Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Good morning everyone.
NOt sure if I mentioned that my laptop computer is out of commission for a few days.
Im using an old desktop, which is rather creaky and hard to use.
SO its making things move more slowly.
Just like when I was at brand-x and had lousy equipment to work with.
Anyways, cop reports are updated.
ALso updated the sports pages. Cowley basketball preseason predictoins are in, as well as some BIg-12 notes
I have the material from each of our four big 12 schools ... OU< OSU, KU and KSU .. with stats, player quotes and other information.
If youre a hard core sports fan you will like it.
BUt I do need to know if people are reading that. Its pretty easy to get and post. If you like it ill keep doing it.
Theres also some arkalalah info there as well
Parade tomorrow night.


  1. Taking a guess at the question you asked on the website about the pic. I would have to say Camp Horizon.

  2. I was thinking 1st bridge on Grouse Creek

  3. why bring Brand X into the post . They do not keep posting about James "cut n paste" Jordan
    Move on,let it go, you messed up,they ask you to leave . GET OVER IT , they have.

  4. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to read this blog. He can say what ever the hell he wants.

  5. Don't have a clue, but maybe the nature center? Haven't been there for awhile though.

  6. I didn't think about the Nature Center. That's a good guess.

  7. I have to say, you show a little too much of a grudge toward your old employer IMO. If you hated it so much, why didn't you quit and find something else. I don't care much for the Traveler either, and yeah, I worked there myself eons ago, before the Seatons, but I find your constant digs to be childish. Now, if they were taking shots at you constantly, I could see it, but they haven't said a word to my knowledge, which admittedly is limited to the websites and blogs.

  8. THANK YOU that was my point as well

  9. I agree, I think its taken at the 1st bridge on Grouse Creek outside of Silverdale

  10. My goodness "someone" is sensitive.
    That was a very mild dig, and ive not taken any really bad shots at them.
    Ive not mentioned things i could mention at all.
    What if i said something that was actually bad?

  11. You were caught in plagarism, then threw a major hissy fit saying you were innocent. Then when the proof was shown, you came up with a lame excuse about a spider bite.

    Give up your little pity party and move on. Your "witty" comments about the Traveler just makes you that much more pathetic....

  12. I was not caught in plagarism. That is a lie.
    i did not plagarize.

  13. You got some dirt? Let's hear it.

  14. James Jordan said...
    I was not caught in plagarism. That is a lie.
    i did not plagarize.

    You used the exact same article that was printed by NewsCow and attached the Travelers byline to it.....


  15. If you dislike JJ so much, then why do you read his blog?

  16. James,

    I enjoy your blog. That being said:

    Main Entry: pla·gia·rize
    Function: verb
    Inflected Form(s): pla·gia·rized; pla·gia·riz·ing
    Etymology: plagiary
    Date: 1716
    transitive verb
    : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
    intransitive verb
    : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

    — pla·gia·riz·er noun

    see also: James Jordan

    BTW, you even spelled plagiarize wrong.

    The point: OWN IT! stop saying you didn't do it and just own your mistake already. Then move on and quit talking about it. We will all forgive you and forget about it.

  17. James, if you breath a word of the inner goings on of the Arkansas City Traveler, you will be sorry. Do not go there. Just enjoy the small amount of celebrity you still have by running this blog and be glad we have not ran you out of town.

  18. Tom Sawyer didn't you just plagiarize by not siting the source you copied that definition from?

  19. HAHA. You're right, I did. But I got bit by a mosquito this morning.

    It came from the Merriam Webster Dictionary.

  20. no, i sent a one-sentence update to the webmaster,
    and then somehow i managed to copy the newscow part and put it on there, but it was way down the page and separate.
    I did not attach ANY byline at all
    I did not claim it was my work
    I accidentally put some newscow material at the end of the email to the web master ...
    that is just making a stupid mistake and failing to make proper attribution
    it is not plagarism

    and remember, this was a one-sentence update on the web. it was not a story.

  21. I see the children are typing away today! Name calling and accusations are running high and wide. I read both the Traveler and Newscow online as well as the Courier and Revived. Many times they have the same stories posted with the same words because that is how the story is given to them. I do remember the time that the big problem occurred, but it was a mistake, and no one is above making a mistake. I am sure (99.9% positive) that anyone who has posted in here has some sort of an education. If you went through high school or college, I bet at one time or other you copied something that was not yours. I have enough hours to have a doctorate,and I am an honest person, so I will admit in public that I copied a few lines that weren't mine over the years. Hey, they were better than mine!!! Don't tell me you haven't done the same in one way or the other. It is in the past, and the past is there to stay!

  22. Do not go there. Just enjoy the small amount of celebrity you still have by running this blog and be glad we have not ran you out of town.

    Gee, I didn't know there was an INK MAFIA, but there must be after that post!

  23. Yea that poster scared me straight. I better start crossing my T's and dotting my I's

  24. He has more celebrity status here than at the Brand X newspaper in my opinion. At least, here I know who he is, at X I did not. LOL! Keep up the good job, Celebrity James.

  25. JJ- keep up the good work. We enjoy your blog even if Brand X is scared of it.

    Thanks for keeping us informed and giving us a place to discuss. I appreciate your hard work and dedication.

  26. would someone PLEASEjust get over it and let us move on. am tired of hearing of James mistake. geeeeeeeeeeeez!!!!!!!!!! also tired of m jackson stuf on tv all the time. the guy is dead. let us rest in peace! d.

  27. Anonymous said...
    would someone PLEASEjust get over it and let us move on. am tired of hearing of James mistake. geeeeeeeeeeeez!!!!!!!!!!

    Then tell that to James, ever one of his "witty" comments about Brand-X brings the issue back. He so badly wants to make snide remarks about the Traveler and yet keep his hands clean of any wrong doing he committed...

  28. The Traveler is a two-bit liberal rag, and JJ was an editor of a two-bit liberal rag. This little girl slap fight between the Traveler and JJ reminds me of the Special Oylmpics... even if you win you are still retarded....

  29. Anonymous said...
    You got some dirt? Let's hear it.

    The Traveler threw a major hissy last week over the Arkalah medallion. Seems the Traveler demanded the medallion clues be delivered by 8:00am every morning and they were mad because others (radio stations and NewsCow) were also getting the clues. Maybe even getting the clues before the Traveler...

  30. Sweet. That's the kind of dirt I'm talking about. I was surprised to see the clues show up at other "news organizations". I bet Davey boy was a little upset about that. Cuts down on people buying the traveler just for the clues. Why else would anyone buy that rag?

  31. The clues are on the internet - you don't have to buy it.

  32. Could the photo be in Avocado? Looks like some places I have seen in there.

  33. Theres a good guess! JJ, when you planning on spilling the beans!!

  34. The picture was in WInfield.
    Its on that boat landing area where the dam is off 19th street, west of Main.
    I dont know the name of that little park there.

  35. re:1:51
    I never bet on baseball.

  36. re:1:51
    I did not have relations with that woman

  37. The men who created godOctober 31, 2009 at 11:12 PM

    Judge not, lest ye be judged.
