want to make is.
    to accuse anyone who criticizes obama of doing so out of racist motives .. is a racist comment itself.
